Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 04, 1987, Page 4, Image 4

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    Paye 4, Portland Otisfciveç February 4, 1987
V a le n tin e 's D ances for S pecial People
Si’ii»ns i .in i eletn.iie Valentine's Day in grand style at the Fourth Annual
City Wide Syyei ilie .in Hall sjNinsored by Itie Pait Bureau s Senior Leisure
Held at Asi ention Catholic Church. S t /6 th and Yamhill on
Tluiisday Fehrii.uy ,2 trorn 1 to 4 p m this free hall features Georgi?
Sievert and On hestia refreshments, fun booths, miners and door prizes
f in m o te in fo rm a tio n and rese rvatio ns call 248 4328
People w ith m ental retardation or m ulti handicapping co n d itio n s can
meet new tnends and celebrate Valentines Day dancing to a live band at
one of ttie ( n.l.iy Niota Dan. es sponsored by tfie P.nk Bureau s Disabled
Citizens He. realm n p n .ijr.im f oi ages 15 anil older, die Valentine dance
lakes |>lai •• February 13 from 7 30 to 10 p m at M t Scott Com m unity
Center SF 72nd and Harold Die fe e is $1
Poet Lewis to A ir W o rk
Lois Mane Lewis poet lecturer, will host KBOO " ta lk in g Earth" the
thin) Thursday of d ie m onth T u n e your dial to 90 / FM and listen to Luis
and guest poets at 11 00 p m
A Poets 1 alk W ith God w ritten by Lois Mane Lewis during the m onth
of December, will be aired in tw o parts February 19 I art 11 and Match 19
( art 2)
Key largc T
A ct
Kch Cov l nq to n
Bits H Pieces
W o rd o f th e W eek
C o lo r o f th e W eek
M a rty r one w h o m a ke s g re a t s a c rific e fo r his
B ronze
B e e G ’a
Soul Food M oves D o w n to w n
The Zodiac Club, now under an all Black management team, has re
placed the infam ous Slovaki w ith one of the lammmist Soul Food menus
ever This includes Chicken, Greens, Yams. Ham, Neckbones. Dirty Rice.
Cornbread and more
Being an adm itted eataholic, you can catch me either lunch or dinner
tim e stuffing my face and enjoying the good music and atmosphere that
the "n e w Zodiac provides See ya there1
N.E Residents U n ite to "Say No to Drugs'*
On Feb 14th everyone is invited to the Royal Esquire to join forces with
yout neighbors to Say No to Drugs
This gathering is in entertainm ent
form , so be ready to enjoy yourselves The evening will feature some of
the hottest lipsync acts I have ever seen from Aretha Franklin to Janet
Jackson A special guest appearance w ill be made by last week's featured
Untouchable Krew who will jxrrform Pipe Dreams" and "Slave to the
Rock , tw o anti drug songs. The evening will Lx? com plete only when you
get there D on't miss it •
J iJ M H
Thursday, * •’*’ 5
5700 N E U nion. 281 1176
Fn Sun . Michael Holiday b Co
B ra sse rie M o n tm a rte
626 S W P a rk. 224 5552
Fn sat , Dennis Springer Quartet
B lu e M a x
3355 N E C o rn e ll Rd 640 2651
Sat Calvin Walker and The Conquerors Orchestra
H o b b it
S E 39th £» H o lg a te 771 0742
Fn Sat. Mel Brown Quintet
K ey Largo
31 N W 1st 223 9919
Fn., Dan Reed Network
Sat Mayther Bros W Linn Sisters
O C a lla h a n s
11650 S W C a n yo n 626 2223
Mon , Cool R
O rig in a l R ic h a rd s
4534 S E M c L o u g h lin 230 4845
Fn Sat , LeRoy Vtnnegar b Co , Sun., Jam Session
R e m o 's
1425 N W G lisan 221 1150
Sun , Jan W Ron Steen
R oyal E squire
1708 N E A lb e rta 287 5145
Fn Sat . Billy LarkK. W Dr Rock.
Sun., Jam Session
S a lty s . . .
fo o t o f S E M a rio n . 239 8900
Wed Thurs , Cool R. Fn Sat., Beverly Ducat Band
Shanghai Lounge
0309 S W M o n tg o m e ry 220 1865
Sun . Hypertension
T h ird A ve C lu b
..........................................•.. . .
309 S W 3rd, 222 9180
Fri Sat . Ron Steen Quartet featuring Ralph Black
PCC C elebrates Black H istory M o n th
’ " “ u O Y O J O N E S STRUG G LE
Portland C om m unity College will observe "B lack History M o n th " during
the m onth of February A variety of events w ill be held on each campus
There will be guest speakers, local and national personalities in many areas:
governm ent, law education, politics, industry, labor and the arts Movies
for entertainm ent and film s dealing w ith serious issues facing society will
hr? shown at various times of the day and evening
Check the program
schedule below for times and places for the events that interest you The
Portland com m unity is invited to attend
Should you need additional inform ation, call the follow ing campuses
Cascade Campus, 283 2541, Rock Creek Campus. 645 4461, Southeast
Center. 777 8020, and Sylvania Campus. 244 6111
C M V I N W ftlK E R ...........
Won't«» f«b 9
Cascade Cam pus
705 N K illingsw orth
283 2541
2 6
2 9
2 10
2 ,1
O p ra h W in fre y p o rtra y s B ig g e r s m o th e r
M rs
PB 6
A uditorium
T h o m a s, in N a tiv e
"N a tiv e Son"
Two weeks ago. I attended a special preview o f Native Son . the new
movie based on Richard W right 's classic novel
Maybe my opinion is biased, because I read the book, but when the lights
came up, I was really disappointed The actors did a very good |ob, but
their screenplay left a lot to he desired So little attention was paid to the
drama that kept me awake when I read the hook, that I wonder if the w riters
even bothered to read the w hole book or if they irtferpreted a Readers Di
gest condensed version Some things are better left alone
C areer C o n fere n c e Set
Young wom en from the Portland m etropolitan area will have an oppor
(unity to meet w ith local wom en representing various careers at die eighth
annual Expanding Your Horizons Career Conference on Saturday February
/. 198/
The conference will be held at Portland State University from
8 45 it m to 1? 30 p m and is open to young wom en 7th through 12th
Preregistration deadline is January 31. 198/
For further inform ation
please contact Barbara Berard at 248 5800. ext 499
Red Cross CPR
Freddye W ebb Petett 12 1PM
"George McKenna Story
12 1PM
Rev John Jackson 12 1PM The Black Church
Calvin Henry 12P M President, Oregon Assembly
of Black A ffairs
Black History Perspective for
a C hange"
"Fam ily Film Night
7PM "S ounder
Rock Creek Cam pus
17705 S pringville Rd
645 4461
2 10 "The George McKenna Story
11 12PM
T o w n H a ll
S outheast C enter
2850 S E 82nd
777 8020
2 ,2
11AM 1PM
2 12 King School Choir 11AM 12PM
100 V oices"
Sylvania Cam pus
12000 S W 49th Ave
244 6111
2 9 Film 1 2 ,3 0 P M
"Nothing Bu, a M an"
2 10 Ron Herndon ,2 1PM "Guest Speaker"
Co Chairman Black United Front
2 12 Film ,2 1PM
Malcolm X
HT C17
S TA 1
Classes S cheduled
Red Cross will sponsor tw o CPR i lasses Emanuel Hospital 2801 N
Gatenbem, Saturday. February 21 8 30 a m to 4 30 p rn 284 /090 to
preregister and David Douglas High School, 1400 S f 130th Wedoes
day. February 18 f t 25 6 to ,0 p m . /60 7700 to preregister
Participants will earn Red Cross certification upon com pletion of the
class All participants must pre eqister and pre pay A $15 registration
fee is required
1314 D E K U M
286 6479