W o rke rs' S u p p o rt G roup Form ing! A Support Group for Workers is forming to initiate protects that empower Jjiurkers discuss workplace problems, explore common issues, and share «peas towards i reation of specific solutions The first meeting of the Work Supporl Group will be held in downtown Portland on Tuesday. Feb •O-iry 10 at ) 30 p m in Meeting Room E of the Mam Public Library, on corner of S W 10th and Taylor Streets For more details, call WRAP Workers Rights Action Protect at 231 8550 or 238 9854 Eating For A H ealthy H eart F e b ru a ry is National Heart Month Emanuel Hospital it Health Center sponsoring two classes to help you help your heart Eating for a Healthy Heart" emphasizes the importance of low choies terof meals and food preparation The classes will be held from 7 to 8 30 p m at Emanuel in Room 1075 Course fer» is $6 Cooking for a Healthy Heart" provides the students with a meal cooked to perfet lion that follows the American Heart Association guidelines for (trotter nutrition balancing high fiber with low cholesterol This class will be held from 7 to 9 p m at Emanuel in Room 1077 Course fee is $15 Register early for these classes by calling 280 4284 F e b ru a ry 4 Need fo r A d o p tiv e Homes S uspect This Valentine's Day. consider opening your heart to a child Adoptive parents are needed for Oregon's older and "special needs" children These include siblings, children over age six, minority children, as well as children with handicaps Older, experienced parents and single adults are welcome to apply No fees are charged for the adoption study For more information, contact Claudia Hutchinson at the Special Needs Adoption Coalition office 222 9661 The address is 2301 NW Glisan St Portland. OR 972,0 A child is waiting to share your love is Black W om ens M o v e m e n t Black feminist, union organizer and civil rights activist since age 14 Julie Hicks will be a guest speaker on the key role of "Black Women in the U S Labor Move ment Radical Women meeting on Thursday, February 26 . 6 30 p m , Multnomah County Central Library, 801 S W 10th Avenue Everyone is welcome For more information call 249 8067 Wheelchair acces sibte. over S top — Look — Read Parents Anonymous is Helping Parents Succeed Put your parenting experience or problem solving skills to good use by volunteering to be a Child Care Specialist Training provided Call our 24 hour Parent Help Line 238 88,8 YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE' W ith K illin g Carl Lee Rucker, a student at the Tongue Point Job Corps Center in Astoria. Oregon, has been arrested and charged with the November 29, ,986 murder of Wilbert T Menefee. Jr Menefee was found shot to death in an alleyway near N Mason St Henry Groepper. Portland Police Bureau spokesman, said Rucker was charged with Menefee's death after he was attested on an out standing warrant (torn the state of California and from Multnomah County. Rucket is currently lodged in the Multnomah County Justice Center without bail 1,200 prices reduced EACH AND EVERY WEEK! Black History O bservance A t Portland Federal Building Black history will be featured in a two day observance on February 10th and 11th at the Green Wyatt Federal Building. 1220 S W Third Avenue. Sponsored by the Black Employment Program Committee, the agenda will include a number of speakers, singers and other enter tainment from the Black commu nity. The theme for this year will be "Blacks and the United States Constitution: Colonial Times to Present." The celebration, to be held in the Federal Building lobby, is part of the national observance of February as Black History Month. All activi­ ties will begin at 11 45 a m and end at 12:45 p.m. On February 10th and 11th, a "Soul Food Luncheon" will be pre pared by the federal building cafe teria staff, available to the public at modest prices. For more information, contact Sharon Nickelberry, 221 3240 Charged Round iSteak Sa