ELIGIBILITY SERVICES SUPERVISOR FAMILY THERAPIST GREATER PORTLAND AREA BRANCHES Full time for behavior problem children, ages 6 12 in day treat merit Case load of families al­ lows group work, co therapy, in- service training and video sutler vision Excellent opportunity for professional development and in­ novation Masters plus exper ience Salary $16 200 $21,000 Excellent benefits Call or send resume to AD U LT AN D FAM ILY SERVICES DIVISION SALARY <»1706 2174) Excellent B e ne fit Package State of Oregon, AFS needs en ergetic and innovative persons with excellent management/ supervisory skills to be Eligibility Services Supervisors in our Greater Portland Area Branch offices in the Portland, Oregon area. QUALIFICATIONS You must have two years exper ience: years of responsible pertinent experience EX AM IN ATIO N If you q ua lify the test w ill be the questionnaire attached to An nouncement No. OC870052 Your grade will be based upon your answers on that question naire. Submit your State of Oregon Application (PD100) and the questionnaire to Announcement NO. OC870052 Follow the in­ structions on the back of the an nouncement. ...managing, supervising, or leading other people; OR ...determining client eligibility for financial and other public assistance; OR ...providing advice and counsel to applicants/clients in ob taining and maintaining pub lie assistance or other social services; OR, ...providing job preparation job search/job placement to clients of a social service agency or other employment service agency; OR ...providing any or all of these elements Obtain applications, the announ cement and questionnaire at Per sonnet Centor, 775 Court Street, Salem, Oregon 97310 or applica tions only from any State of Ore gon Employment Office. Applications must arrive at A d u lt and Fam ily Services Personnel Services S ection 516 Public Service Building Salem. Oregon by February 23, 1987 to be accep ted IN ADDITION, you must have a Bachelor's degree or three more An Equal Opportunity Employer POSITION OPEN POSITION WANTED P ro du ction Five day metropolitan business newspaper seeks competent lay out/paste up person with at least 5 years experience in makeup and markup of both classified and dis play advertisements Duties will include lifting heavy equipment, maintenance work, and cleaning Hours are from 8 a m. to 4 30 p.m., $9/hr ., 24 paid days off annually, medical and dental; no weekend work. Contact Ah Has sanni, Production Manager, Port land Business Today, P 0 Box 10127, Portland, OR 97210 1503) R e p o rte r/S p o rts Reporter More than five years experience in news, editorial, feature and sports writing Has photography, paste up. page layout and design experience Former news editor for 2,750 circulation weekly newspaper in Wyoming Former assistant sports editor and copy editor for a 40,000 circulation, seven day daily newspaper in Ar kansas Contact: Richard Stivers, 804 S E 39th, Apt 22, Portland, OR 97214; Message Phone 15031233 8491 Edgefield C hildren's Center 2408 S W Halsey Troutdale. OR 97060 (503)665 0157 An Equal Opportunity Employer COMFORT INN ft RVs 40 ROOMS, 30 RVs GOOD CASH FLOW For absentee owner or retirement couple Spokane. WA Contact Matt Hawkins, CCIM (509) 838 2511, James S Black ft Co Commercial Inc SO 107 Ho ward St Spokane. WA 99204 APCLERK Environmental services company seeks AP Clerk Preferred quail fications include minimum 13 years hands on AP experience with check disbursement func tion (computerized system pre ferable) Experience in A R and reconciliation a bonus Salary commensurate with skills and experience Submit resume to: D ire c to r of Personnel RIEDEL ENVIRONM ENTAL SERVICES, INC P O Box 5007 P ortland. OR 97208 An Equal Opportunity Employer Affirmative Action HAIRDRESSER NEEDED With knowledge of Black hair Full service salon, extensive re tail, low lease, some clientele needed B Street 1418 E Burn side, (503) 230 9499 226-1311. February 4. 1987, JOBS, Page 7 V • < * * 7*- * ». S i ? i ’ . r •* t, •»< - ; • • . ** <•* < v