ADVERTISEMENT CRIMINAL JUSTICE TENURE-TRACK POSITION FOR THE C O N S T R U C TIO N OF S E 93RD AVENUE R E A L IG N M E N T PROJECT C L A C K A M A S C O U N TY . OREGON Sealed bids will be received until February 20, 1987, 2:00 P M , at the office of the Clackamas County Development Agency, 902 Abernathy Road, Oregon City, Oregon, 97045, and publicly read aloud immedi ately thereafter for the Construction of site work including, grading, streets, driveways and storm sewers No bids will be received or considered after that time Criminal Justice tenure-track position available for Fall 1987 Ph D in Criminal Justice or related field (J.D. not accept­ able) and strong quantitatiw research skills required em­ pirical rnaarch record and strength in computer applications to criminal lustice issues desirable teaching broad range of graduete and undergraduate courses, rank and salary com­ mensurate with experience and qualifications, position con­ tingent upon funding and authorization. Interested applicants, please send vitae, official transcripts of degrees earned, three letters of recommendation, and samples of recent research/scholarly writing by March 15. 1987 to: Dr Jamas Byrne. Criminal Justice Department. University of Lowell. Lowell. MA 01854. The Project includes grading, approximately 9,900 SY of paving, 5,250 LF of curb, special crosswalks, 1,520 LF of storm sewers, and signalization The University o f Lowell it en Equel Opportunity /A ffirm ­ ative Action. Title ZX, 504 Employer. Drawings and Specifications, including bidding documents and conditions of the agreements may be examined at the following offices 1 2 3. 4 5 6 Clackamas County Development Agency, 902 Abernathy Road, Oregon City, Oregon 97045 Wilsey ft Ham, 521 S W 11th, Portland, Ore gon, 97206 N W Plan Center, 901 S.E Oak, Suite 208, Portland, Oregon, 97214 Construction Data Plan Center, 925 N W 12th Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97208 National Business League, 6939 N E Grand Avenue No 4, Portland. Oregon, 97211 Builders Exchange Coop , 1125 S E Madison Ave., Portland, Oregon, 97214 Contract documents including plans and specifica tions may be obtained at the office of the Clackamas County Development Agency. 902 Abernethy Road, Oregon City, Oregon, 97045 Telephone: (503) 655 8521 upon receipt of a plan fee of $20 00 for each set of documents All checks shall be made payable to the Clackamas County Development Agency The plan fee is non refundable Each bidder must be prequalified in order for their bid to be considered No bids will be considered unless bidder states that the provisions of ORS 279 350 shall be complied with Evidence of pre qualification shall be submitted to Clackamas County Development Agency prior to or at the time of bid opening A CERTIFIED CHECK OR BID BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF TEN (10) PERCENT OF THE TOTAL BID M U S T ACCOMPANY EACH BID AND SHALL BE MADE PAYABLE TO THE CLACKAMAS COUNTY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY The Clackamas County Development Agency reser ves the right to reject any and/or all bids and can waive any irregularities not affecting substantial nghts. _ , David R Seigneur D evelo pm ent A gency D irector Page 4 J O B S F p *n n rv 4 1QR7 ■ University of I I • 'owell M AN AG EM E NT I NTE RNSHIPS City of Oakland, California T w o (2 ) positio ns, $ 2 2 ,8 0 0 a n n u a lly plus generous b en efits. O n a - to tw o -y e a r te rm , dep ending upon p e rfo rm a n c e . T o accept assignments as delegated by C ity M anager and m em b ers of h is/h er im m e d ia te m anagem ent staff. A p p lican ts m ust have c o m ­ p leted 4 8 1 2 An E qu al I I p p o r tu n lty /A f f ir m a tiv e A c tio n E m p lo y e r | GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH T h * G ra d u ate School of Business st the U n iv e rs ity o f Pitta burgh in vites a p p licatio n s fo r a p o s itio n s t the Assistant Profes sor level in the fie ld o f In fo rm a tio n System s (IS). P h D o r D B A is required alth o u g h applicants w ith dissertations ve ry nea r com pieu<»n w ill be considered C andidates should have special In te r ­ est com p e ten ce tn tele c o m m u n ic a tio n s as it relates to the overall m an ag em en t o f IS . a strong research o rie n ta tio n , and a c o m m it m e n t to teaching The academ ic program s having relevance to te le c o m m u n ic a U«»ns in w hich the candidate m ay have in v o lv e m e n t inclu de I ) Ph I> w ith IS m aio r and m in o r. 2 ) In fo r m a tio n intensive* M B A w ith IS c o n c e n tra tio n . 3 ) M S in M a n ag e m e n t o f In fo rm s U<»n System s, and 4) M S in T e le c o m m u n ic a tio n s T h e last is o ff» r» d lo tn ljy w ith the dep artm en ts of C o m p u te r Scinece and C o m m uiU c aO o ns as well as the Schools o f E n g in eerin g , and L ib ra ry and In fo rm a tio n Science Please send s ta te m e n t o f inter­ est and vitae to D r. John C C a m illu s. Associate D e a n , G ra d u ate S chool o f Buatneaa, 3 7 2 M ervts H a ll. U n iv e rs ity o f P ittsb u rg h . Pittsb urgh. PA 1 5 2 8 0 T h e ( / d iv e r s if y is an E q u a l O p p o r tu n ity E m p lo y e r bs