■ •'J* ACCOUNTING FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING MANAGER Rogers Cable TV has an imme­ diate opening. Interface with in­ dependent auditors and assist re gional controller in budget pre paration, forecasts and some an alysis. Additional responsibilities includes supervision of accoun­ ting staff, scheduling work as signments and maintenance of all records Qualified candidates must have a bachelors degree in accounting or equivalent, and supervisory experience. Must have good interpersonal skills Please include salary history and req's. Interested persons respond in writing or apply at no later than February 18, 1987 Rogers Cable TV A tte n tio n Personnel 3075 NE Sandy Blvd Portland, OR 97232 Equal Opportunity Employer MULTNOMAH COUNTY C orrections O fficer $9 93 per hour; performs work in the custody, care and humane .treatment of adult male or female inmates in a jail or other deten 4ion environment; controls, monitors and supervises the movement and activities of in­ mates; applicants must be 21, U S. citizens, authorized to drive and have two years of college, two years of corrections, law en forcement or social service re lated work or a combination of education and experience W HERETO APPLY M ultnom ah County Employee Relations Room 1430 1120 SW Fifth Avenue Portland. OR 97204 An Equal Opportunity Employer E n g r—Sr E nvironm ental BOOKKEEPER (R egional W a s te w a te r Engineer) 12370 $3007 M o n th ly This job is with the Dept. of Envi­ ronmental Quality in Salem Po sition is responsible for reviewing it approving industrial waste water treatment ft disposal facili ties, industrial pre treatment equipment installations, sludge disposal ft beneficial use propo­ sals ft selected municipal sewage treatment facilities. Additional responsibilities include direct as signment of the more complex wastewater sources within the region, emergency spill response on oil spills, serving as the re gion s technical advisor on water quality matters for both staff and others ft coordinating the re gion s efforts to identify sewer age treatment deficiencies ft plan for corrective actions To qualify you must have a BA degree in civil, chemical, mech amcal or closely related field of engineering b successful work exper or advanced professional training demonstrating the know ledge, skills ft abilities OR equiva lent education and/or exper de monstrating that you possess full professional journey person knowledge of the theories ft prin ciples ft their application in a relevant branch of engineering Preference may be given to regi stered professional engineers in Ore or those eligible for recipro city with other states To obtain application b announ cement call: DEQ Personnel (5031229 5382 Full charge manual system through financial statements computer payroll. 5 years exper fence training, non profit exper lence desirable $13,467 to $15,802, excellent benefits Call 239 8871 or come to 721 N E. Union Closing date 1987 February 13. An Equal Opportunity Employer Affirmative Action JOB ANNO UNCEM ENT CITY OF WEST LINN BUILDING PLANS EXAMINER Performs in depth building plan reviews for all types of buildings and structural plans and specifi­ cations. Performs field site in­ spections Minimum qualifies tions includes, but are not limited to. high school degree or equiva lent GED and three years exper lence as building inspector with two years experience as plans checker or equivalent combina tion of experience and training. Must possess or be able to pos sess, by time of appointment, Oregon issued " A " level Plans Examiner and Structural. Mech amcal and Inspector's Certifi­ cates, plus a valid drivers license Salary range $1.809 $2,309 per month. Employer paid retirement and excellent fringe benefit pack age A City Employment Appli cation and Supplemental Ques tionnaire must be received by: The City of West Linn 4900 Portland Avenue West Linn. Oregon 97088 by 6 P M ., March 31. 1987. by Feb 9, 1967 Equal Opportunity Employer Equal Opportunity Employer U N L IM IT E D LONG D IS TA N C E CALL ALL 50 STATES 24 HOURS A DAY FOR ONE LOW FLAT RATE CALL 535 3357 or 1 800 843 3152 HELP WANTED HIRING NOW I Construction (all phases). Drivers, Machinists, Mechanics, Welders. Airlines, (up to $32 60/hr). (303) 462 2258 (We know who's hiring) Transcontinental Job Search J Fee Required. February 4 )987 JOBS Paqe 3 ; » r ‘ «T. » .5 .- — . .