. f Ma » -• *■ . « • • « «e -W ^ b » * * • - - - . •« V» 1 PORTLAND OBSERVER V olum e XVII, Num ber 13 February 4, 1987 25C Neo-Nazi Set Free After Attack On Black Pursuant to Police Report Number 86 126606, a case invol ving a proclaim ed neo Nazi, Lawrence Long, w h o stated he was going to "k ill him a n ig g e r", and w ho made a subsequent strong e ffo rt to carry out this threat, evidenced by his actions against Abe Killings on December 10, 1986, at approxim ately 1:30 p.m . in d o w n to w n Portland on Park Avenue. The arresting officer, Greg Pluchos, after taking statem ents substantiating the attack by Long, w ith a knife, made a discre tionary decision charging Long, the perpetrator, w ith a mis demeanor Rev Jesse J a c k s o n P re s id e n t a n d fo u n d e r o f th e N a tio n a l R a in b o w C o a litio n , sp e a ks to m e m b e rs o f th e P o rtla n d C h a p te r o f th e O re g o n R a in b o w C o a litio n s te e rin g c o m m itte e and a d v is o ry b o a rd Jack As a result of the m inor charge’ presented by O fficer Plu­ son w a s in P o rtla n d as k e y n o te sp ea ke rs of th e E c u m e n ic a l M in is tr ie s o f O reg o n m e e tin g chos, and the failure to use reasonable prudence in m aking a determ ination o f Long’s likelihood to appear for his hearing Long is still at large P h o to by R ich ard J B ro w n ___Jackson Speaks at PSU I am sure that based on the severity of the crim e and its pos sible tra g ic ’ outcom e, that O fficer Pluchos’ actions were con trary to the expectations of citizens o f Portland, that reason able enforcem ent of the law be carried out by our police by Jerry Garner Rev Jesse Jackson, President and founder of the National Rainbow Coalition, was in Portland last Sunday as the keynote speaker during the 70th annual meeting of the Ecumenical Ministries o f Oregon More than 2000 people packed the Portland State U niversity's gymna sium to hear the 1984 Presidential candidate. Jackson usorl tim occasion to talk about econom ic injustice and to cnti cize the foreign and dom estic policies of President Ronald Reagan Jack son said the econom ic policies o f the Reagan adm inistration have had a disasterous impact on minorities, workers, and farm ers Economic in justice is immoral and should be made illegal," Jackson said Jackson said, since the Reagan adm inistration came to W ashington. 600,000 farmers have lost their farms. He said each year 80,000 American farmers are forced to give up their farms Jackson accused the Reagan adm inistration o f biting the hands that feed the nation Jackson accused the Reagan adm inistration o f creating a climate for racial intolerance that is sweeping across the nation He criticized Reagan force, also that reasonable enforcem ent of the law be carried lor not speaking out against the racial violence that has occurred in Howard Beach, New York and Forsyth County Georgia He said Reagan has ig nored the presence of Black leaders The President hasn't met w ith the Congressional Black Caucus since he took office. Jackson said Jackson said those w ho have suUtxod from the p o litie s of the Reagan adm inistration should fittm a broad M se d alliance By w orking together, they can make changes Do you know we ta n w in the D em ocratic norm nation in 1988 During the primary election Mondale won w ith 6 7 million votes. Hart got 6 1 m illion, and I got 3 5 m illion votes after spending only three m illion dollars, about 99C per vote This was the most cost effective campaign in history He reminded the audience that he w on 37 000 votes in Oregon in 1984 w ith o u t cam paigning in the state due to lai k of funds Oregon U S Senator M .irk O Hatfield was also present Hatfield re ceived the Ecumenical M inistries 1906 Vollum Ecumenical Humanitarian Award out in a fa ir a nd u n b ia s e d fashion regardless of race O bviously, had I walked up to O fficer Pluchos and his w ife in d o w n to w n Portland and stated that I was going to kill him because he was w hite, and proceeded to take o u t a knife and make a strong attem pt to stab him, I w ould not have been charged w ith a misdemeanor, nor released w ith in tw o hoursl Especially, after exhibiting all signs of being a transient w ith little or no likelihood of appearing in court These actions reflect a long history of indifference portrayed by the Portland police tow ards black citizens. Quite frankly, I have lost all respect for the Portland Police Departm ent. A ccording to feedback from citizens both black and w hite w ho have heard of my incident, this sentim ent is shared and appears to reflect a ground swell of dissatisfaction w ith the police. I expect a full and thorough investigation of O fficer Pluchos’ m otives, as well as some police harassment for w ritin g this let ter, but m aybe, just maybe, some justice w ill be served Sincerely, Abe Killings Share With Seniors To Tbo E d ito r Now that the Urban League of Portland has received the $1 m illion w indfall from the Chiles fam ily, I question the lea g u e ’s plans to share this w indfall w ith the senior citizen popu lation of the North and Northeast areas of Portland The Urban League is funded to provide services to the senior com m u n ity designed to prom ote independent living for sen tors, but the league is not adequately providing these needed G la d ys M c C o y C h a ir o f M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty her s ta ff ta k e a b re a k d u rin g a re tre a t la s t Friday P h o to b y R ic h a rd J B ro w n services. Urban Leage Head Herb C aw thorne stated (that the league McCoy Holds Retreat For Staff w ill continue to provide) "s u p p o rt activities in yo u th counse ling and education, housing rehabilitation and em ergency shel ter provisions for homeless p e o p le ." In listing these activities, he om itted further education and hiring of the staff to provide by Jerry Garner Gladys McCoy, the new Chair o f M ultnom ah C ounty, held a retreat last Friday to prepare her team o f personal staff for the big challenges ahead of them. The theme o f the retreat, w hich was held at the d o w n to w n branch of the American State Bank, was "N e w A dm inistration Preparedness". The new charter of the C ounty and its im plications fo r her o ffice were major subjects of discourse during the retreat. The staff, w hich includes an impressive blend o f cultural diversity, ex changed inform ation on their respective backgrounds and experiences, and discussed their personal com m itm ents to the governm ent o f M ultnom ah County. Dr E C . Ogbuobiri, o f Ezak Associates, Ltd., gave a brief overview of aspects o f executive m anagement relative to the mission of M ultnom ah C ounty and the office o f the Chair. As C ounty Chair, M cC oy has the authority to appoint, order, direct, and better counseling, recreational and educational a ctivities and discharge adm inistrative officers, departm ent heads (w ith the Board's con se n tl, and employees; and the power to delegate her administrative powers As Chair, M cC oy w ill administer the C ounty but also will be one of five voting members of the Board Some o f M cC oy's staff members are • Hank C. Miggins, M cC oy's Executive Assistant M iggins was form erly Deputy C ounty A u d ito r. • Deke Olmsted, D irector of C ounty Departm ent o f Justice since 1983 • Robert E Phillips, C ount's A ffirm a tive A ctio n Officer • Fred R Neal, Intergovernm ent Relations Officer • Barbara S Donin, S ta ff Assistant and Liaison to the Board of Commis sioners • Grant D Nelson, S ta ff Assistant and A nnexation Liaison assistance to the elderly. Upperm ost in the concerns of the senior c o m m u n ity is the provision o f an adequate, convenient fa c ility fo r seniors to meet and interact w ith each other in planned a ctivities provi ding education, in form a tion and recreational o pp o rtu n itie s. The league may in the futu re have part o f the Fred Meyer building, w h ich could be utilized as an activities center is adquate parking and lighting w ith easy access to b right and cheery surroundings for seniors and senior activities. • Michael Dolan, Public Information Officer. 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