January 28, 1987, Portland Observer, Page 9 CL A S S tFlED A D VER T IS I N G PICK UPS/CAN O PIES D .J . G E N E R A L C O N T R A C T O R IN C DISCOUNT PICKUP CANOPIES Pay net To tem prices 150 Brahmas 350 Totem alumi­ num Free price list, phone FREE 1 800 452 9113. 9 am to 5 prn 7 days Totem Mtg Inc, Salem Dewey Taylor II RECREATIONAL VEHICLES RV PRICE W AR' Nobody beats our bottom line price Komfor, Nomad Aljo Oceanway RV. Hwy 18 99W Dayton Junction (Lincoln City cut off) McMinnville. Oregon Call (503) 434 6505 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE BRIDGES 85 flatcars Strong enough for heavy trucking All welded high strength steel, including steel deck $6 5000 $8.000 Deliver ed most locations Skip Gibbs 17071 263 0326 business opportunities Personally Yoursl Now unlimited long distance calls to or from any­ where. anytime in the USA Available in your area for $120 00 per month Call (206) 463 9923 FOR SALE Free ANSCO Cameral Kodak film 15 cents per rottl Send name and address for full mfor mation to: Kurt Persey, 2066 N W Dept 106, OR 97209 Flanders, Portland, DBA: HOME FOR SALE BLUE MOUNTAIN CABIN near Walla Walla. 23 acres Spectacular views, power, phone, water, year around country road Elk Deer on property $39,500 00 low. low down, easy terms Owner (5091 522 1343 FREE E S T IM A T E S BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY LICENSED, BONDED ADD TO YOUR BUSINESS A package drop off point for local residents who want to ship packages via UPS AIRBORNE This builds store traffic and gives you 60% 70% profit Phone 1 800 821 4902 for additional informa tion Investment Required 10YEARSOF EXPERIENCE AFFORDABLE REMODELINGII! I!I CALL TODAY 287-7353 Ab* COLLECTOR. ANTIQUE, VINTAGE CARS COLLECTOR CAR Auction, Show, Swap Meet Feb 7 8, Portland, car entry $100. Swap booth $25, car swap space $40 Contact Rodger Eddy, 503 223 3606, 2582 N.E. Lovejoy St., Portland, OR 97210. Auctioneer Dean Kruse, Kruse Inter national, 1 800 328 0771. VACATIO N RENTALS OCEANSIDE. OR 2 nights price 1 Spectacular view quiet set lotion beach 1 block Studio, $37 50. 2 bedroom unit $47 50 (5031 842 4413, Help W anted Hiring Nowl Construe tion (all phases). Dri­ vers, Machinists, Mec­ hanics. Welders, Air lines, (up to $32.60' hr.) I308I 382 3700, We know who's hiring! Transcontinental Job Search. Fee Required El Rancht Motel FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITY Money to loan IR E ) only $3.500 $25.000 turn d ow n' Call us Espirit Mortgage Co 1610 12th SE, Salem. OR 97302 ( 503 ) 370 4400. Bill or Elmer FOR SALE SEWING MACHINESII TYPEWRITERS!! New "Free arm ", all metal school models Latest stitches, overlock, stre tch, etc., $145 00' List $399 00! 20 Yr guar antee Also NEW ROYAL electric self correcting typewriters $159 00! List $289 001 Check, credit cards, C O D . or layaway FREE DELIVERY', 1 714 54« 4425 or 1 714 645 6532 ANYTIME!! FARM EQ UIPM EN T 1986 FALL CANCEL LATIONS These are Miracle Span round top buildings 42 x 54 with 20 x 14 door, 25 x 32 with 11 x ,0 ’ door; will sell for balance owed (5031 220 1629 1 HUD homes offer you much more for your money. BUILDING M ATERIALS POLE BUILDINGS Complete Packages 5% discount ,t pureba sed by 1 31 87 Large sliding door 4 colored walls 24' x 36' x 10' $1 686 30 «48 x 12 $2,667 36 x 60 x 14 $3,814 Other sizes available. 1 1800) 872 Here’s what you need to know to buy a HUD home. Please contact the real estate agent ol your choice to see or bid on any KUO hom e listed here O nly bids presented by licensed real estate agents w ill be accepted P urchasers m ust obtain their own ti nancing tor all sales HUD p ro p e rtie s m ay co n tain code or zone vio la tio n s HUD reserves the rig ht to reiect any or ah bids and to waive any in fo rm a l­ ity or irre g u la rity n any bids A ll hom es are s o ld AS IS w dh NO WARRANTY im p lie d or oth erw ise • P R IC E * S ta rre d p r i m , in d ic a te p ro p e rtie s that are e lig ib le tor FHA m o rtg a g e in su ra n ce w dh low dow n paym ent An e a rn e st m oney deposit ot $1000 (to be d e posited in c lie n t s trust account) is re g u ire d wdh each bid 0070 LOANS b FINANCING EXTEN DED LISTINGS— OFFERS OPENED DAILY Homes listed here are E .tend ed Listings and rem a in unsold alter the standard c om petitive bid opening MUD will consider any reasonable otter tor these homes and will open “ iters every working day at 2 30 p m Should circum staix es prevent HUD trom op ening otters on a given d a * the properties will rem ain available Io the Po nt ot actual acceptance by MUD ot the best net otter All otters shab be submitted in the appropriately marked »» .led envelopes con taming MUD form 9548 with addendum Portland, 4214 NF 57th Ave 2 Bd 1 Ha f $28.000 »431 143723 27(1 1184 Sq Portland .'335 N W»gant 5 Bd Fi $ 3, 500 »4)1 1451,5 270 740 Sq ,050 Sa Vancouver 0 4 W 31», SI .1 Bd , Ha ,560 Sq Fl $35 850 »5r,9 0 ,7 1 0 6 203 , ' t B* ,195 q , ' $27 500 « 4 3 , ,38922 203 W llw a u k i* + 494 Sq Ft Fm Bsmtl $27 300 »431 155456 770 Portland 4 ,2 5 NF , 7lh 1 Bd $38 000 » 4 3 , 159924 245 , Ba ’ 723 Sq Fl Vancouver >420 N f 89th Ave J Bd 2 Ba 2024 I F, SM.SS0 «569 1 B* 896 Sq Vancouver .808 Nf ,13th Ave 4 Bd 2 Ba S q F , *$ 5 8 0 0 0 * »51.9 0 ,2 3 3 6 270 Portland 23 SE ,30th A v * 3 Bd 2 Ba Ft .$ 4 9 8 50 * »43 , ,72466 203 ,208 Sq V a n c o u v e r 1505 N f ,2 ? n d Ave 3 Bd 2 Ba ,050 Sq F I * $ 4 2 .2 5 0 * »569 0 ,2 7 6 4 270 Portland 4 4 3 , SE , ,6 lh 3 Bd Fl *$ 2 9 9 0 0 * «431 ,54396 203 $27 900 »4 it 154194 203 , Ba 756 Sq Ft Ridgefield I I J N 4 , h S t 3 Bd 1‘ . Ha ’ 565 Sq Fl » 17 500 »•-■ • 1 Ba P o rtla n d , r>630 SE ,06lh Ave 3 Bd Millsboro H5 NW Dennis 7 Bd 1 Ba 1106 Sq Ft ,965 Sq Portland 203 SF Yamhill 3 Bd 1 ' , Ha ,553 Sq F' $34 850 »4 I, ,5 8 7 ,6 203 Portland. 5334 SE 99th Ave 3 Bd 2 Ba F' *$ 4 4 .8 0 0 * »43 , 146357 270 Gladstone 985 H arvard Ave 3 Bd t Ba t940 Sq Ft $38 850 «4 11 168044 203 Ba ,852 Sq Ft , ' . Ha Portland « 7 5 Nf W *gani ? fid $21.000 » 4 3 , ,4 6 ,2 , 203 Portland 2 0 ,2 SF 87th ? Bd Ft * $ 3 3 .8 5 0 * »431 ,7 ,5 3 0 -70 3 985 H arvard Ave St7 ,9 2, NF Jessup S, I Bd 3 , 728 Sq Ft , , I p e . $29 950 »4 I, ,5 5 8 ,1 203 P o rtla n d Portland. '223 N t 75th Ave 3 Bd 1 Ba 888 Sq Ft P o rtla n d 4044 N M ssour 3 B d 7 fia $79 500 »431 148024 270 D u p le . $2 , 000 «43 , ’ 4 3 7 ,3 .*03 PORTLAND — 2 0 ,2 SE 87m GLADSTONE Portland. 1,941 SF B io u k s irì* Dr ? Bd 1308 Sq Ft $32.950 » 4 3 , ,38854 203 Portland, 4525 SF Clay 3 Bd $30.850 » 4 3 , ,57374 203 IB * Portland 1 8,5 N Gloucester 2 Bd S q F , $28.000 » 4 3 , ,5 4 6 ,6 270 , Ba ,806 Sq Ft , ' , Ba Vancouver 4 ,0 9 NF ,30th A v* 3 Bd 2 Ba • $47 700* « • ■ ,736 ,035 Vancouver 2405 F Mill Piam Blvd 4 Hd I , Ba ' $78 550 »569 010546 703 786 Vancouver <100 NF Whitman Ave 3 Bd 1,00 S q F , $34 200 »'4.1 H6107 703 ’ Ba PREVIOUS W E E K ’S LISTINGS Bid Opening Mon., Feb. 2, 1987 at 1:00 p.m. — Bids Accepted Until 11:00 a m.. Feb. 2. 1987 Portland 5753 NF ,7lh Ave 2 Bd SqF ( » $2 3 .8 5 0 * « 4 3 , ,51049-703 Portland. 749 N f ,91s, Ave 3 Bd Fl $28 500 »43 , ,50252 203 1 * , Ba , B* ,074 Portland. '5 5 4 , F Burnside 4 ßd 2 Ba F liD u p le v I $38.800 »43, ,54663 703 ,728 Sq Portland. ,5557 E Burnside 4 Bd 7 Ba F, (Duple«) $39.800 »43 , - ,54664 203 ,726 Sq fit =5 Portland 5850 SW Verm onl 3 Bd Sq Ft *$ 5 2 .3 5 0 * »43 , ,49536 245 , ' . Ba ,380 ,774 Sq Portland. 4904 NF Alberta Si 7 Bd , Ba 840 Sq Fl $21 350 »43 , ,4 9 4 ,3 -27 0 N atikupatmk : FX mh . v P hysician (5OJ) 2H9 9914 N I9 N KILUNlLSVn a t n t . K W T L A N P I Mt 97217 As primary health care providers we offer a full range of naturopathic health care service The naturopathic physician provides preventative, whohstic and natural family health care for a wide range of acute and chronic conditions and minor traumatic injuries The following is a list of services available through the clinic Fee! free to call and discuss your questions about the naturopathic approach to health and how it applies to you and your family S TA N D A R D LAB O R ATO R Y A N D D IA G N O S T IC T E S T IN G H A IR M IN E R A L A N A L Y S IS Portland. 7906 N Wall. 2 Bd $20.000 »431 ,7 ,0 3 9 7 0 3 C am aa. 9 ,4 SE 1st Ave 2 Bd $24 500 « 569 013240 203 , Ba , Ba 7 ,5 Sq Fl ,098 Sq Fl Vancouver. ,7313 NF 21», Si 3 Bd 2 Ba 1698 Sq Fl e$68.25O * » 569-0,283 , 270 HUD DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ANO URBAN DEVELOPMENT Vancouver. 4 1 , NF ’ 06lh SI 3 Bd 7 Ba Fl *$ 5 3 .0 0 0 * «569 012909 703 Vancouvar, 791 , NF ,3O,b Ave 2 Bd S q F , *$ 4 9 .5 0 0 * « 569-0,3656 203 ,50? Sq , Ba 825 Vancouvar. 7 9 ,8 NF ,36th Ave 3 Bd 7 8 « S q F , *$ 5 8 0 0 0 * »569 0 ,7 7 4 3 2 70 Vancouver. 300, NF ,35lh Ave 2 Bd Sq Fl *$ 4 0 ,8 5 0» » 5 6 9 -0 ,7 3,0 -20 3 Waahougal, ) 5 9th S, 7 Bd $29.850 «569 u , 6490 703 , Ba , Ba 895 747 Sq Ft FOR 610 OPENING RESULTS ANO AVAILABLE CALL EXTENOEO LISTINGS 503-221-3498. This Is a partial listing of HUD properties For a complete listing ol properties available lor sale by HUO. please see HUD'» listing in "The Oregonian" Friday or Sunday Real Estate Section ,4 9 , NEED MONEY? Equity loans on all types of real estate, easy quali tying! Rapid funding, We buy contracts, call nowl Toll free 1 800 537 5498 Oregon Land Mortgage C O M P L E T E P H Y S IC A L E X A M S C O N S U L T A T IO N S FOR S P E C IF IC P R O B L E M S G Y N E C O L O G IC E X A M S A N D W O M E N S H E A L T H CARE P H Y S IO T H E R A P Y PAINTING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR W ALL b FLOOR COVERING OF ALL PHASES HAULING & MOVING MASONARY WORK O'O’ to S e ’ STEVEN BAILEY. N.D. M A N IP U L A T IO N A N O N U T R IT IO N A L A N D ASSESSMENT MASSAGE E X E R C ISE T H E R A P Y C L E A N S IN G P R O G R A M S A LLE R G Y T E S T IN G A N D C L IN IC A L EC O LO G Y G E R IA T R IC S A N D F A S T IN G C O U N S E L IN G B O T A N IC A L M E D IC IN E C H IL O R E N S M E O IC IN E HOM EOPATHY S C H O O L A N O J O B P H Y S IC A L S P R E N A TA L A N D HYDROTHERAPY P O S T N A T A L C ARE WE GIVE A HOOT, SOWE WON’T POLLUTE! You cun do something ubout pollution: Join the Woodsy 'Ibatn und pledge Ui help keep your environ meni clean. PERSONALS ADOPTION. PLEASE Warm, secure home waiting to welcome a newborn. Call collect 124 hours! attorneys Ravel and Lach (406) 288 7100. P O Box 7575, San Jose, CA 95150 PERSONALS PREGNANT, CON FUSED? Choose alter native with Love. ADOPTION We are a happily married, finan cially secure, childless, couple who wish to a dopt an infant into our hearts and home. Please answer our pra yers and call our attor ney 1(4081288 7100, collect, 24 hours. w| G hwe»< Serva» I S|H BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TRAVEL AGENCY Own UNIGLOBE TRAVEL, the growing franchisor of travel ca No travel industry Investment required Call 460? your own Contact largest and fastest agencies in N Amen experience required Tamara at (5031 282 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPEN YOUR OWN ONE PRICE ($9 99) DIS COUNT SHOE STORE All firs, quality merchan disc $13,900 to $16,900 includes beginning in ­ ventory, fixtures, supplies, training and air fare. Call Ed Brandt. The Source, (405) 238 9358 POSITION OPEN P roduction Five day metropolitan business newspaper seeks competent layout/paste up person with at least 5 years experience in make up and markup of both classified and display adver tisements. Duties will include lifting heavy equipment, maintenance work, and cleaning. Hours are from 8 a m fo 4 30 p.m., 19/hr., 24 paid days off annually, medical and dental; no weekend work Contact Ah Hassanni, Pro­ duction Manage,, Portland Business Today, P 0 Box 10127 Portland, OR 97210 1503) 226 1311. PERSONALS BANKRUPTCY $75 stops collectors, law suits, f t garnishments DIVORCE $65 no court hearings, com plete preparation of all legal documents Legal Alternatives, Inc., (5031 255 3412 or 1 800 642 2208 D IE T A R Y V A C A TIO N /E N TE R TA IN M E N T SEASIDE 3 nights starting $43 50 total per couple including breakfast Available Sunday Thursday (no holidays). Private baths, color TV, some kitchens Brochure Riverside Inn 738 8254 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EXCELLENT opportunity: Commercial Ag operation, equipment, shop, storage Nice 4 bedroom home. 5 8 acre wooded site, Central Willamette Valley Complete package $230.000 No Realtors 503 864 2277 PERSONAL ADOPTION Childless couple seek infant to love and adopt. Laugh ter fills our loving farm home All medical, legal and pregnancy re lated expenses paid. Please call our Oregon attorney collect, (503) 222 2474 Personals Private Adoption. Pro fessional and loving couple wishes to adopt infant or child four years or younger All related attorney fees paid In Portland, call 246 2574 Outside call (503) 362 9550 Miscellaneous For Sale Free ANSCO Cameral Kodak film 15C per roll! Send name/address for full informabon to: Kurt Persey, 2065 NW Flan­ ders, Dept 106, Port land, OR 97209 Personals Infertile couple seeks surrogate mother with red hair Contact Sur­ rogate Foundation, P O Box 06545. Port land, OR 07296, or call 15031 777 26)2 PERSONALS YOUR STRENGTH TO SC HO O LS/IN STR UCTIO N BEAR A CHILD could ENJOY CHILDREN? Study at nationally recog nized training school Free nationwide placement incredible demand Contact NNI, 2100 NE Broad way. Suite 3F, Portland, OR 97232 Tel (503) 284 1240 Call collect be a Miracle for some one who cannot. SUR ROGATE FOUNDA TION. P 0 Box 06545, Portland, OR 97206 M ISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE HALF PRICE' 50% o ffll Our best, large flashing arrow sign $339! Lighted, non arrow $329! Unhghted $269' Free letters! See locally. Call today! Factory: 1 800 423 0163 anytime POSITION OPEN Photographer Full time staff photographer for daily business newspaper Must be a self starter, have good work habits, be organized and capable of hen dling lab work Send resume and references to: Tom Stearns, Associate Publisher, Portland Business Today, P .0 Box 10127, Portland, OR 97210 (5031226 1311 BUILDING M ATERIALS POLE BUILDING KITS Complete building pa ckages, 1/sliding door, 4/colored walls, 6x6 poles. 24x36x10» 1,705, 24x48x12 $2,281; 30x 60x12 »3,242. Many other sizes Labor and financing available 1 800 331 0155, (503) 263 1805