DATA PROCESSING INSURANCE D A T A B A S E A N A LY S T ADABAS Blue Cross and Blue Shield ot Oregon, a maior health insurance company, is seeking a Database Analyst to provide technical sup port for ADABAS and NATU RAL applications Individual will maintain the data base ft associated systems, as well as consult Systems ft Pro gramming and Information Con te« clients in the development of new systems. Qualified applicant must have 2 3 years data processing experience with technical skills in database administration, NATURAL pro gramming. and have strong com munication skills Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex time work hours, and competi tive salary Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept 5th Floor 100 S W Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer COUNSELING GUIDANCE COUNSELLOR Need Counsellor for 16 25 year old |ob corps case load Indivi dual and group counselling skills needed Experience working with youths from abusive ba< k grounds desirable Bachelor’s degree and 1 year counselling experience required Apply to RCA G o vern m en t Services Tongue Point Job Corps C enter Personnel O ffic e A storia. OR 97103 by Tuesday, February 3. 1987 5pm SPECIAL PROJECTS REPRESENTATIVE Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for a Special Pro jects Representative. Primary re sponsibilities include developing, coordinating Et iiertorming j>ro grams ft prnjer ts designed to support corporate accountabili ties ft policies for preferred pro vider programs and selective con trading arrangements The post tion will involve visiting providers on site to introduce new pro grams and engage in extensive written communications with providers, then associations and others Qualified applicants must tiave 2 4 years of broad work expot lence in the health care field in planning, administration or of fice management, proficiency in written ft oral communications and strong organizational skills Graduate level work in Health Care and/or Administration is desirable Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex time work hours, and competi tive salary Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept 5th I loot 100 S W Maiket Portland. OR 9/201 Equal Opportunity Employer POSITION OPEN General Assignm ent Reporter Co r* niafor boa, for award winning Cottage Grove Sentinel Prefer one year ex|neience plus journalism degre-- t,, entry level may apply Send resume to Cottage Grove S’ ntinel. I’ O Box 35, Cottage Grove, OH 97424 E O E ACCOUNTANT Immediate full time position avail able to peform variety of tasks with minimum supervision rela ting to the general accounting area including preparation and processing of general ledger and bank accounts and financial ana lysis Must have 3 yrs cnmpre hensrve exjterienr e in accounting or completion of 9 hours of col lege level accounting prior iples plus 1 yr minimum experience in a< counting with emphasis in general ledger perparation Please send resume or apply in person 1 00 4 00 p m. no later than We«, Feb 4, ,987 at A m erican Red Cross 3131 N Vancouver Ave Portland OR 97208 I gual Opportunity Employer APARTMENT MANAGERS Warned: couple to manage a 60 unit family complex at b77h S W 26th and Capitol Highway I Pleas«! look at complex before applying Duties include light I maintenance and ground work I renting apartments, re«,e tormina I I tion o, eligibility of tenants Pie fer apartment management ox I per ,»refer good oral ft written I skills Bookkeejxng bar kground I helpful but not require«, Apart I menl plus salary to I Send resume I Personnel A dm inistrator Housing A utho rity of Portland P O Box 13220 P ortland. OR 97213 Applications accepted until p tion filled I ! ! Equal Opportunity f mployer HELPWANTED Nanny Positions Available Apply now, start any month Salary Room Board Licensed Agency Moms Helpers Agenr y. ,3 ,5 Grand Ave , Baldwin I onq Is land. New York ,1510 (5 ,6 ' 378 5311. No fee Must Pay An Tan I I I I I I I January 28. 1987. JOBS. Pago 7 'X ’ ;t • ' . ' . . - ... . -