PERSONNEL Join the Rogers Cable TV Man agement Team Rogers Cable TV of Portland M ultnom ah is seeking a Director o f Human Re sources Generalist position w ith an emphasis on developm ent and im plem entation o f supervisory and custom er service training Qualified candidates should have a bachelors degree (bus ad or industrial relations preferred) plus 5 8 years in a generalist position to include experience in new employee programs, benefit sa lary adm inistration, development and im plem entation of personnel policies Qualified candidates should sub mit resumes by February 1, 198/ to; R ogers C able 3075 NE S a n d y B lvd P o rtla n d . OR 97232 Equal O pportunity Employer No Phone Calls Please MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYST Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for im m ediate open mg in the Medical Claims Pro cessing Departm ent Position requires individuals w ith heavy medical background, including ! strong medical term inology, co ding, and experience in doctor's | office or hospital setting CRT typing a must Previous pro I cessing experience highly desir I able. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of | Oregon offers an excellent em J ployee benefits package, flex time work hours, and competi five salary Please apply or tend I resume to: B lue C ross and B lue S h ie ld o f O re g o n Human Resources Dept 5th Floor 100S W Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal O pportunity Employer HAIRDRESSERS P A T S S T U D IO D ESIG NS 5425 N E 33rd Now leasing stations 287 9032 MANUFACTURING ENGINEER CD Medical, a m anufacturer of electromechanical dialysis equip m erit, has a need for a quail fieri MFG Engineer to support our hydraulics m anufacturing area Responsibilities include labor and material reduction, ca pital equipment justification, and manufacturing support. Re quires a B S in Mechanical En gineenng or related field, w ith tw o to four years experience in a manufacturing environment Send qualified resumes and salary histories to CD M edical. Inc. Drake W illock Division A ttn R am ona K a rja la in e n 13520 SE P h e a sa n t C o u rt P o rtla n d , OR 9727? (N o p h o n e c a lls please) An Equal O ppo rtu n ity/ A ffirm ative A ction Employer SECRETARY H E M A P H F R E S IS U NIT Immediate half time <20 hrs/ week) position available for mdi vidual to provide secretarial sup port for our busy Kemapheresis Dept The ideal candidate will have excellent demonstrated skills in interpersonal and com mumcation, w ith the ability and experience to organize and prior itize the clerical function of the department Must have good clerical skills, w ith a min 60 wmp Experience w orking in a health related field is a plus Hiring range is $6 19 $8 64 hr w ith good benefits Please apply no later than Wed. Feb 4 198/ between 1 00 4 00 p m at A m e ric a n Red C ross 3131 N. V a n c o u v e r A ve P o rtla n d , OR 97208 Equal O pportunity Employer K H U U H A M EXECUTIVE D PO R TLAN D AREA BRAN CH M ANAGER D ADULT AND f AMU Y SERVICES DIVISION S A I ARY IS2646 .33811 E x c e lle n t B e n e fit Pa, ka g e State of Oregon, A fS newts an energetic innovative skilled ma nager to manage die bran, I, o f fice at East Portland Brant I, in Portland, Oregon This branch office provides financial and me d ita l assistance to eligible Ore gon residents Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S Five years of progressively re sponsible management ex(>er tence, PLUS a Bachelor s degree or three additional years of per tment experience E X A M IN A T IO N If you qualify the test is to < om plete the examination question naire that is attached to announ cement No OC8/OOJ3 Youi grade w ill be based upon the an swers you mark on that question naire Obtain applications IPDIOOs) and the announcem ent at P e rso n n e l C e n te r 7/5 C o u rt S tre e t S a le m , O re g o n 97310 Applications only may be obtain erf at any State of Oregon Em ploym ent Office Subm it your State of Oregon A pplication (PD100I to Announ cement NO OC8/003J A pplications must arrive at A d u lt and F a m ily S erve es P e rso n n e l S e rvice s S e c tio n 516 P u b lic S e rvice B u ild in g S a le m ,O re g o n by February 1/. 1987 to be a n ted ep An Equal O pportunity Employer JOBS JOBS TRADE M A G A /IN F 788 0020 ur 788 0033 I ยป n ti.try ?R 1f1R/ JO B S l .n ii 'i