• 1 A m ». SENIOR ACCO UNT CLERK Prepares and maintains accoun ting records Education and experience equivalent to five years accounting full charge bookkeeping or equivalent muni cipal experience supplemented by training in bookkeeping or accounting SALARY: $1378 $1679 plus excellent benefits Apply to: C ity of M ilw a u k ie 10722 SE M ain M ilw a u k ie . OR 97222 City application must be received by dealme 5 p.m ., 2 /6 87 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES M U LTN O M A H COUNTY Case M an ag er 2 $8 47 per hour; provides com plex case management of a broad range of clients and a spectrum of services from the Aging Ser vices Division; requires combma tion of social services or social sciences degree and experience to equal six years; apply by Feb ruary 6, 1987 W HERE TO APPLY M u ltn o m a h County Em ployee Relations Room 1430 1120 SW Fifth Avenue Portland. OR 97204 An Equal Opportunity Employer STAFF ATTORNEY For poverty law domestic rela tions practice with Multnomah County Legal Aid Service One four years experience required Salary $17,372 plus, dependent on experience Ability to relate to low income population neces sary Send resume to N ancy S now Fam ily Law C enter 310 SW 4th Rm 1020 Portland. OR 97204 by February 10, 1987 HOUSING REHAB SPECIALIST COUNSELOR RESIDENT TREATM ENT COUNSELORS Vancouver Housing A u th o rity Perforins variety of duties asso ciated with rehab and occupancy of low cost housing Must be able to communicate complex program requirements to land lords, low income tenants and homeowners, determine eligibi lity. interpret credit and title re ports, prepare loan documents, maintain accurate records, ma nage laige workload and meet deadlines Requires strong inter l>ersonal and math skills, and consideiable experience in lious mg rehab, subsidized housing occupancy or mortgage finan cing Degree desiragle Salary range $1639 to $2094 i>er mo. Excellent benefits Send resume and covet letter describing relo vant experience and education to Impart troublod teenaged girls in an intensive lesidential treatment program Be accountable Make a difference. Join a dedicated team. We give excellent training Must be available for day even ing and weekend shift H IG H LY C O M P E TE N T Counselors start at $4 86 $6 08 hr plus good benefits Re quires directly applicable exper lence with similar population, strong group treatment skills, and leadership ability Must be effective B E G IN N IN G Counselors start at $4 01 $4 79 hr plus good trenefits Must lie proficient in helping skills V H A 500 O m aha Way Vancouver. W A 98661 Night shift pays 10% shift differ ential Full and part time positions avail able Send for application kit. (no re sumes). M u st be received by 5 P M , M onday February 2. 1987 An Equal Opportunity Employer R osem ont School 597 N D ekum Portland. OR 97217 PERSONNEL H U M A N RESOURCES COORDINATOR Equal Opportunity Employer Immediate full time position avail able for individual to provide secretarial support to our busy Human Resources Dept Re sponsibilities include correspon donee, maintenance of personnel files and records and handling applicant flow Must be able to type 60 wprn. fiave good inter personal and communication skills, and have a basic know ledge of EEO and Affirmative Action regulations Previous per sonnet experience preferred Hi ring range is $1113 $1392 witfi excellent benefits Please send resume or apply in person no later than Wed, Feb 4. 1987 at FISCAL AUDITO R ($2.063) Audit, review, and monitor pro grams grants, contracts, and fis cal transactions for compliance with state and federal laws rules regulations Must have two years auditing experience plus three more years profes sional accounting or audit exper lence Extensive travel requited Submit state applications by 1 28 87 to Oregon V ocational R ehabilitation Division Personnel Unit 2045 S ilverton Road NE Salem . OR 97310 A m erican Red Cross 3131 N Vancouver Ave Portland OR 97208 E 0 E Females handicapped and mino lilies encouraged to apply January 28 1987. JOBS. Page 3 • . . ■ • '■ j>