R » fa» Page 8, Portland Observer, January 21, 1987 Free Inform ation Clinic For Backs Only A free inform ation clinic for w o men on preventing breast cancer will be held at Meridian Park Hos pital, Tualatin, on Tuesday. Feb ruary 10, from 9 -,0 a.m . Recogm zing that early detection and pre vention can actually reduce the rate o f breast cancer, the clinic is design ed to provide wom en w ith the skills and confidence to perform routine breast self exam ination. Informa tion will also be available on mam mography, a lo w dose x ray exami nation, as an effective means of de tecting early breast cancers For additional inform ation con tac, the com m unity education de partm en, at the hospital. 692 2656 DAVE'S S H ° "H e re 's to Your B ack" is the title of a senior com m unity health edu cation program to be offered Thurs day, February 12, 12 30 p m. at the Sherwood Senior C enter. Presented by Pat Quintana, Phy steal Therapist on staff at Meridian Park Hospital, the presentation is part of the hospital's "H ealthw ise for Seniors" education program series There is no charge The program is coordinated by E Ricky Applem an, R N , MPH Com­ m unity Development and C orsul tmg Services, w ho also oversees hospital’s ongoing health screen ins a, W ashington C ounty senior centers in Tigard, Sherwood, ¿>ur ham Tualatin For inform ation about the pro gram or health screening, contact the senior center or com m unity (de partm en, a, the Tualatin hospital; P buying everything of value Thom as V ickers leads the second m eeting of the P ortland C hapter of Assault on Illiteracy, at w hich officers w ere elected P h o to b y R ich a rd J B ro w n A.O.I.P. Elects Officers Rotrert E Phillips was elected Sunday, January ,1 th , as President of the Assault on Illiteracy Portland Chapter Other officers elected were Mrs Lauretta Slaughter, Vice President, Ms Marta Ararnbula, Secretary, Mr Committee Ms Charles M Person Parental Support ft Involvement. Mr Charles Sanders. Long Range Planning b Resource Identification Mr James P Varner, ByLaws ft Constitution The above are all committees and the public is w elcom e to participate on any com m ittee of your choice The next meeting will be held on Sun day. February 8,h at the Prim e Hall Mason« Temple 1,6 N E Russell St at 5 00 p m Charles Sanders, A cting Treasurer, Ms Faye Mack, Professional Erluca tion. Rev Arnos Massey. Black Church Support ft Involvement, Ms M.rr garet Isaacs, N om inating Committee, Ms Marian Jacobs, Public Education End of an Era? MISTY P ar, O ne o f a T w o P ar, Series by Leon Harris The election of Ronald Reagan as President of the United States signaled mote than the ouster o, Democrats as the political power base in America I, brought into focus the idealism of the ultra right w ing Conservatives, which, having lurked in the shadows over the years, seized the opportunity to emerge as a force to be reckoned w ith after the Republican landslide in ,980 The political ideology of the untra ngh, was made clear and simple during the Nixon Presidency supporting the candidacy of elected officials and election hopefuls w ho embraced their conservative philosophy, and advo eating the defeat o f those w ho opposed them This well ■ onceived blue print fot action, long on the draw ing boards, was tabled only after massive political blunders, firs, by Nixon through W atergate, and subsequently by Gerald Ford's pardoning of th e fo rm e r President The aforementioned blueprint proposed counter measures to the accep tance by most Americans tha, federal subsidy of social and self help pro grams d id offer alternatives to a life of continued poverty related cycles As an example, they view com m unity action type programs as a "breeding ground for those radicals that w ould overthrow the governm ent w ith a Communis, inspired agenda ' The truth o f the matter is, com m unity ac tion agencies w e re breeding grounds" for a special segment of today s society, as witnessed by the many minorities, especially Blacks and His panics, w ho launched careers as businessmen, business women, and key professionals in some of this country's leading corporations Not mention ed are the politicians and other elected officials w ho have been "targeted ", since, as policy makers, they are of special concern Actually, in labeling such programs as havens for Communis, activities, the ultra right exposes its ultimate goal it seeks to be embraced by those w ho share its views and who also w ould discredit minorities The Conservative Right has made significant gains in its efforts to recruit new members and solicit contributions fo, expansion of its philosophy As a self appointed w atch dog of the Federal Budget, it has effectively lobbied conservative members of Congress ,o reduce or eliminate programs designed to help this nation -, hungry, homeless and elderly And they are able to accomplish this while strongly advocating quite successfully huqh increases in our m ilitary budge, But, in order to ensure tha, this precon ceived strategy w ould continue and be ongoing, the group knew tha, a strong and well respected leader was needed one that was trustw orthy as well Beauty & Barber Supply O pen to th e P u b lic We w ent curly yesterday. Retail Et Wholesale We sell all brands Stop in and check our prices. 5852 N.E. 42nd Ave. Across from Adam 's Track on 42nd Street HOURS M o n Sa, 8 A M 5 30 PM Phone: 282-1817 Employees can enjoy fam ily-oriented recreation a, a com pany owned cam pground—one of many benefits of w orking for a firm which offers extraordinary fringe ben «fits to attract the highest quality labor force o(Co d a te yo u r6tiSR c6. O A' EDWARD E WARD. DMD GENERAL DENTISTRY DENTAL CARE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY" ©Z % ,, - F t l» , NT iOS US II ST, D n u t s u n r t o r t A u o s u stxh IX U * A M X CLAIM» A l u m # tatiists - f i t s M M .I ] U D ra « IS Til TRI A TWIST - »»A MASTUCASt* - M W TAT,I STS W tlC O M lO - A U BIS LIMA - » A U P A TIP TARKIAK, - O t t t U H M M WOAOA» SATtRpAt I AH - P P i W U » »A tlA B tt - APA H I M t t * - - st patios to* sissin», ItX 5 0 3 -2 2 8 -3 0 0 9 Dr Edward G Ward 610 SW Alder, tu itr HMM ant p la n A v * ,»\sto'* " WILL EVELYN RENE CAFE 728 N.E. Dekum 289 4372 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ , 10% Discount on All Food Orders I Good through January 31, ,967 I Famous Crab Gumbo BRING IN THIS COUPON FOR DISCOUNT I | Good through January 31,1987 J i . __ ____________ 3 H ours M o n d a y Through Thursday 7:S0 a m. to 6 Friday ft S aturday 7 30 a m. to 9 00 p.m . Closed Sunday 00 p.m. Ronald Reagan's campaign promises and conservative philosophy as Governor of California appeared to fi, the criteria thus, the landslide vie tory of the conservative slate The election of President Reagan proved a bonanza for the ultra right w ing His proposals to reduce or eliminate most federally subsidized pro grams conform ed perfectly to its preconceived strategy Reduction in Headstart, Medicare, Medicade. W elfare, Small Business Adm inistration, Veterans and countless other programs beneficial to the poor were announ ced; bu, Nancy Reagan, Congress, public opinion and the media forced the President to exclude Headstart His record defense budget was deve loped under the "sm oke screen " o f shoring up this country's defenses against an expanding Communis, threat He sought to dismantle all A ffirm ative A ction programs and. though rebuffed in par, by the courts, did indeed succeed (because of his adamant opposition to A ffirm ative A ction, in forcing many businesses and learning institutions to re think their Equal O pportunity policies He showed businesses how to break the unions, creating an air o f hys lena w ithin the ranks of labor He reduced taxes as promised during his campaign and public opinion polls showed him to be one of the most popu lar Presidents in history. Ronald Reagan was a hero The Conservative Right had its leader W ha, they though, they had in Richard Nixon, had hoped for in Gerald Ford, they found in Ronald Reagan Their ship had come in And w ith Ronald Reagan at the helm, they be gan to complete their encirclement o f the American dream, w ith hopes of creating a new American way of life. They even gave it a name "Reagan omics". But, like most ships built w ith less than a solid foundation, problems began ,o surface Reaganomics, designed ,o stem the flo w of economic and social deve lopmen, of minorities, proved to have more far reaching effects The farm er in the cornbelt, w hich embraced Reaganomics w ith all its conservatism, soon found it necessary to embrace welfare, food stamps and Unemploy men, Compensation as a matter of survival Reaganomics the brainchild of an adm inistration ben, on bringing a nation together was emerging, instead, as a thrust, bringing about the disintegration of the American family N ext W eek • t • z • • H itting H om e in Oregon 9 - A We Pay C a sh ” Open ,0 00 5 00 Mon Sa, 5600 N E Union Groceries Below Wholesale Nam e Brands Canned, Packaged, Frozen serving N.E. Portland for over 30 years FO O D S T A M P S W E LC O M EI Canned goods THE BEE CO 800 N Killlngsworth St. Portland (503, 283-3171 Open Mon-Sat. 9:30 a m, - 6 p.m. , Mb ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH 4 ♦ F C orner of 8th end S k id m o re Sunday St hoof 9 15 a m Sunday Worship 11 OO i m Christian Youth Fellowship 6 00 p m (second end fourth Sundays) P h illip s N elso n (P a sto r) THE MOUNT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH N E First b S ch u yle r • 284 , 964 John H Jackson Minister M td M D 9 30 A M Church School 11 00 A M Congregational Worship 5 00 P M Vesper Service 10 00 A M Baptism Fourth Sunday _______ ' The American Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches o, Oregon Lot, Caiey Foreign Mission Convention National, Oregon, P ortland E cum enical M in istrie s A m erican B ible S o cie ty. M 6 M Board rw iv c M i i i r i g s w o n n • 2 B , 0499 "A warm spirit of fellowship always Church of God in Cho»r Retteersei Sunday Sunday School M orn »ng Worship Y P W W t veogebsttc Worshrp Tuesday Friday the T o llo u ’ peace with Friday The Pastor Speak« all men. p holiness without ivbich im -^ C ;^ , n>an shall sec I he ,__ , Cord COMMUNITY CHURCH of GOD 202 N E. Skidmore 281 5678 2B4 5669 Services 9 46 a m , Sunday School 11.00 a m ., Morning Worship 7 00p m , Evening Worship 7 00 p.m Wednesday, Prayer Meeting Victor R Brown. B Theology, Pastor Dr Haze, L Brown Sr D D Assistant Pastor SMILE - GOD LOVES YOU