Page 8, Portland Observer, January 14. 1987 Remember King 2nd Annual "King Day Celebration" This year's celebration is scheduled for Sunday. January 18 at the Red Lion Inn IJantzen Beach) The evening will feature music by Street Corner Singers, Strawberry Gamblers. Inner Balance, and Unity Speakers for the evening will be Ron Herndon. Margaret Carter. Lanita Duke and others to be announced, a portrayal of Dr King and a special appearance by the Martin Luther King Jr Commemorative Mass Chou of Portland. Oregon in con,uction with the voices of the Martin Luther King Jr School of Vancou ver. Washington The event will begin at 8 00 p m til 1 00 a m with a 7 00 p m No Host ' Bar with Hors d'oeuvres and a mini fashion show by Cobi Technique begin rung a, 7 3 0 p m Tickets are on sale for a $10 00 donation at the following locations House of Sound and Mis C's Wigs and for additional ticket information, call Joe (Bean) Keller at 288 1662 by Professor Robert Ivanov Doctor of Science (History) The Soviet people deeply respect the memory of Martin Luther King, as outstanding humanist of our time, irieconcilable fighter against racism in all its manifestations and champion of peace and friendship among nations We remember Martin Luther King as a brilliant speaker and gifted author, a leader who, as he himself used to say. could not reconcile himself with the idea that mankind would spiral through the arms race into thermo nuclear hell It is symbolic that King emerged when black Americans were returning from the battlefields of World War II to see that their position is society had not become any better I know that the events of 1956 1956 in Montgomery. Alabama, played a very special role in Dr King s life It was then that tens of thousands of black Americans had been boycotting segregated public transport for over a year King was at the head of that movement, displaying outstanding organizational abilities and great courage After that. King became known not only in the United States, but also abroad It was in Montgomery that King displayed his creative approach to the problems of the black movement in the United States And it was there that it was discovered that economic boycott was an effective way to in fluence the racists. I • rt King's legacy is being fiercely contested today, with his opponents say mg that he was "an apostle of nonviolent actions." But the black American leader never had any illusions about nonviolence being a universal form of struggle He said that the movement's bitter experience had shown that the government would do nothing to solve the racial problem until direct and resolute pressure was put to bear on it I am deeply convinced that King drew his energy from the masses which he served. He learned from them and always wanted to be in the swirl of events For this he was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, where he had gone to help the city's sanitation workers, who had gone on strike King was an extremely honest man and, like millions of other honest Americans, arrived at the conclusion that racism in the United States and the Vietnam War. aimed at realizing the ideas of neocolonialism, were simi lar notions When he came to see this. King became an opponent of the war and did everything he could to stop it J Edgar Hoover then FBI Director, considered King to "be almost a Red At the same time, re actionary forces in the United States did not conceal their satisfaction over King s assassination and did their utmost not to disclose the true political reasons for his murder The more time passes, the clearer we see the great contributions which he made to the struggle for the rights of black Americans and for peace anil friendship among nations. ». 4 t < * 1 r \ I 3 KBOO's Martin Luther King Day Specials KBOO 190 7 FM) is proud to present "Keeping Living the Dream A Tribute to Rev Martin Luther King” a special day of radio on January 19th from 11:30 am to 1 am Along with a special day of programming from KBOO air hosts, we will also feature a live broadcast from Whitaker Middle School at 1 p m featuring presentations by prominent citizens and local choirs Featured will be Mayor Bud Clark. Ron Herndon of the Black United Front, State Representative Margaret Carter, State Affirmative Action Director Kay Toran, and Oregonian Editor Bill Hilliard Music will be tea tured by Inspirational Sounds Whitaker Schook M.iss Choir. New Hope Choir, Jubilee Singers. Inspirations, and the Esquires Stagehand YWCA To Celebrate King's Birthday •3 . f « , I $ a si JÌ V And the Nominee Is???? Nominations for the 1987 Martin Luther King Awards are currently being sought by the Marthm Luther King, Jr Scholarship Fund of Oregon The awards annually recognize an individual, organization or business committed to the cause of human equality and or scholarly endeavors Ten awards will be given in the following categories I,) most effective local minority newspaper. 121 most effective minority teacher in Portland Public Schools, one selected (or grade school and one for high school. (3) most effective minority government elected official. 14) community ser vice. 15) minority business and economic development, (61 high school stu dent scholarship service, 171 distinguished senior citizen. (8) social service. (9) best local band Send nominations to PSU address Nominations close Thursday, January 21, ,987 The candidates chosen to receive the awards will be honored at The Scholarship Award and Scholarship Dance scheduled for January 23. 1987 The even, will be from 10 00 p m to 2:00 a m. in the Mayfair Room. Wes,in Benson Hotel. Tickets can be obtained by writing to the Fund a, 1633 S W Park Ave Room 223, Portland. Oregon 97207 or by calling Michael Hill, President, a, (503) 299 4475 ’6 00 advance. $8 00 at door In January, our nation will pay homage to a true American hero the late Dr. Marin Luther King, Jr. King had a dream that "one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed that all people are created equal " His life was dedicated to this vision. The YWCA believes the greatest honor the community can give to Martin Luther King is the effort needed to make his dream a reality The organiza lion's imperative is the elimination of racism wherever it exists, and by any means necessary. To celebrate King s birthday, the YWCA has planned a trib u te on Thursday. January 16. from 6 to 8 30 p m . at 1111 S W 10th Avenue The YWCA encourages the community to join in this tribute to a man who did not see the world in black and white, and dared to challenge those who did MRS. C’s WIGS <•1 by Trisa Watson Much of what King devoted his life and efforts to remains undone to this day That is why in paying our respects to the memory of Dr King for everything he did for his people and for a progressive America, wt- regard him as our contemporary, a fighter for the resolution of mankind's most important problems PCC Hosts King Commemoration Day In celebration of slain Civil Rights leader, Dr, Martin Luther King, the Cascade Campus of Portland Community College will host a Martin Luther King Commemoration Day on January 16. 1987 at 12 00 noon at the Cas cade Campus in the cafeteria located in the Student Center Special guest speaker will be Dr Matthew Prophet, Superintendent of the Portland Pub lie Schools Other guests will be The Albina Ministerial Alliance Head Start Center from Portland Community College Cascade Campos, who will be performing the play "I Have a Dream" and The Kings Temple Brothers who will provide musical entertainment The public is encouraged to attend / K andy ’ s « $18 50 b up or by the ft $4 ft up The Black race has come a long way and has a long way to go It's up to the youth in our community to keep striving to be the best that they can, and to live and perform the dream of our ancestors 6 The great Dr Martin Luther King, Jr was one o, many Blacks, who stood for our civil rights The least that we can do is to better ourselves by getting a good education and trying to the best of our abilities to sue ceed We can star, to repay those who fought, were beaten, arrested and murdered for the sake ol our beloved race Millions of Black people have suffered so you and I could go to non segregated schools, restaurants, movie theaters, public parks and libraries, and have an equal opportunity to ge, any type of |ob that we may desire It is time for us to think about the future Wha, we going to do with our lives’ Are we working on becoming a statistic of teen mothers, alcoholics, drug addicts or victims ol suicide’ Are we stoving to be the great Black America our forefathers expected us to be? We can reduce the number of young Blacks who add to the above stati sties by upholding the dream of our forefathers A u th o r . N o te Bulk Human Hair $23 95 ft up «“ * »» U O “ OOUOCA« N A T A U IC O C Ik U tC M X Il w t t ' l Wig Styling $7 50 A N D UP (long or specialty styles slightly higher) BRAIDS $2.95 not only on our great leaflets Trisa Watson is 15 years old and a member of the Black United Front Teenage Care Proiec, NEW QUICK START NEW LOCATION! NEW YOU I 446 N E Killingsworth Is Under New Management g - üÿ NEW HOURS se^ ed e\\ d8'' Bt«® Mon Thurs 6a m 8 p m . Friday 6 a m midnight Saturday 8 a m. midnight Sunday 9 a.m.-1 p m . N o rth e a s t P o rtla n d C a n te r T e m p le B ap tis t C h u rc h T illa m o o k P ark B ldg 1319 N E 7th 2108 N E 41st Ava Fireside Room 7 00 p I M on Tuesday Tim Wed 7 00pm bbOOpm 9 J 0 im Thurs 9 30am R iv a ry a ta C o m m u n ity C h u rc h 4737 N Lombard St M a ra n a th a C h u rc h 4222 N E 12th Second Annual (Enter on Skidmore) Sat Tu” Thu»» 7 00pm 9 30am 9 30 a m KING DAY CELEBRATION —« JOIN ANY CLASS ANYTIM E N ew and renewing members please arrive 20 min earlier For more information end additional class locations Call co lle c t 1503) 297 1021 HIR HIR HOORAY! SUN. JAN. 18,1987 RED LION INN 12 00 noon (Brown Bay Lunch Cleat) 7 00p m Fn WMighi C»t ’«• P'0pn»f