January 14. 1987, Portland Observer, Paye 7 1966 April King makes "Beyond Vietnam" speech at Riverside Church in New York City. March U S Supreme Court rules poll tax unconstitutional Spring King tours Alabama to help elect Black candidates. For first time since Reconstruction a number of Blacks vote in the Alabama primary May A King antiwar statement is read at a Washington rally to pro­ test the war in Vietnam King agrees to serve as co-chairman of Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Vietnam. July Riots in Newark, New Jersey and Detroit, Michigan. Dr King and other prominent Black leaders call for an end to the hots. October Supreme Court upholds the contempt of court convictions of Dr. King and other Black leaders who led the 1963 marches in Birmingham, Alabama. November King announces the formation of a Poor People's Campaign by SCLC to address the problems of the poor - Black and White. July King launches a drive to make Chicago an "open city'' in regard to housing. August King is stoned in Chicago while leading a march through crowds of angry whites. March King leads 6,000 protesters on a march through downtown Memphis in support of sinking sanitation workers. September SCLC launches a project to integrate the public schools of Gre nada, Mississippi and initiates the Alabama Citizen Education Proj act in Wilcox County. April Kmy delivers his last speech "l've Been to the Mountain Top," at the Memphis Masonic Temple. On the 4th, Dr Kmg is assassinat ed He dies in St. Joseph s Hospital January King writes H here D o H e Go From Here7 March The desegregation of public schools is ordered in Alabama. Dr King attacks U.S. policy in Vietnam in Chicago speech. “ One day someone should remind us that, even though there may be p o litica l and ideological differences between us, the Vietnamese are o ur brothers, the Russians are our brothers, the Chinese are our brothers; and one day we ‘ve got to sit down together at the table o f brotherhood. . . .A n d when we truly believe in the sacredness o f human personality, we w o n ’t exploit people, we w on't trample over people with the iron fis t o f oppression, we w on’t k ill anybody. ” — I96R PCC Cascade Plans Public O bservance For King B irth d a y Request fo r K IN G D A Y ” V o lu n teers On Sunday. January 18. 1987. the Martin Luther King. Ji Comnieinora tive Committee will present the Second Annual KING DAY CELEBRATION This year's event will lake place at the Red Lion Inn (Jantzen Beach). The King Day Production Committee is looking for volunteers to assist in this yeai s celebration Areas to be covered are poster and flier distribo tion, ad sales for souvenir booklet. Host, Hostess and much more. If you would like to volunteer your time or services, please contact Joe (Bean) Keller at (5031 288 1662 i JA N U A R Y «,.1 ; ! sat 14 15 16 17 Portland Community College has scheduled a public observance of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday on Friday, January 16. at the PCC Cascade Campus. 705 N. Killingsworth. a SAVE $20,o $50 The ceremony, sponsored by the Associated Students of PCC, will be held at noon in the Student Center cafeteria. Portland's superintendent of schools. Dr Matthew Prophet, will speak during the ceremony. Chil dren from the Albina Minsterial Alliance Headstart program will pre sent a skit and John Lee, Cascade physical education instructor, will sing. Further information is available from Alan Batiste, student govern ment advisor. 283 2541, Ext 5356 C ra fts m a n H a n d Tool Full L im ite d W a r r a n ty if any Craftsman hand fool ever fails Io qive |complele satisfaction, return it for free (replacement SAVE O VER 5 0 % ’ ’ M echanic s tool set You pay less than $1 per tool tor Craftsman quality1 This set includes .. and ' in drive tools regular and deep sockets in standard and metric sizes more ’ Peg You A re C o rd ia lly In vite d price» to ta l $ 2 2 9 45 7.% -inch c irc u la r s a w The Portland Chapter of the N A A C P cordially invites you to attend their presentation of "Our Commitment to Dr King's Dream" on Sunday. January 18. 1987 at 4 00 p m at the Vancouver Avenue Baptist Church, 3138 North Van couver Avenue. Portland The program will include guest speakers, gospel music and instal lation of new officers SAVE $ 1 1 0 S te e l t o o l s t o r a g e u n it s fo r h o m e o w n e rs Powerful 2 ’ x-HP motor gives you the power to cut through thick wood or m a­ sonry Maximum depth of cut 2%-m a t90°, 13/«-m a t45° 5000 rpm Comes with car­ bide-tipped blade Reg $99 99 $ 6 9 99 1 /2 - in $129 99 6 drawer tool chest Provides 8 3 sq ft of storage space $179 99 5 drawer roll away Provides 12 9 sq f, of storage variab le- speed drill. 3 8 HP motor 0 to 600 rpm Reversible $89.99 3-in. belt sander 1-HP motor No-load speed 1300 ft per min Exclusive Memory Trak” $89 996-in. variable-speed bench grinder 0 to 3800 rpm 6-m grinding wheels with 10 2-m clearance Buy it today on your SearsCharge Happy birthday B randel's K illin g s w o rth Foods Sears Best Craftsm an garage door opener r INCLUDES 1 TWO 3-CHANNEL DIGITAL TRANSMITTERS W e have your holiday needs at reasonable prices like Hams. Turkeys. Ducks, Baking Hens and Greens BUY YOUR GARAGE DOOR 0PCNK R t o d a y SEARS CAN IN S T A L L ’ Fresh Chicken Wings WITHIN ___ 799/lb. W e at Brandel's wish you and yours H appy Holidays 24 HOURS » *9 » 2 2 9 .9 9 , Powerful ’ HP motor lifts ga rage doors up to 18 x 7 -ft Strong steel chain cable drive system is more durable than plastic drive Transmitters can open up to 3 garage doors or with optional lighting control accessories turn on indoor and outdoor lights A sk atiout Sear5 auf**/' 7*Kl tnMaftafcon I m e estimale« • Nol included •« Garage Door Open#» price y S atisfaction g w n t — d or fo u r m o n o f 0*c* Seer». RoePuck and Ce . »St 7 Clackamas 11800 S E 82nd Ave 652 2280 Vancouver Mall 4 9,1 N E Thurston Way 256 8333 2-HP air compressor ~~ Has the power tor spray painting sand blast­ ing or projects that require air power 7 8 SCFM a, 40 PSI 12-qal tank 110-220V Washington Square 9800 S W Washington Blvd 620 1510 SCARS