¿ ¿ 'aArANAÿ'Vt’^ l . *M « .K- • - ’ „ ,-- - - < ’ ■ . - • . f Page 4I Portland Observer, January 14, 1987 C h ro n o lo g y o f th e life o f Dr. M a rtin Luther King, J r 1929 1954 1956 January 15 Martin Luther King, Jr., is born to Rev and Mrs. Martin Luther King, Sr., at 501 Auburn Avenue in Atlanta. Georgia May The U.S. Supreme Court rules unanimously in Brown vs. Board o f Education that racial segregation in public schools is unconsti­ tutional. January King is arrested in Montgomery and released on his own recog nuance A bomb is thrown onto the porch of the King home. 1935-1944 F e b ru a ry King attends Dsvid T. Howard Elementary School, Atlanta Uni­ versity Laboratory School, Booker T. W ashington High School arxl enters Morehouse at age 15 1947 18 year old King is licensed to preach and becomes assistant to he father, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. October Rev. King is installed as the 20th pastor o f the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alatiama King is indicted with other protesters on the charge of being part of a conspiracy to prevent the operation of business without '/ust or leyal cause " 1955 June A United States district court rules that racial segregation on city bus lines is unconstitutional June King earns a Ph D. degree in systematic theology from Boston University. December Mrs. Rosa Parks is arrested because she refuses to give her seat to a white man. The bus boycott starts on December 5th and King Dr. King and Rev Ralph Abernathy visit West Berlin at the invita 1948 February King is ordined to the Baptist ministry O ctober The mayor of Montgomery instructs the city council "to file such proceedings as it may deem proper to stop the operation o f car pools and transportation systems growing out of the boycott." Novem ber United States Supreme Court upholds decision of district court in declanng Alabama's segregation on buses laws unconstitutional. (Continued on next page) June King graduates from Morehouse College with a B.A degree in sociology. September King enters Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsyl vania. Here he begins a serious study of the life and teachings of Mafiatrna Gandhi I 1953 Mames Coretta Scott in Mahon, Alabama HAM M S PEPSI, DIET PEPSI, NIT. DEW 12 Pack 12oz. Cana 6 Pack 12oz. Cans $ 1 fovitQui* H- MOVIE RENTALS • 2 0 0 HIT TITLES Ik Ml lIMC 1*1 • No Deposit Requved CARTON SEAGRAM’S COOLERS CIGARETTES 4 Pack 12oz. B o ttle * AN Major $288 Saiiaaa Stami i Wiraia, Seatiai Clam laa, Ciacar Haul O m ni i« a i,iia i ani Mi, Caeohctla fta,aiat, • Free Membership • 24-H our Convenience ggc/s]99 Mon.-Thurs. Fri.-Sun. 4 Holiday» $4.99 VCR Rental Everyday AMERICAN EXPRESS HOT DOGS MONEY ORDERS c 2/98 c 25 MOVIE RENTALS When you enrol as • member et 7 -Eleven SSrN* A IOTKTTW tMHMI 1MJ Caah V *u < 1 2 0 o l 1 Cent NO BEER OR W IN E SOLO BETW EEN 2 30 AM ANO 7 0 0 AM PRICES GOOD ONLY AT THE 33rd AND KILLINGSWORTH STORE THROUGH 1 /2 5 /8 7 I J TMf SOUIMIANO CORPORATION