January 14, 1987, Portland Observer, Page 13 Portland Fair Share To M e e t W ith Legislators The Portland Chapter ol Oregon Fair Share will be holding its 1967 Legislative Breakfast on Saturday, January 17 at 9 30 am at Original Richard's Restaurant on 4534 SE McLoughlin Blvd At this event Fair Share members will have the opportunity to present their legis lative issue concerns to the Portland legislative delegation Issues indù ding health care, taxes, and insur ance reform will be discussed Following Fair Share issue pre sentations. legislators will have the opportunity to comment and share their thoughts on how they see the '87 session progressing Denise Gustafson, president of Oregon Fair Share, states that. "The Legislative Breakfast marks the beginning of our involvement in what we hope will be our most successful legis lative session ye t." S u n s e t H ig h S c h o o l t o H o n o r M a r t i n L u t h e r K in g J r . Sunset High School will hold an assembly on January 19. 1967. to honor the late Dr Marin Luther King Jr It marks the first time the school has honored the civil rights leader since his death "Sunset has never done anything for him IDr King),' says Sunset Senior Enk Iverson, who is one of the students involved in planning the assembly "I just thought we should do something this year." When Dr King died, most of the schools in Oregon held some kind of observance Sunset held a fashion show ," said Sunset High School senior Chuck Currie ' It's time that Sunset and the other Beaverton schools take part in remembering his life and The Civil Rights M ovement," The assembly will take the form of a slide show, showing pictures of black art, civil rights photos from the 1960 s, and music from different art ists of the time Excerpts from Dr King’s, " I Have a Dream" speech will be heard along with speeches on civil rights from President John F. Kennedy, and Senator Robert F Kennedy Staff advisors include Don Schuman, Marcie Gearry, and Greg Hall. . . . One day in Alabama, that little black boys and black girls will be able to jo in hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers— I have a dream today! Dr. Martin Luther King He was a Negro, but with a soul as pure as the white snow. He was killed by whites with black souls. When I received this news that same bullet entered me. That bullet that killed him, but by that bullet I was reborn, and I was reborn a Neg.o. — Yevgeny Yevtushenko, U.S.S.R. REV MARTIN LUTHER KING JR 1929 — 1%6 Mail to be Collected and Processed on Holiday Portland Field Division General Manager Postmaster Dallas Keck announced today that post offices will be closed Monday, January 19, 1987 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr There will tie no window service or carrier deliveries; however Express Mail and Special Delivery services will be provided Now’s your chance to take advantage of excellent real estate values offered by HUD. Im p o rta n t In fo rm a tio n P u n hase » s m u t t <>b,am th e ir o w n fm an< m g for a il s a le s P le a s e i»nta< , a re a l esta te a g e 'd of your c h o ic e to »ee or b id o n a n y o f th e p ro p e rtie s i sted O n ly bids p re s e n te d by lice n s e d a g e n ts w i l b e a< t e p te d H U D re s e v e s th e r ig h t to reie< t . v y or a< h ds a n d to w a iv e a ny 'it.irn ty or irre g u la rity m any b'dS Au tv iin es sc ! as s N O W A R R A N T Y These p r o p e r tie s m a y c o n ta in * o d e v io la tio n s Free al last Free at last. Thank God Almighty I nt Fret- at last • A ,..|rr ,.-jt •» ey lig u .s it ' $10(XJ ito b e d e p o s ite d •»’ < h e n , s Ir u s l di i o u n ti is r e q u ir e d w ith e a c h o ffe r ,o pure b a s e "TOP VALUE” properlies listed below have been Fixed Up. Cleaned Up. and Certified No major work Io do, MOVE RIGHT IN ‘ Homes eligible lor FHA Mortgage Insurance with low down payment PREVIOUS WEEK’S LISTING - BIO OPENING TUES., JAN. 2 0 ,1 9 8 7 at 1:00 P BIDS ACCEPTED UNTIL 11:00 AM, JAN. 20, 1987 ADORESS 985 H arvard Ava Gladstone 3727 SW 14th Dr Gresham 5679 SE Woodhaven M ilwaukie 42 ’ 4 NE 5 7,6 Ave Portland 4411 SE 116th Portland 2150 SE 181 b , SI Portland 4308 SE Ash Portland 13424 SE Glenwood Portland 3975 NE M allory Portland 4044 N Missouri Portland 10420 NE 89th Ave Vancouver 4109 NE 130th Ave Vancouver 819 NE 132nd Ave Vancouver 15405 SE Greenperti St Vancouver 3100 NE Whitman Ave Vancouver BASED O N THE NOVEL BY RICHARD WRIGHT OF SCRiPTlON 3 Rd 1 Ra 1940 Sq f 1 3 Rd 2 , Ra 1848 Sq f 1 4 Rd 2 , Ra ’ 692 Sq f , 2 Rd 1 Ra 1184 S qE t , Rd 1 Ra 896 Sq f 1 3 Rd 1 Ra 1032 Sq Et 3 Rd 1 Ra 1692 Sq E 1 , Rd 1 , Ba 1, 14 Sq Et 1 Bd 1 , Ra 1701 Sq Ft 3 Bd 2 Ba 1852 Sq Et ID u p le «1 J Bd 2 Ha 2024 Sq E I J Bd 2 Ha 1035 Sq El 4 Bd 2 Ra 1940 Sq F1 J Rd 2 Ra 1240 SqE 1 3 Bd 1 Ba 1100 Sq E, PRICE •36 950 •74 950 •49 950 *28 000 • TOP VALUE a • •52 ,50 •54 •47 •54 •55 •14 MB 650 700 500 500 700 e TOP VAL UE a a TOP VALUE a ( ASE 4,1 431 4,1 4 i’ 431 431 4,1 ; 4,1 4 ,, ‘»69 ‘»69 569 569 569 N U M R f HS ,68044 203 164921 203 1599,6 245 143 . ’ . 154)98 203 150109 270 ,66560 203 • • . . 128808 221 14 ,2 ,3 203 015739 203 01 ,548 2 70 015159 270 016408 561 016102 203 EXTENDED LISTINGS—OFFERS OPENED DAILY 70495 SW C larion St Aloha 315 NW Oennts Hillsboro 5253 NE 17th Ave Portland 1223 NE 75th Ava Portland 249 NE 191», Ava Portland 4904 NE A lberta St Portland 8615 N Gloucester Portland 817 19 21 NE Jessup S, Portland 2335 N Wygan, Portland 9025 NE Wygan, Portland 313 N 4th SI R idge,,eld 504 W 31 St Vancouver 5805 NE 85th Ava Vancouver 9808 NE IH t h A v e Vancouver 8505 NE 122nd Ava Vancouver 7405 E M ill Plain Blvd Vancouvar •55 000 3 Rd ? Ha 1093 Sq f I •27 900 2 Rd 1 Ba 1106 Sq E, •25 350 ? Rd 1 , Ba 1024 Sq F, • » SCO 1 Ba 888 S q F l f f 41? Sq E H • Rsm, 3 Rd •30 000 3 Rd t Ra 1224 Sq F| •22 500 2 Rd 1 Ra 840 Sq E I •29 000 2 Bd 1 , Ba 786 Sq E, •29 950 3 Rd J Ra 1728 Sq E, (T rip le . •31 500 5 Rd 1 , Ba 1965 Sq El •21 000 2 Rd 1 Ra ’56 Sq E, •37 500 3 Rd I ’ . B a 1565 Sq E, •35 850 3 Rd 1 Ra 1560 Sq E, •54 150 I Rd 2 Ra 1406 Sq E, •58 000 4 Rd ? Ba 1 ’ 36 Sq E, •47 250 3 Rd 2 Ba 1050 Sq Et 4 Rd 1 . Ha 1241 Sq F t , f 312 S q E , Em Rsm’ •28 550 • TOP VALUE • TOP VAL UE - TOP VALUE TOP VALUE 431 1*43093 2 70 4,1 ,64194 203 4 ,1 151049 203 4 ,1 148024 2 70 431 150252 203 4 ,1 1 4 9 4 1 ,2 7 0 431 154616 270 4 ,1 ,55811 203 4 ,1 145115 270 431 146,21 2 0 , 569 011510 270 569 017106 203 569 0 ,4 ,0 1 270 569 0 , 2 1 38 270 •4»9 012 -64 270 ‘4»9 010541» ?03 H o m es liste d a b o v e as E « ten ded Listings w e re no, sold as a res u lt of the c o m p e titiv e bid o p e n in g H U D WH L C O N S ID E R ANY RE A S O N A B iE O F r ER These p ro p e rtie s w ill re m a in a v a ila b le for s a le until such tim e as they a re re lis te d under d iffe re n t term s E ach w o rkin g day at 2 30 pm offers re c e iv e d for th e s e h o m e s d u rin g the day w ill be e v a lu a te d in the e v e n t that < H O M I R fC v C lf A MoO HOME s a !’' • * > » * me u S ( a'***'^” * o* MouC'vj a*'<1 U'ha^ Port P»ope**y Qspnv’ on ON« e HUD DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ANO URBAN DEVELOPMENT RESULT OF BID OPENINGS ANO PROPERTIES AVAILABLE ON THE EXTENDED LISTING È ir AVAILABLE AT (50 3 )2 2 1 34 9 8 This is a partial listing ol HUD properties. For a com plete listing ot properties available tor sale by HUD, please see HUD's listing in “ The O regonian" Friday or Sunday Real Estate Section. M • .* » .' , ■ i u f . - . • . •A*’ . 4 '-' 1 ‘ «• ' ' • * ’ , 4 - • • • » r* 1 , • .A * • . X . • • , *