Page 10, Portland Observer, January 14, 1987 King's Son to Speak at Lewis and Clark Martin Luther King III will speak at Lewis and Clark College s Agnes Fla nagan Chapel at 3 p m. Friday, Jan. 23 King, the son of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., will speak on: ■'Mainstreaming Outsiders Increasing Educational Opportunities " The free lecture is sponsored by the Martin Luther King Jr Scholarship Fund, the Northwestern School of Law of Lewis and Clark College Alumni Association, the Minority Law Student Association, campus ministries. Associated Students of Lewis and Clark Education Programs and the Col­ lege's lectures and concerts committee King s father, the winner of a Nobel Prize for his work in leading the civil rights movement in the United States in the 1960s. was assassinated in Memphis. Tenn., in 1968 King also will speak at the Martin Luther King School in Northeast Portland and at Portland State University For more information, contact Tony Kneidek, Office of Public Informa tion, Lewis and Clark College. 293 2777 Neighborhood Restaurant Holds "Get Acquainted Dinners" Hiram s Shrimp Shop, a new neighborhood restaurant in Union Square, will hold 'Get Acquainted Dinners" in January The first dinner will be held on Monday. January 19 m honor of Martin Luther King s birthday Neigh borhood. religious and business leaders will be invited to become acquaint ed with Hiram s and enjoy free gumbo with their dinner Hiram s owner. Abdul Hasan, would like neighborhood leaders to con­ sider Hiram s lor their meetings He feels there is a need for a convenient neighborhood meeting place In addition to the Get Acquainted Dinners". Hiram's will invite neigh borhood residents to a Grand Opening celebration in February Hiram’s opened in December at Union Square. 3034 N E Union The family oriented restaurant specializes in seafood, gumbo and barbecued beef and chicken "Keep Living the Dream: A Tribute to Rev. M artin Luther King, Jr." Please accept this as a special invitation to attend the Second Annual Program "Keep Living The Dream A Tribute to Rev Martin Luther King, Jr." at 1:00 p.m.. Monday, January 19. 1987. at the Whitaker Middle School Auditorium. This program will include presentations by Portland area students and a number of prominent citizens all reflecting on "The Dream". As a pertor ming arts feature, a mass choir, sculpted from local talent, will perform gospel music classics under the direction of pianist composer Janice Scroggins. Danny Osborn, and Ken Berry The entire program will be broadcast live over radio station KBOO (90 7 FM) and video taped for later broadcast on Rogers Cable Television So mark your calendar for Monday. January 19th, from 1 00 p m to 5 00 p m at Whitaker Middle School tor "Keep Living The Dream A Tribute to Rev Martin Luther Kmg. Jr." M A R TIN LUTHER King, Jr., Celebration Set A communitywide celebration of the nation's second observance of the Dr Martin Luther King, Jr., Holiday is scheduled January 15 20 in Eugene. A rodedication of Martin Luther King Park, located at 10th and Grant in Eugene, will kick off the celebra tion The rededication is scheduled from 4 to 4 45 p.m. on Thursday. January 15. In addition, during the six day event, nationally recognized speakers will make presentations and local efforts to further human rights will be acknowledged These and other special events celebrating the life and work of the late Martin Luther King, Jr., will occur at different sites in the com munity. The free events are being coor dmated by the Eugene Martin Lu ther King, Jr., Celebration Task Force. The local celebration shares this year's theme of the federal holiday commission, "Let Freedom Ring." The task force has designed events to bring together members of the local community "to demon strata interdependence, stressing similarities while recognizing differ ences,” according to member Jay ne Mickles For more information about acti vities, contact Nancy Waggoner at the City of Eugene, Intergovern mental Relations. 687 5177, OR task force member Jayne Mickles. 683 2790or 399 3200 (Salem) Portland Schools Spearhead King Birthday Observances Three Portland Public Schools during the next two weeks spear head local and national observances of the birthday of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. King Primary School, named for the slain civil rights leader, holds its 16th annual commemorative as sembly next Thursday (Jan. 151 in the school cafetorium at 4906 N.E. Sixth Ave Scheduled from 1-2:15 p.m ., the King School observance features a school and community assembly at which students and community lea ders will offer songs, readings, plays and candlelighting ceremony. Special invited guests are Oregon Gov Neil Goldschmidt, Portland Mayor Bud Clark, Portland School District Supt Matthew Prophet and Oregon Rep Margaret Carter ID 18th District). Vancouver, Wash.'s King Ele mentary School will send a dolega tion of 30 students and present songs and readings. Vernon Primary School will hold grade level student assemblies from 10 a m. 2 p.m. next Thursday (Jan 15), followed by a schoolwide stu dent launching of commemorative balloons from the campus at 2044 N.E. Killmgsworth St Whitaker Middle School on Jan 19 hosts its second annual "Keep Living the Dream A Tribute to the Rev Martin Luther King Jr." Scheduled at 1 p.m., the public program in the school auditorium at 5700 N E. 39th Ave will include presentations by students and com munity leaders The Whitaker program, broadcast live on Radio Station KBOO, also will feature a community choir per forming gospel music classics Martin Luther King Day, an offi cial state and national holiday, will be observed Jan . 19. Portland Pub­ lic Schools and offices will be closed For further information, please contact LaVerne Davis, King School program coordinator, 2806155. Betsy Geddes, Vernon principal. 284 2157 or Ken Berry, Whitaker School program director. 280 5 ,40 MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. Birthday Observed January 19,1987 Safeway salutes Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Born 1929 - Died 1968, a Baptist Minister who led the Civil Rights Movement of the 1 9 5 0 ’s and 6 0 ’s which led to an end of racial segregation. He won the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his non-violent protest movement. We at Safeway are committed to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s dream of equal opportunities for all people...It is a fundamental policy of our company to provide equal opportunity employment, management training and ad­ vancement to all of our employees without regards to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age or physical handicap. We are truly proud to be a part of everyone’s life. SAFEWAY Equal Opportunity Employer