January 7, 1987. Portland Observer, Page 7 CL A S S IF/E D A D VER TIS IN G V ' business o p p o rtu n itie s $60 OOPER H U N D R E D P A ID M is c e lla n e o u s For S ale Personally Yoursl Now unlimited long distance calls to or from any where, anytime in the USA Available in your area for $120 00 per month Call 1206) 463 9923 For remailing letters from home I Send self addressed, stamped en­ velope for information/application. Free ANSCO Cameral Kodak film 15C per rolli Send name address for full information to Kurt Persey 2066 N W Flan ders. Dept 106, Port land OR 97209 Associates Box 96 B Roselle. NJ 07203 B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT IE S P erso n als Infertile couple seeks surrogate mother with red hair Contact Sur­ rogate Foundation, P 0 Box 06545. Port land. OR 07296, or call <503)777 2612 Personals Private Adoption Pro fessional and loving couple wishes to adopt infant or child four years or younger. All related attorney fees paid. In Portland, call 246 2574 Outside call <503)362 9550 TRAVEL AGENCY Own UNIGLOBE TRAVEL, the growing franchisor of travel ca No travel industry Investment required Call your own Contact largest and fastest agencies in N Amen experience required Tamara at (503 ) 282 4602 B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT IE S OPEN YOUR OWN ONE PRICE ($9 991 DIS COUNT SHOE STORE All first quality merchan dise $13.900 to $16,900 includes beginning in ventory, fixtures, supplies, training and air fare Call Ed Brandt, The Source. (405) 238 9358 FOR SALE FARM E Q U IP M E N T R E C R E A T IO N A L V E H IC L E S 1986 KOMFORT 26 travel trailer. $14,800 1986 22' Komfort 5th wheel, $11,300 Oceanway RV, Hwy 18 99W Dayton Junction (Lincoln City cut off), McMinnville, Oregon. Call (503) 434 6505 PERSONAL Flanders, Portland, HELP W A N T E D El Rancho Motel PERSONAL Infertile couple seeks surrogate mother with red hair. Contact Surrogate Foundation, P.O. Box 06545, Port land, OR 97206. or call (503)777 2612 2065 N W Dept 106, OR 97209 LOOKING FOR WORK? We need you Earn up to $10 $15 per hour commission . Fuller Brush Call collect. 1 (503) 761 1060 OCEANSIDE. OR 2 nights price 1 Spectacular view, quiet seclution, beach 1 block Studio, $37.50; 2 bedroom unit. $47 50 ( 5031 842 4413. ADOPTION Childless couple seek infant to love and adopt. Laugh S C H O O L S /IN S T R U C T IO N ter fills our loving farm home. All medical, ENJOY CHILDREN? Study at nationally recog legal and pregnancy re­ nized training school Free nationwide placement lated expenses paid I incredible demand Contact NNI, 2100 NE Broad Tel (503) Please call our Oregon way, Suite 3F Portland OR 97232 attorney collect, (503) 284 1240 Call collect 222 2474 Restaurant bar club available for only $12.000 down to exper lenced operator Well known Northwest Port land location Attrae tive least) Qualified only, call 635 4117, w o rkin g hours FOR SA LE Free ANSCO Camera' Kodak film 15 cents per rolll Send name and address for full infor mation to: Kurt Persey, SEWING M A CH IN ES" TYPEWRITERS'! New “ Free arm” , all metal school models Latest stitches, overlock stre tch, etc., $145 00' List $399 00' 20 Yr guar antee Also NEW ROYAL electric self correcting typewriters $159 00' List $289 00' Check, credit cards. C.O 0 or lay away FREE DEI IVERV" 1 714 548 4125 or 1 714 645 6532 A N Y TIM E " V A C A T IO N R E N T A L S B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT Y Personals Adoption; Happily mar ried couple wishes to adopt infant Child will have loving, secure fa mily. with all advanta ges of good home. Ex penses paid. Attorney involved (503) 635 7773. D.J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR INC ç e » • • Dewey Taylor II • P O S IT IO N O P E N P roduction Five day metropolitan business newspaper seeks competent layout paste up person with at least 5 years experience in make up and markup of both classified and display adver tisements Duties will include lifting heavy equipment, maintenance work, and cleaning Hours are from 8 a m . to 4:30 p.m., 19/hr., 24 paid days off annually, medical and dental, no weekend work Contact All Hassanm, Pro duction Manager, Portland Business Today, P O Box 10127, Portland, OR 97210 (5031 . » DBA P A IN T IN G INTERIOR Et EXTERIOR W A L L Et FLOOR COVERING OF ALL PHASES H A U LIN G Et M O V IN G M A S O N A R Y W ORK FREE ESTIMATES 226 1311 LICENSED. BONDED P O S IT IO N O P E N 10 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE A FFO RDABLE R E M O D E L IN G U IIII Photographer Full time staff photographer for daily business newspaper Must be a self starter, have good work habits, be organized and capable of han dling lab work Send resume and references to Tom Stearns. Associate Publisher. Portland Business Today. P 0 Box ,0127. Portland, OR 97210 (503) 226 13,1. ic " s \o S e o,\o' ô '* c 'oo C A'1 CALL T O D A Y 287-7353 Now’s your chance to take advantage of excellent real estate values offered by HUD. 1986 FALL CANCEL LATIONS These are Miracle Span round top buildings 42 x 54 with 20 x 14 door. 25 x 32 with 11 x 10' door will sell for balance owed (503 ) 220 1629 o rm r m a tio uon Im p o rta n t In fo .r 5 tf >j'.! a< ■ ounl >s required With eat»b otter to purchase on any uf t’ e P'< i H rte s is t e d .«genis w be at « e p te d VA HOMES FOR SALE r » )»»• 4 ’ > >r ifre g u ia fd y • J , All Prices Recently Reduced. PORTLAND 7430 NE Rodney 6440 SW Olmon 1815 NE Portland Blvd TE R M PRICE CASH PRICE PM NUMBER 6b C«) 213389 209969 213076 4 Bd. 1 5 Ba 66 000 JÖ(XX) 68 600 68 600 34 200 3 Bd 1 Ba 3Bd 2 Ba 3 Bd 1 Ba 36,000 60 01)0 26 000 31.500 54.000 22 500 216126 206164 20214, zbooo 48 000 67 500 4.) 200 2,3700 1173 4 Bd, 1 5B« 3 Bd 2 Ba 461 SE Giliam 10047 SW 25th Ave 4706 N E 11th 4 Bd 3 Ba 3 Bd 2 Ba ADORESS 70495 SW C larion SI Aloha 1897S SW W edglield I n Aloha J15 NW Danni» Hillsboro • W 82nd Ave Portland 1723 NE ZSIh Ave Portland 3105 SE 117th Portland 1036 SE 123rd Ava Portland 8815 N Gloucester Portland 1437 NE Highland Portland 817 19 71 NE Jeeeup St Portland 9278 N Oswego Portland 930 NE Sumnar Si Portland 2335 N Wyganl Portland 1607 NE Wyganl Portland 9025 NE Wyganl Portland 313 N 4th St Ridge,teld 8203 NE 6th St Vancouver 504 W 3tat St Vancouver 5507 NE 40th Ava Vancouver 6805 NE 65th Ava Vancouver 9316 NE 105th St Vancouvar 9606 N ! 113th Ava Vancouvar 8505 NE 122nd Ava Vancouvar 2405 E M ill Plain Blvd Vancouvar 4311 NE Wildroee Dr Vancouvar 577 K St Washougal HILLSBORO 336 N W Merle Dr 3 Bd 2 Ba 52,000 46 800 215,20 3 Bd 2 Ba 4 Bd 2 Ba 4 Bd 2 5 Ba 3 Bd 2 Ba 3 Bd 1 5 Ba 3 Bd 2 Ba 3 Bd 1 5 Ba 3 Bd 2 Ba 3 Bd. 1 5 Ba 3 Bd 1 Ba 3 Bd 2 Ba 3 Bd 1 5 Ba 1 Bd 1 Ba 2 Bd, 1 5 Ba 50 000 >. K, . . 46.000 58 600 76098 20,777 207098 208730 VANCOUVER 3406 NE 148th Ave 1512 SE 141« Ave 1700 SE 119th Ave 2025 SE Bletrmont Dr 12700 NE 81« St 4214 NE 151« Ave 6811 NE 80th St 308 NW 103rd St 6106 NE 66th Ce 1617 NE 88th St 2410 NE 51 « Ave 7506 Indiana St 2312 E 26th St 706 W J8th SI 72 003 67.500 75.000 44 000 57 500 49 600 68 600 53.000 H .. 52.500 .. . . 25 000 ik i 212MB 39 eoo 51.750 46.560 52.860 47,700 31 500 47.250 54 000 22 600 40,500 210499 2,1064 21,663 2,1866 76,42 72191 2,5994 ,334 2 ,,9 2 8 54 600 3 Bd 1 Ba W e also have homes tor sale in other areas 49 060 2,6006 Contact any Heal Estate Broker lor information VA w ill consider offers below the List Price on these properties'!Ill PORTLAND 4 Bd. 2 Ba 3 Bd , Ba 2 Bd. , Ba 47,000 34.000 24 000 42,300 30.600 2 , 800 2,509, 209860 214737 36 000 40 960 45 000 74884 2O66.X) 2 ,6 ,6 2 EUGENE 5 Bd. 3 Ba 3 Bd. 2 Ba 4 Bd , Ba 460 W 27th ,177 W 1 Uh , ,34 Tyson lane 40 (JOO 46 500 50 000 DE' 1 Bd ? Ba 1093 Sq F1 J Bd ? Ba 1480 Sq FI 2 Bd 1 Ba 1106 Sq F t J Bd 1 Ba 1 250 Sq » I 3 Bd ’ Ba «M6 Sq F t f 4 1 . Sq 11 I «n B in d ) 3 Bd I Bd 99b Sq F 1 ? Bd 1 Ba 8 4 0 Sq E t 2 Bd 1 ' , Ba Z86 Sq F t 4 Bd 1 Ba 1304 Sq El 3 Bd 1 Ba , 7?8 Sq El f Tnplovi 1 Bd 1 Ba 936 Sq EI 2 Bd 1 Ba 851 Sq El 5 Bd 1 » Ba 1965 Sq Ft » Bd 2 Ba 1438 Sq El 2 Bd 1 Ba 756 SqE, 3 Bd 1 ». Ba 1565 Sq El 2 Bd 1 Ba 664 Sq El 3 Bd 1 Ba 1560 Sq El 1 Bd 2 Ba 1336 Sq El ( f a p p i 570 Sq Et Unl.n > 3 Bd 2 Ba 1406 Sq E| 1 Bd 1 • a Ba 1266 sq Ft 4 Bd 2 Ba 17 16 Sq Ft 3 Bd ? B a 1050 Sq Ft 3530 18th Pl Foraal Grova 8835 SE 301h St M ilwaukie 8435 NE 8th Ava Portland 5238 NE 17th Ava Portland 5253 NE 17th Ava Portland 8920 SE 83rd Ava Portland 2012 SE 87th Portland 7401 SE 87th Ava Portland 4525 NE 97th Ava Portland 5334 SE 99th Ava Portland 8630 SE 106th Ava Portland 723 SE 1301h Ava Portland 249 NE I f t a l A v a Portland 4904 NE Alberta Si Portland 3723 N Borthwick Ava Portland 5624 NE Gartiald Portland 10004 SE Harold St Portland 9209 N Hodge Portland 2203 SE Yamhill Portland 1102 SE Trouldala Rd Troutdala 13202 NE T i l l S, Vancouvar 1904 NE 1291b Ava Vancouvar SPECIAL LISTINGS 2707 N E 12th Ave 4024 N Ganlofibein ,0 ,7 N Buffalo •' PRICE •55 000 •57 000 •J ' l-M , •/-! M •32 000 •48 500 M •17 000 • TOP VAL U t • •19 ..... •10 000 •31 500 •15 000 •2 , 000 •17 500 >66 M l • 15 850 •35 850 •54 ,50 •45 000 •58 000 •28 550 ' - I •25 000 1 Bd 2 B a 1 354 Sq 11 2 Bd 1 Ba 8 1 4 Sq FI TOP VALUE TOP VAL UE CASF NUMBERS 431 15609, 270 431 15161« 203 431 1541‘*4 203 431 151993 270 431 146024 270 43, 155266 270 4 11 155997 270 1 • ■ ,54616 270 431 125720 271 4,1 1556,1 203 4,1 1 4 2 7 7 2 270 431 1 6 2 7 4 4 203 11 • 1 4 5 1 15 270 431 146291 203 1 1 • 1 4 6 ,7 1 203 569 011510 270 569 Ü16956 > 203 569 • TOP VA LU I • • TOP VALUE • TOP VALUE • TOP VALUE • •z. ■i -.*• •49 500 •?8 750 •15 000 1 Bd 1 • , Ba 1152 Sq Ft 3 Bd 1 Ba 726 Sq » t ♦ Sq H » • 2 Rd 1 Ba 1690 Sq Ft 3 Bd 1 Ba 1513 Sq Ft ? Bd 1 ’ « Ba 1024 Sq Ft 3 Bd , Ba 1052 Sq El > Bd 1 Ba 74C Sq FI > Bd 1 Ba 7?(] Sq Ft > Bd 1 Ba 720 Sq Ft 3 Bd ? Ba 1050 Sq F, 3 Bd 1 . Ba 1195 Sq F l 3 Bd > Ba 1206 Sq FI 3 Bd 1 Ba ,224 S q F t ? Bd 1 Ba «40 Sq Ft 2 Bd 1 Ba 1135 Sq Ft 2 Bd » Ba 1064 Sq Ft . B I 1 Ba 51? Sq Et ? Bd I Ba 603 Sq EI z Ba 1553 Sq Ft 3 Rd , Ba ,3 3 7 Sq Ft 1 Bd ? Bd 1 Ba 1040 Sq Ft 3 Bd ? Ba 1 5,9 Sq Ft • TOP VALUE a •25 350 • I , 700 a TOP VALUE • TOP VAL UE •24 950 •18 950 e TOP VAL U t •28 950 •52 500 •30 000 •22 500 •9 000 •17 500 •17.950 •13 750 •36 500 •49 500 •30 050 •61 900 • TOP VAI U I • TOP VAL UE • TOP VALUE 165230 203 155456 ?70 1 19624 203 ,45112 203 151049 203 ,5654 1 235 17,530 703 431 1 5 ’ 4 ) 203 431 1 ,4 6 1 221 431 146 157 270 4 11 • ,«*122 203 431 17/466 .>03 431 , ‘>0252 203 431 14941 1 2 /0 431 ,62131 203 431 U R . *64 203 431 165 120 203 431 ,51 177 203 4 11 ,56716 201 431 14 *«, .’45 ‘4>9 0 ,2 2 4 5 «>03 M>9 01313? 270 431 4)1 431 431 431 431 431 Hom es available in other areas W hy rent? W e sell to V eterans and non V e te ra n s /h o m e o w n e rs b investors Contact any Real Estate Broker ' Any broker wishing to have a VA representative attend a sales meeting or to |ust stop by their ottrce Io discuss the VA sales program should contact either Phylrs Somers or Richard I ewis tri r SB ■ r HUD A A V A A JA »* i f «AAZ* OCPARTMCNT OF HOUSING ANO URBAN OCVELOPMCNT ts, ir OF BID OPENINGS AND PROPERTIES AVAILABLE ON THE EXTENDED LISTING AVAILABLE AT (5 0 3 )2 2 1 3 4 9 8 This is a partial listing o, HUD properties For a complete listing o, properties available tor sale by HUD. please see HUO s listing in "The Oregonian" Friday or Sunday Real Estate Section. Veterans Administration ~ <« • V • - * '*****■ 5 I I I I I IK>MI HEi-VCLE a mlj O h <>ME s a program ot pte U S iNH'^im e-’ ' »• Mouvrx, and I Khan D»’*e < iJYneif P qt * arwt Property D spovff'n ( ) * f r 221 24A4 make arrangements RHYd.E j ’ ’ . » s r » * . 2 • •*.» •■ - « • * r*. - «. f- • • - 703 Homes lie d above as E «tended L ,st q.et l ve bid >pen.ng MUD WH L CONSIDER ANY RE ASONABLE OFFER These properties will rem ain available lor sale untit s ix ’ tune as they a ’ • relisted under different term s E a< b working day at 2 30 pm Offer l received lor these ’mn e l duf ng th«» Jay W be evaluated In the . vent that < ircum stances prevent HUD from opening offers on a given day the propert.es will rem an available to the poml of ac lua a< * eptance by MUD of the best net offer O ffers subm itted under this procedure shad be subm itted »n a p p ro p ria tely ma i««»] sealer, »• nveiopes 1 ontflif ng H U l) 954« with addendum W e are also ottering a »500 00 com m ission bonus to th e talas brokerM I'l ‘ .1 - ‘>69 012146 703 569 014101 ?70 , 569 012746 203 , 569 012336 270 569 012764 ?70 ‘>69 01054») 203 5 6 9 014260 503 ‘>69 01 ,4 5 2 2 0 EXTENDED USTINGS-OFFERS OPENED DAILY M IL W A U K IE 3606 S E Alder Crest ■ BIDS ACCEPTED UNTIL 11:00 AM, JAN. 1 2 ,1 9 8 7 GRESHAM 247 N E 202nd Ave 782 S W Willow Brook Ave 'i ;• ?" PREVIOUS WEEK’S LISTING — BID OPENING MON., JAN. 1 2 ,1 9 8 7 at 1 m ent to Veterans intending to occupy hom e 1. D E SC R IP TIO N ’ .m y b ds . • ? 1 VALUE'' properties listed below have • - ' TOP VALUE” been Fixed Up. C leaned Up. and Certified No m ajor work Io do, MOVE RIGHT IN ‘ H om es e lig ib le lo r FHA M o rtg a g e In su ra n ce w ith low dow n p a ym e n t or 9% Interest w ith no d ow n pay A D D R ES S O n ly b'd s p re s e n te d by lic e n s e d C -k - A A''«-’ C V 'r