January 7, 1987, Portland Observer, P.tyu3 Trail Blazers Encourage Writing Skills Hoping to encourage an in creased interest in writing skills, the Portland Trail Blazers and AVIA Athletic Footwear Company are launching an essay competition for students grades one through ,2 The essay competition is part of the three segment Blazer AVIA Scholastic Improvement Concepts” (BASIC) program Last year, more than 25,000 students accepted the challenge and entered essays in the "W rite On" competition Double that number of entries are hoped for this year Entry forms and a suggested les son plan are being mailed directly to teachers at public and private schools in Multnomah. Washing ton. Clackamas and Yamhill Coun ties in Oregon and Clark County, Washington. The topic for this year's competition is "W ho I Ad mire Most in the World and W h y." "This topic was selected because we felt teachers could creatively link it to a study program dealing with current events and people," notes Wally Scales, program coor dinator. The "W rite On" lesson plan suggests that students gather information about personalities whom they admire from news papers, magazines, biographies and autobiographies for classroom re view and discussion To add interest, the Blazers and AVIA have also decided to establish a "Student Top Ten" must like United Press International’s annual list of the "Top Ten Newsmakers" or Good Housekeeping s "M ost Ad mired Men and W om en" poll Tea chers are being asked to submit a tallied list of the personalities their students choose to write about Plans call for the results of this stu dent opinion poll to be announced in early March " I t’s going to he interesting to compare the students chioces to the lists compiled by adults ' notes Scales The deadline for entries is March 5th. Schools have been asked to be responsible for selecting their top three papers from each grade Final selection of first, second and third place winning essays will be ban died by the Portland Council of the International Reading Association. The top winners at each grade level will receive free sets of tickets to the Blazer home game on April ,2 against the L A Clippers Tin . will also receive a locker room tout plus an assortment of special prizes The Portland Trail Blazers and AVIA have co sponsored the "BASIC" program for three years in association with The Young Amen can, America’s NewsMagazme i Kids and The Portland Council of the International Reading Aasoci.i tion. Reading and student achieve ment segments were held earlier this year Red Cross Parenting Course Scheduled These Feature Grocery item s Are Just An Example Of w h a t You w ill Find In ® 3 y o u r "Safeway Shopping Guide' The American Red Cross is offer ing "Parenting Your Child From One to S im " in four sessions each Tuesday, January 6 thru 27. from 7 to 9 p m., at Emanuel Hospital. 2801 N Gantenbein Taught by Red Cross authorized volunteer instructors, the class will cover sensorimotor, language, Intel lectual and social emotional growth, discipline, safety, nutrition, health, philosophies of contemporary parenting, and current child devel opment theories Pre registration is necessary since class size is limited Cost of the class is $20 per couple or individual to cover costs of materials Call the American Red Cross, 284 7090, to pre register. S w in g in th e N e w Year j F.A |r-. Ik Portland Tennis Center, 324 N.E. 12th, offers winter tennis lessons for all ages and levels of play. Adults may sign up for group lessons which begin the week of January 12th Groups meet twice a week for four weeks. The fee is only $32 00 Junior lessons, for those 18 years and younger, begin January 12th and meet once a week for five weeks The cost is only $13 00 Classes fill on a first come, first serve basis, so sign up today by calling the Portland Tennis Center at 233 5959 P S St Johns Racquet Center, another Portland Park Bureau facili ty, also offers tennis lessons' Look In Your Beef Blade Chuck Roast Americans spend more than $125 billion dollars a year on sneakers Safeway “ Select” grain-fed beef Tender, juicy and full-flavored! D A V E 'S SHOP buying everything of value W e Pay Cash' Newspaper Today For Even More Selection And value For The NEW k YEAR! 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Monday Thru Saturday 1105 N E B roadw ay (across from Safeway Lloyd Centerl Tel. 282 1664 AFEWAY junt Bottle )unt Bottle >unt Bottle junt Bottle unt Bottle junt Bottle Mini Bottle >unt Bottle >unt Bottle junt Bottle 100-Count 100-Count Campbell’s Cream' of Mushroom 5 $19! For Save Up To 9 0 O n 5. N o L im it! Ad Prices Good At Safeways in Lloyd center, St. Johns, At 5920 N.E. union & 6400 N. interstate. Sales Limited to Retail Quantities, no Sales To Dealers.