ACCOUNTANT I The Port of Portland is seeking an Accountant I to assist in the recordkeeping process for the Port Qualifications Preferred • Progressively responsible and well rounded experience in ac counting, including w ork w ith general ledger • Exposure to financial state ments. • Experience in fund accounting helpful. • A bility to w ork independently • Demonstrated ability to make valid accounting decisions • A bility to w ork under time deadlines. Starting Salary $ 16.700 A pply in person only P e rso n n e l O ffic e 700 (M E M u ltn o m a h 12th F loor by 5:00 p.m ., 9, 1987 Friday, January LAB COMPONENTS TECHNOLOGIST Part tim e tem porary position for a com ponents technician on the graveyard shift Mon Fri, average 24 hrs week M LT or equiva lent or 3 yrs experience in a blood center lab or science back ground. Responsibility to pre pare blood com ponents from w hole blood donation Applica tions m ust be received at the address below by Jan 12, 1987 4 00 p m A m e ric a n Red C ross 3131 N V a n c o u v e r A ve P o rtla n d . OR 97208 Equal O pportunity Employer JOBSTRADE MAGAZINE 288-0020 MARKETING DIRECTOR SEATTLE CENTER $3,283 Exempt City position Directs m arketing, prom otional e fforts of large com plex o f public facilities Supervised public programs staff For additional inform ation, write: P e rso n n e l O ffic e S e a ttle C e n te r 305 H a rris o n S tre e t S e a ttle . W A 98109 o r c a ll 1206)625 4588 Filing closes 1 3 87 E O E/AA EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANT EMPLOYER SERVICES COORDINATOR The Portland Private Industry Council has a position opening for an Assistant Employer Ser vices Coordinator Requirements include a degree w ith a major coursework in business, market mg. or closely related field and 2 years experience w orking w ith business in |ob developm ent. per sonnel, or m arketing capacity Position will be responsible for generating and coordinating |ob openings in the private and pub lie sectors for the PPIC's Youth Program Closing date Jan 12. ,987. 12 pm A pplications are available P o rtla n d P riv a te In d u s try C o u n c il 520 S W 6 th A v e . S u ite 400 P o rtla n d . OR 97204 An Equal O pportunity A ffirm ative A ction Employer POSITION OPEN A d v e rtis e m e n t Rep Advertising representative need ed at the Seaside Signal, a 4.000 plus circulation coastal weekly newspaper Salary plus commis sion (approx $1,000 $1,500 base) Telephone Fred Bassett. General Manager, (5031 738 5661 BRANCH CLERKS First Interstate Bank has imme diate openings in our centralized customer service department You w ill be responsible for an swenng a heavy volume of phone calls involving various customer service transactions Requires excellent com m unication skills and good typing ability Previous banking experience preferred W e offer a com petitive salary w ith full benefits package Apply in person at P e rso n n e l D e p a rtm e n t 1300 S W 5 th A v e P o rtla n d . O re g o n 13th F loor FIRST IN TER S TA TE B A N K An Equal O pportunity Employer EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Highland Community Services Organized, energetic individual needed to manage non profit com m unity service organization, w ith m ultiple funding sources Provide Residential Services to Juveniles, C om m unity Base Ser vices to MR DD clients and senior services Responsibilties include, but not lim ited to, day to day operations implementa tion of program goals, develop merit of agency budget, fund raising, long term planning and supervision of tw e n ty five agen cy staff Salary dependent on qualifications SEND RESU M E TO H ig h la n d C o m m u n ity S e rvice s P O B ox 11531 P o rtla n d . OR 97211 c / o P e rso n n e l C o m m itte e HELP WANTED C onstruction, Drivers. Meehan ics. Welders, Electricians, Machi nists. Carpenters, needed imme diately Also Airline jobs W ill train some positions (Up to $6,000 m onth) Transcontinental Job Search. <30H> 38? 3700. fee January 7, 198/. JOBS. Page 3