Paye 8, PortlandObserver, December 31, 1 CL A S S/F/ED A D VER T IS /M G business opportunities Miscellaneous For Sale $60 OOPER HUNDRED PAID Fre« ANSCO Camera! Kodak film 15C per roll! Send name/addreM for full information to: Kurt Persey, 2066 NW Flan ders, Dept. 106, Port land, OR 97209 For remailing letters from home I Send self addressed, stamped en­ velope for information application, Personals TRAVEL AGENCY. Own your own Contact UNIGLOBE TRAVEL, the largest and fastest growing franchisor of travel agencies in N Amen ca No travel industry experience required. Investment required Call Tamara at (503) 282 4602 Associates Box 96 B Roselle. NJ 07203 — — ♦ __ ___ _____ ____ _ Personally Yoursl Now unlimited long distance calls to or from any­ where. anytime in the USA. Available in your area for $120 00 per month. Call (2061 463 9923 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Infertile couple seeks surrogate mother with red hair Contact Sur rogate Foundation, P 0 Box 06545, Port land, OR 07296, or call 1503)777 2612 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPEN YOUR OWN ONE PRICE (»9 99) DIS COUNT SHOE STORE. All first quality merchan dise. $13,900 to $16,900 includes beginning in ­ ventory, fixtures, supplies, training and air fare Call Ed Brandt, The Source, (405) 238 9358 Personals Private Adoption. Pro­ fessional and loving couple wishes to adopt infant or child four years or younger. All related attorney fees paid. In Portland, call 246 2574 Outside call I5O3) 362 9550 PERSONAL Infertile couple seeks surrogate mother with red hair Contact Surrogate Foundation, P O Box 06545, Port land. OR 97206, or call (503) 777 2612 ADOPTION Childless couple seek infant to love and adopt. Laugh ter fills our loving farm home All medical, legal and pregnancy re lated expenses paid Please call our Oregon attorney collect, (5031 222 2474 2065 N W Dept 106, OR 97209 FOR SALE FARM EQ UIPM EN T SC HO OLS/INSTRUCTIO N ENJOY CHILDREN? Study at nationally recog ni/ed training school. Free nationwide placement incredible demand Contact NNI, 2100 NE Broad way, Suite 3F, Portland, OR 97232 Tel 15031 284 1240 Call collect. 1986 FALL CANCEL LATIONS These are Miracle Span round top buildings 42 x 54 with 20 x 14' door: 25 x 32 with 11 x 10’ door, will sell for balance owed (503 ) 220 1629 1 « VA HOMES FOR SALE All Prices Recently Reduced. 9 5% Interest or 9% Interest w ith 6% dow n or 9% Interest w ith no dow n pay m ent to Veterans intending to occupy hom e A D D R ES S TERM PRICE C A SH PRICE PM NUMBER 4 Bd, 1 5 Ba 3Bd. 2 Ba 66.000 66.000 213368 4 Bd, 1 5 Ba 38 000 58 500 58 500 34^200 208MB 2,3076 3 Bd. 1 Ba 3 B d .2 Ba 3 B d .1 Ba 36.000 80.000 25.000 31.500 54,000 22 500 2 ,6 ,2 6 206164 202141 4 Bd. 3 Ba 3 Bd. 1 Ba 75 000 48.000 67.500 43 200 2,3700 1,73 3 B d .2 Ba 52.000 46 800 2,6120 3 Bd. 2 Ba 4 B d .2 Ba 4 B d ,2 6 Ba 3 Bd. 2 Ba 3 Bd. 1 6 Ba 3 Bd 2 Ba 3Bd, 1 5 Ba 3 Bd 2 Ba 3 Bd, 1 5 Ba 3 Bd 1 Ba 3 Bd 2 Ba 3Bd. 1.6 Ba , Bd. 1 Ba 2 Bd. 1 5 Ba 50.000 65 000 80.000 75,000 44.000 57.500 49 500 58 500 53 000 36.000 52 500 60 000 25.000 46.000 46.000 58 500 201777 39 800 51750 45.560 52 860 4 7 700 31.500 47.260 54 000 22.500 40,500 207098 208730 212346 210499 2,1064 21,863 21,866 76142 72191 2,5094 ,334 21,926 3 Bd. 1 Ba 54 500 49 060 216006 D E SC R IP TIO N PO R TLA ND 461 SE Gaham 10047 SW 25lh Av» 47O6N E 11th /«JO NE Rodney 6440 SW Otoaon 1815 NE Portland Blvd G R E SH A M 247 N E 202nd A v. 782 S W Wiltow Brook Avs HILLSBORO 338 N W Marla Dr VANCOUVER 3408 NE 148th Ava 1612 SE 141*1 Ava 1700 SE 119th Ava 2025 SE Blarrmon, Or ,2700 NE 81*1 Si 42,4 NE 151*1 Ava 681, NEDOlh S, 308 NW 103rd S, 8106 NE 56lh Ck 1617N E88lhS, 2410 NE 51*1 Ava 751# Indiana Si 23,2 E 28th S, 708 W 36th S, Flanders. Portland, LOOKING FOR WORK? W e need you Earn up to $10 $15 per hour commission.. Fuller Brush Call collect, 1 (503) 761 1060 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 1986 KOMFORT 26 travel trailer, $14,800 1986 22’ Kornfort 5th wheel, $11,300 Oceanway RV, Hwy 18 99W, Dayton Junction (Lincoln City cut off). McMinnville, Oregon. Call (503) 434 6505 PERSONAL Free ANSCO Camera! Kodak film 15 cents per rolll Send name and address for full inf or mation to: Kurt Persey. HELP W ANTED VACATIO N RENTALS Restaurant bar club available for only $12.000 down to exper tenced operator. Well known Northwest Port land location Attrac tive lease Qualified only, call 635 4117. w o rkin g hours Personals Adoption: Happily mar ned couple wishes to adopt infant. Child will have loving, secure fa mily, with all advanta ges of good home Ex­ penses paid Attorney involved 15031 635 7773 78088 72.000 67,500 Affordable J.J. Lock & Key 4724 N.E. Killingsworth PH 284 9582 Heavy D uty Single Cylinder Deadbolt $39 96 Installed 1 ' LOST KEYS (we make keys without keys HOUSE. CAR or BUSINESS) RE KEY LOCKS FOR SALE SEWING MACHINES'! TYPEWRITERS!! New "Free arm", all metal school models Latest stitches, overlock, stre tch, etc., $145 001 List $399 001 20 Yr guar antee Also: NEW ROYAL electric self correcting typewriters $159 001 List $289 00! Check, credit cards. C.O.D or lay away FREE DELIVERYII 1 714 548 4425 or 1 714 645 6532 ANYTIM E" OCEANSIDE, OR 2 nights price 1 Spectacular view, quiet seclution, beach 1 block Studio. $37 50: 2 bedroom unit, $47 50 (503) 842 4413, El Rancho Motel BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Restaurant bar club available for only 112,000 down to experienced operator. Well known Northwest Portland location. Attractive lease Qualified only, call 636 4117. w o rk in g hours Professional Service M ISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE /■>» SEWING MACHINESül TYPEW RITERS!" New "Free arm” , all metal school models Latest stitches, overiock, stretch, etc. $145 001 Lis! $399.001 20 Yr. guarantee Also NEW ROYAL electric self correcting typewriters $159 00! List $289 00! Check, credit cards. C O D or lay away FREE DELIVERYII 1714 548 4425 or 1 714 645 6532 ANYTIME!! M ention ad for discount on deadbolt Q u ality Craftmanship R e a io n a b le Rates — -------- ,l Free Estimates Davis V A C A TIO N /E N TE R TA IN M E N T SEASIDE 3 nights starting $43 50 total per couple including breakfast Available Sunday Thursday (no holidays). Private baths, color TV. some kitchens Brochure Riverside Inn 738 8254 Sons Company Painting 283-2459 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY In te rio r Exterior EXCELLENT opportunity: Commercial Ag operation, equipment, shop, storage Nice 4 bedroom home 5 8 acre wooded site, Central Willamette Valley Complete package $230.000 No Realtors 503 864 2277 L D.J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR INC. POSITION OPEN P roduction Five day metropolitan business newspaper seeks competent layout/paste up person with at least 5 years experience in make up and markup of both classified and display adver tisements Duties will include lifting heavy equipment, maintenance work, and cleaning Hours are from 8 a m. to 4 30 p m., 19/hr., 24 paid days off annually, medical and dental, no weekend work Contact A ll Hassanni, Pro duction Manager, Portland Business Today, P 0 Box 10127, Portland. OR 97210 (503) 226 1311 Dewey Taylor II & James Cunningham POSITION OPEN Photographer Full time staff photographer for daily business newspaper Must be a self starter, have good work habits, be organized and capable of han dling lab work Send resume and references to: Tom Stearns. Associate Publisher, Portland Business Today, P O Box 10127, Portland, OR 97210 15031226 1311 DBA: PAINTING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR W A L L & FLOOR COVERING OF ALL PHASES HAULING & MOVING M ASONARYW ORK RECREATIONAL VEHICLES SAVED! Factory Direct, 86 closeouts, compact, lightweight, super insulated travel trailers, 5th wheels, and mini motorhomes Call SCAMP toll free 1 800 346 496? for free brochure PICK UPS/CAN O PIES 460 CANOPIES CHEAP You buy factory direct Aluminum, plastic; new. used Free price list Phone free. 1 800 452 9113, 9 5, 7 days Totem Mfg , 99E N Salem FREE ESTIMATES LICENSED, BONDED 10 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AFFORDABLE R E MODELI NG 111111 CALL TO DAY PHONE: 289-5411 15% discount to Senior Citizens M IL W A U K IE 3606 S E Aider Craal W a «1*0 have hom es tor sale in other areas — Contact any Real Estate Broker tor m torm eion SPECIAL LISTINGS VA w ill consider o ffe r, below the List Price on these properties)!!)! o m e fo r th e holidays, PO R TLA ND 2707 N E 12th Ava 4024 N Gantanhem 1017 N Buttalo 4 Bd 2 Ba 3 Bd. 1 Ba 2 Bd . , Ba 47 000 34.000 24.000 42 300 X.SOO 21.600 21508, 209850 2,4737 5 Bd, 3 Ba 3 Bd. 2 Ba 4 Bd. 1 Ba 40.000 45 500 50.000 36 000 40 950 45 000 74864 EUGENE 480 W 27lh 1177W ,„ h , ,34 Tyaon Lana 206630 216,62 Hom es available in other areas This year, I IlID’s home recycling program helped 549 Oregon and Southwest Washington families find and purchase a value-priced home of their own. To them, and all of our friends, we sincerely wish you the happiest of holiday seasons. W e are also offering a »500 00 com m ission bonus to the »alee b ro k a r'III, W hy rant? W a sail to V eterans and non V e te ra n s /h o m e o w n e rs b investors Our next listings ad will appear Wednesday, Jan. 7. Contact any Real Estate Broker Any broker wmhmg to have a VA representative attend a tales meeting or to just stop by their office to ditcuta the VA tales program should contact either Phybs Somers or Richard Lewis to make arrangements a s a * 221-2484 R F O ( IF 4 m i» raw» HUD nr W ” DEPARTMENT OE HOUSING ANO URBAN DEVELOPMENT Veterans Administration $ RECYCLE A HUD HOME ts a program of the U S Department of Houamg and Urban Development Portland Property D»sposit$on Office