Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 31, 1986, Page 7, Image 7

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    December 31, 1986, Portland Observer, Page 7
Happy New Year To Our Local
Service M en And W om en
"Keep Living the Dream: A Tribute to
Rev. M artin Luther King, J r."
Please accept this as a special invitation to attend the Second Annual
Program "Keep Living The Dream: A Tribute to Rev Martin Luther King,
at 1:00 p m . Monday January 19. 1987, at the Whitaker Middle
School Auditorium.
Thia program will include presentations by Portland area students and a
number of prominent citizens all reflecting on ‘ The Dream" As a perfor
mmg arts feature, a mass choir, sculpted from local talent, will perform
gospel music classics under the direction of pianist composer Janice
Scroggins, Danny Osborn, and Ken Berry
The entire program will be
broadcast live over radio station KBOO 190 7 FM) and video taped for later
broadcast on Rogers Cable Television So mark your calendar for Monday,
January 19th, from 1 0 0 p m to 5 00 p m at Whitaker Middle School for
Keep living The Dream A Tribute to Rev Martin Luther King. J r.”
Linda P eter*
Chuck H in to n ’s
• SandwKMt
• O»noers
• L •teong
King Holiday Celebration
C hristopher D Gaines
Linda Peters, daughter of Rosie
L. Peters of 4077 N E Seventh
Ave., Portland. OR, has graduated
from Air Force basic training at
Lackland Air Force Base Texas
During the six weeks of training
the airman studied the Air Force
mission, organization and customs
and received special training in hu
man relations.
In addition, airmen who complete
basic training earn credits toward an
associate degree through the com
munity college of the Air Force
-F E A T U R IN G —
Seafood Gum bo
Christopher 0 Gaines, son of
Terry 0 Gaines of ,6506 S E Dag
mar Road, Portland. OR, and
Arnie E Gaines of 2428 N E 25th.
Portland. OR, has graduated from
Air Force basic training at Lackland
Air Force Base. Texas
During the six weeks of training
the airman studied the Air Force
mission, organization and customs
and received special training in hu
man relations
In addition, airmen who complete
basic training earn credits toward an
associate degree through the com
munity college of the Air Force
Chicken ' • Pork R.ba • Heel Rib»
On Monday. January 19th, 1987. the United States will celebrate the
Second Annual Legal Holiday in rememberance of the late Reverend Dr
Martin Luther King, Jr In recognizing the importance of this day, Portland,
Oregon Vancouver, Washington, will take part in this National Holiday
This year s celebration is scheduled for Sunday, January 18th, at the Red
Lion Inn (Jantzen Beach). The event will contain a number of the area s
finest jazz, R & B musical and vocal groups, local speakers, a portrayal of
Dr King and a special appearance of the Martin Luther King, Jr Comme
morative Mass Choir of Portland. Oregon in conjunction with the voices of
the Martin Luther King, Jr School of Vancouver, Washington
The event will begin at 8 00 p m ‘til 1 0 0 « m with a 7 00 p m No Host
Bar with Hors d'oeuvres Tickets will go on sale on January 2, 1987 for
a $10 00 donation at the following locations House of Sound and Mrs
C s Wigs
For additional ticket information, call Joe (Bean) Keller at
288 1662
2 8 8 -3 8 3 6
IT U l-T O
m H I 1 1 11 1 I I
Y is
To keep w arm put on a hat Eighty percent of your body heat escapes
through your heed
Pvt John C Green
Pvt John C. Green, son of Helen I Green of 14420 S E Alder St Port
land, OR, has completed basic training at Fort Bliss. Texas
During the training, students receive instruction in drill and ceremonies
weapons, map reading, tactics, military courtesy, military justice, first aid
and Army history and traditions
A rm y Reserve Private 1st Class Elise S Kazada
Army Reserve Private 1st Class Elise S. Kazda, daughter of Sarah S
Kazda of 7916 N. Hurst. Portland, OR. has completed basic trainmo at
Fort Dix, N J .
During the training, students received instruction in drill and ceremonies,
Request for "KING DAY" Volunteers
On Sunday, January 18, 1987, the Martin Luther King, Jr Commemora
tive Committee will present the Second Annual KING DAY CELEBRATION
This year s event will take place at the Red Lion Inn (Jantzen Beach)
Ih e King Day Production Committee is looking for volunteers to assist
in this year s celebration Areas to be covered are poster and flier distribu
tion, ad sales for souvenir booklet. Host, Hostess and much more
If you would like to volunteer your time or services, please contact Joe
(Beanl t eller at 15031 288 1662
A rm y Spec 4 Johnny F M a c k
Army Spec 4 Johnny F Mack, son of John F. and Susie Mack of
4824 N.E. 18th Ave., Portland, OR, has arrived for duty at Walter Reed
Army Medical Center, Washington
Mack is a broadcast systems specialist
A rm y N ational Guard Private Bobby L Rudolph
Army National Guard Private Bobby L Rudolph, son of Joan M Portis
and stepson of Jerry L Portis of 9650 N Woolsey Ave . Portland, OR. has
completed basic training at Fort Dix, N. J.
During the training, students received instruction in drill and ceremonies,
weapons, map reading, tactics, military courtesy, military justice, first aid,
and Army history and traditions.
A irm an Craig L Stinson
Airman Craig L. Stinson, son of Dale C. Stinson of 2024 N E 49th St
and Barbara K. Stinson of 7342 N Buchanan Ave , both of Portland, OR,
has graduated from Air Force basic training at Lackland Air Force Base,
During the six weeks of training the airman studied the Air Force mission,
organization and customs and received special training in human relations
In addition, airmen who complete basic training earn credits toward an
associate degree through the community college of the Air Force
Her* * a high flying bit of n t w i tha scientific invaitigation of kite* began
with an English schoolmaster about 1820 when George Pocock applied
the existing understanding of these devices to drive a carnaga
Metro Crisis Intervention Service is seeking individuals to volunteer with
the 24 hour crisis hotline Extensive training is offered, with the next train
mg beginning January 17 Early registration is suggested due to limited
class size Volunteers are needed at the downtown and Hillsboro offices
For information about volunteer opportunities, call 226 3099
Winter months bring an increase in calls from people seeking shelter,
food and fuel resources, as well as problems relating to holiday despression
and stress The 24 hour crisis number is 223 6161 and offers free confi
dential telephone counseling
Red Cross Parenting
Course Scheduled
The American Red Cross is offer
mg "Parer ting Your Child From
One to Six” in four sessions each
Tuesday, January 6 thru 27, from 7
to 9 p m , at Emanuel Hospital,
2801 N Gantenbein
Taught by Red Cross authorized
volunteer instructors, the class will
cover sensorimotor, language, mtel
lectual and social emotional growth,
discipline, safety, nutrition, health,
parenting, and current child devel
opment theories
Pre registration is necessary since
class size is limited
Cost of the
class is $20 per couple or individual
to cover costs of materials Call the
American Red Cross, 284 7090, to
pre register
Blood Donors Sought
Dry Cleaners & Laundromat
We Do Bedspreads/Comforters
1759 N.E. Dekum
'“ " ' " " ’ « s '
Delivery Service
from Noon til 8 p.m
1759 N E DEKUM
In response to a recent plea for
Type "O” blood donors, a special
four hour drive is scheduled Mon
3 7 p.m ., at Meridian Park Hospital,
Tualatin. Donations are by appoint
ment only, and reservations may be
made by calling the volunteer office
at the hospital
Although no blood type will be
turned away, there is a special need
in Portland area hospitals for the
more universal donor blood supply
due to increased use in treating sur
gical and cancer patients, as well as
The American Red Cross Mobile
Unit is sponsored by the Meridian
Park Hospital Auxiliary.
Free Clinic
Extra cost for pick up & delivery
Every Sat 4 Sun
Come and Enjoy a
free cup of coffee
with Kelsey's
C mt -I p
Seeking Volunteers
weapons, map reading, tactics, military courtesy, military justice, first aid,
and Army history and traditions
A free diabetes screening clinic is
being offered at Meridian Park Hos
pital, Tualatin
The clinic will be
open from 9 9 30 a m. on Monday,
February 2.
Pre registration is required
additional information, contact the
community education office at the
hospital, 692 2656
Help us
find a
(. ^ ih ’ < »t BPA' > iu.i|or New Yc.tr’x fcm tint ion» ixx
h u m n p lc tv » hit NH7 Rrsotirvc Strategy hy spring
r u - R cm Hirce Strategy is our yearly effort
tu kila n ce elec r ru .il resources against hiture
regional energy needs W lu t resources H ill lx-
ay-.iil.ihle.’ W h ic h w ill lx- tlx- least exjx-nsne'
I Ins year's m ain clullenge is what to do
w ith W P IS S ’ t„ K |,..,r
plants W N P | ,„,d i
complete, terminate, or presetve.’
Ie rin in .ition of k it h pntjccts could u n i us
$ 1 0 m illio n a k n e budget in I'tS.S xq |, lo u ld
mean sjx-nding $2 b illio n more lor new coal
plant* to replace U '\ T ' 1 and 1 it and when
demand requires ( There's a 6 VS. chance (he
region w ill need one ot theme two plants hy 200$
and SO’S» d u n c e the region w ill need the <ither
llu i it p rn ate ur ilir ies d<» in -r buy jx >wer tri »in
BI’A , tlw lik e lilx x x l of needing W N P I and 1 is
much lo w e r)
Term ination m ight rugger demand tor
immediate repayment ot die $ 1 7 b illio n in out
standing kin d s w hich tunded W N P I and 1
an ac t ton w ith unprec edenred eftcc t o m mr rates
I>n tlie otlier lu rid , the economic
advantages ot preservation tall to :ern it coal
c osis turn our to he lower, or costs to ci »mplctc
and i iperate W N P ] and 1 are suhsr ant tally
higher rk m our latest estimates
Most economic legal studies favor
preservation, hut tone lusions are complex and
debatable \ \ c ficcii your xuggext i< >nx
Please jo in io it one ot these m eetings
Portland— Jan. 6 (Tuesday I
7llX> pm Registration
7: 10-I0 pm Viscount Hotel
1441 N.E. 2nd Street
Elma, Hash.
Jan. 7 (Wednesday! 7-10 pm
E lina Elem rnlars Sc lx mi
10 Elma-Monte Road
Seattle—Jan. 8 (Thursday) 7-10 pm
Seattle L enter. M en er forum
Mercer Si. cV In i Ase. N.
Richland— Jan. 15 I I hursdav) 7-10 pm
federal Bldg.
82$ Jadwin Asenue
h>r a summary of our I Yah 1987 Kcxmrce
Strategy or any o tlie r in to nn alion , please plw>iK-
us toll-free BPA Public Involvem ent O th e r
born Oregon, 800-841-$86?, and from other
Western Stares, ScV 624 '>49$
G uitar Player W an ted
HOURS : 8 a m.-8 p.m. • 7 days a week
on laundromat
Dry Cleaning
9a m .to 6 p .m Mon.-Fri.
Sat 8a m. to 3 p.m.
Portland's fastest growing rapp
group Requires serious attitude
and rehearsal 2 to 3 x per week
Must be able to travel weekends
Ca'I Larry 282 8247
P ( ) W
I S 1 K A
I ( ) N