Hayab, Hor tland U toteivii, December 31. 1aU6 Red Cross CPR Class Red Cross will sponsor a CPR class at Emanuel Hospital. 2801 N Scheduled Participants will earn Red Cross certification upon completion of the class All particpants must pre register and pre pay A$15registra tion fee is required Call 284 7090. Gantenbein. on Saturday. January 31 from 8:30a m. to 4 30 p m THE CLUB PRESENTS N ew Year's Eve Party & Show w ith D.J.s Kevin Berry b Larry Bell Special Guest Appearance By The Untouchables open 'til 6.00 a.m. W b il. Portland's M ic h a e l Stoops is in the nation's cap ito l a d v o c a tin g for the N atio n 's hom eless. Portland s hom eless are finding a shortage of w a rm shelters Photo by Richard J Brown Meatless Cooking Portland Community Schools is offering a Meatless Cooking" class on Tuesdays, 6:30 8:30 p.m ., for high school students and adults at Hosford Middle School, 2303 S.E 28th PI . Portland. OR 97214 This 5 week course begins Janu ary 13, 1987 The class will expei lem e now tastes and rediscover old favorites in this eighties cooking class, with emphasis on easy, natu al foods. The class is taught by Tanya Burney The class costs $25 00 plus a $1.00 materials fee for the five weeks Registration begins January 5 and ends January 9th. You may register by going to Abernethy Community School, 2421 S.E. Orange St., Port land. OR 97214 (14th ft Division) or mail in your registration to the same address as soon as your bro chure is received. PORTLAND CLEANING WORKS SPECIALS 5%, 10%, 15% & 20% OFF All Dry Cleaning Topx Begins 5th of Jan. Must pick up within 30 days Has been serving the North and Northeast Community foi 20 years Dry cleaning, laundered shirts, alterations, Wit I* the sudden marriage of ideas which before their marriage were not perceived to have any relation ” Mark Twain fast service You Dry Cleaning V ID E O C H E S T have tria d th e Hour» re s t Now try th e B est M on. through Fri. 8 A M - 6 : 3 0 PM Sat 9 AM 1 PM A sk to t N e llie or Frances 3954 N. Williams Ave. 7536 N.E. Union b Lom bard The Northeast's Newest Video Outlet 282-8361 wishes you and your family Happy Holidays Jet Limousine Service serving the greater Portland area with style Holidays tiring families together and we suggest these videos for family viewing over 600 to choone from t O i l M H IA P l ( l l H I S r m Clarence Williams S IM S l V M o n . Thurs Fri. Sun. We offer Although he is remembered for his hit TV series "The Mod Squad," Clarence Williams III has given current credence to his talents playing the role of the father in pop star Prince's award winning motion picture, "Purple Rain Williams, who was born in Hadem, made his Broadway debut in "The Long Dream ' His other stage appearances include "Double Take, 'The Great Indoors,' Shakespeare's "King John," and the 1964 play that established him in New York theatre, "Slow Dance On The Killing Ground Williams was chosen for the 1968 premier of "The Mod Squad" after being recommended by his good friend Bill Cosby and appearing in a Danny Thomas special, which served as a screen test for the TV series The series lasted for five seasons. His ofher TV appearances include The Hero Who Couldn't Read," "Hill Street Blues and "T .J. Hooker." __ 1 for $2 or 2 for $3 1 for $3 or 2 for $6 $35.00 $30.00 Call (206) 254-3762 WILL EVELYN RENE CAFE 1 on >■ EMBASSY HOME ENTER “ A F abulous F ilm STEVEN BAILEY. NJ). N ätit « ipatiik : FX mily I* hysk : ian (8(13) 2H9 W14 NI«# N KIUJM .SW I »HTM IX HtTLANlt I « 97217 728 N.E. Dekum O l R l M ARKABLE A chievement R esults F rom T he I mpressive C o l I ABORATION Bi r w E I \ J im H enson A nd (¡1 OROE L U AS" 289 4322 10% Discount on All Food Orders Through December 31. 1986 Famous Crab G um bo Beginning December 19, 1986 BRING IN TH IS C O U P O N FOR D IS C O U N T \iv«m»\ri>\ \>e net rum Hours M o n d a y Through Thursday 7 M a m . to 6 00 p Friday Er Saturday 7:30 a m to 9 00 p.m Closed Sunday Hours: prices start at Full Bar Color TV A M /F M S tereo Telephone pet hour, first 2 hours Full C lim ate C ontrol C o m p lim en tary B ottle of C ham pagne Fast and C ourteous Service Including per hour proceeding Nails on the Run: Pedicures b M anicu res by special request Fighting Drug Abuse Sun. 12 00 to 8:00 M o n Sat 11:00 to 8 00 286-0870 WHAT OTHERS ARE D O IN G • H O W YOU C A N HELP As primary health care providers we offer a full range of naturopatHIc health care service The naturopathic physician provides preventative, whohstic and natural family health care for a wide range of acute and chronic conditions and minor traumatic injuries The following is a list of services available through the clinic Feel free to call and discuss your questions about the naturopathic approach to health and how it applies to you and your family • COMPLETE PHYSICAL E XA M S > C O N S U LTA TIO N S FOR SPECIFIC PROBLEMS ’ GYNECOLOGIC E XA M S AND W O M E N S HEALTH CARE N U TR IT IO N A L A NO DIETARY ASSESSM EN T ALLERGY TESTING ANO CLIN IC A L ECOLOGY GER IA TR IC S CHILD R EN S M E D IC IN E SCHOOL A N O JOB PHYSICALS PRENATAL ANO POSTN A TA L CARE • S T A N D A R D LABORATORY A N D D IA G N O S TIC TESTING • H A IR M IN ER A L AN A LYSIS • PH YSIOTHERAPY M A N IP U L A T IO N A N D M A SSAG E • EXERCISE THERAPY • CLEA N SING P R O O R A M S A NO FASTINO • COUNSELING • BOTA N IC A L M E D IC IN E • H O M E O P A TH Y • H YDROTHERAPY I * i ' *■ J « « • • t • 4 » «• ’ I