December 31. 198b. Portland Observer. Page 6 THE ENTERTAINMENT SEEN Get Fresh Stay Fresh ONE À 2nd A venue ______ LPs ' RECORD SHOP 12 Inches IF WE D O N T H A VE IT. W E W ILL ORDER IT! SOS Band Club Moveau Man tronn JoesMr love k«T f »2« N KHMnflSWOrth n«aui « r * • ’»« <5O 312«»9123 n io y ' ’ *IZ /Z 1 / GA.WFSf all at rock b o tto m prices Monday S aturday 1 0 a m to 7 p m Sunday I f noon to 6 p m DAVE'S TV NUM I MM t u ¡CTtRCaW 4P 2 2 2 -3 7 8 3 SHOP buymq everything of value W e H ay C a s h Open 10 30 5 30 Mon Sal 418 SW 2nd 5600 N E U nion Portland L f lR G 31 NW FIRST « « C T »111 De< 24 b 26 C L O S E D FOR C H R IS T M A S 1178 5662 Thvrstaey. M taey. Sotvrtaoy < i Vmnoi Uitan Science Fiction W riter to Speak at W riters Meeting Dec 28 ■ ta tí Fri Sat . Crazy 8 s. Sun . Cool "R Last H u rra h .......................................... ............. 866 S .W Alder. 224 1336 W ed.. Tom Grant. Sun , Cool 'R Original R ic h a rd 's ....................................<83* S.E. M cLoughlin. 230 4846 W ed.-Sat.. LeRoy Vinnegar ft Friends Pine S treet T h e a t r e .................................................. 221 S E 9th, 230 0661 Wed Screaming Jay Hawkins W The Lost Falcons Portland I n n ........................................................... 1414 S .W . 6th. 221 1611 Wed . Velvet R em os 1425 N W Glisan. 221 1150 Sun. Night Jam W Ron Steen Royal Esquire Club 1708 N E A lberta, 287 5145 Wed , Fri Sat , Billy Larkin b C o .W / Dr Rock River C ity Saloon 1133 S W Jefferson. 224 2800 Sun , Tom McFarland 4630 S W M a c a d a m . 222 4630 Rusty Pelican CO O L'R Mon W» tart tritata u s » m V tata! *re He ta N»' tMnMM)' »> iu-.ll - O otata« u n Me Sressrfi B Q M S ....................................................................... N E. U nion. 281 Wed Fri. Sat . Michael Holiday Brasserie M o n t m s r t e ............................................ 826 S W. Park. 224 Thurs Sat ., Big Bangg H o b b it...............................................................S E 39th £» Holgate. 771 Fri. Sat . Mel Brown Quintet Jazz Quarry ............. ............................ . 1111 S. W J e ffe rs o n , 222 Fri. Sat . Gene Diamond W / Eddie Wied Kay Largo ....................................................................... 31 N .W 1st 223 Weekend. Dei 26 8 27 Sun MA RAINEY'S BUCK BOTTOM Tues Sat Ducat 0309 S W M o n tg o m e ry . Shanghai Lounge Sun Calvin Walker ft The Conquerors Starry N ight .......... 8 N W 6th Wed . Dan Reed Network ft Hypertension Third A venue Club 309 S W 3rd. Sat Ron Steen Trio U S Bancorp Tow er. 37th Floor 1111 S W 5th. info Wed , Motion W DuPree Casey 8 Dr Rock Village Jazz 1st if B Streets (Lake O sw ego). Fri Sat . LeRoy Vinnegar & Friends NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT Wad b Thurs ’ ’ ' : ’ H i? i>!. p ie te n h the Northw est Premie«» of A B O U T TOW N STOP Now Edition C»uh Novwu R«*dy f o* tb< World Ma< itromi Storefront Theatre 1*' Act One -4' « 'Q vc BRUCE SMfTH s5 cover AFRIC A N REGGAE 2 . I1ANCE O U B 4 • 4 '• • 9 31« SW 3rd » , 1 241 5450 4 J • " ■* . ’ •e ’ T 4 , S' ' • Fantes?iTD. V ie w e rs of Black C o m m u n ity T V Ch 23 « F » 4 ' * ta •/ « f». <><*• w • - •’»i " •L.p f b il Rogers Cable TV is introducing an ex­ citing, new channel line-up January 5, 1987. • »* <** U « “ , r ” / * 4 s e e * K B O O 's D u P re e C a s e y & K e n (D r.R o c k )C o v in g to n ' V' The award-winning ». 4 » BLACK C O M M U N IT Y TELEVISION < » Á?' channel will move from C h 2 3 to Ch 38 ( f e e . 3 / , / 9 fi 6' !)/» ttf »» Selected BCTV programming 3 f t ft f f f c c will continue to appear on ♦ 'VZ. i f . , f } a 99 f • '/o e e e i » > KBLE11 region-wide (TCI cable and Rogers) m i f . ú) f . .f iv e . i f o i i f a 99 fkkrts Available si Ihmr Inradom a 2nd Avenue $ 1 5 .C V ja’fall'i H ouse of Sound it r t n x M u m m u G»> C i e ff o t i m su ¡M m-rat • r/1 M usi be over 21 4M •• *-*4r • F .4 * «X'-* '*> Z Z Z J ’ • ’ ¿ P • • ' • , „ « 4 * * » / i b 4 • • l. * . if - ’ .f •< . 4 A t 'f lu s.- -s - •