V W > •• December 31, 1986 Portland Observer, Page 3 Children Survive With Love Headlines scream shocking news of child abuse in schools and at home, but violence is not the only way to mistreat children Ignoring them, not allowing them to contri­ bute, can ruin their self esteen and can make them unable to handle bad influences in their environment Children are people, too The fol lowing extracts from a common sense booklet called "The Way to Happiness” - which is passing ra pidly from hand to hand across the world are vital for anyone who wants to help them survive "Today's children will become to morrow's civilization. Bringing a child into the world today is a little bit like dropping one into a tiger s cage Children can't handle their environment and they have no real resources They need love and help to make it "It does no good |ust to try to buy the child with an overwhelm of toys and possessions or to smo ther and protect the child the result can be pretty aweful "One has to make up his mind what he is trying to get the child to become This is modified by several things a) what the child basically CAN become due to in­ herent makeup and potential; b) what the child, himself, really wants to become; c) what one wants the child to become; d) the resources available But remember that whatever these all add up to, the child will NOT survive well un less he or she eventually becomes self reliant and VERY moral Other wise the end product is likely to be a liability to everyone including the child "Whatever is one's affection for the child, remember that the child cannot survive well in the long run if he or she does not have his or her feet put on the way to survival It will be no accident if the child goes wrong, the contemporary society is tailor made for a child's failure "It will help enormously if you ob tain a child’s understanding of and agreement to follow the principles contained in this book ‘ What does have a workability is simply to try to be the child's friend It is certainly true that a child needs Sale & Restyling well without love Most children have an abundance of it to return. "The way to happiness has on its route the loving and the helping of children from babyhood to the brink of adult life " More than ten million copies of "The Way to Happiness" in 14 Ian guages have been distributed around the world. Information on how you can receive your own copy of the booklet can be obtained by writing the Way to Happiness Foun dation. 3540 Wilshire Blvd Suite 320, Los Angeles, CA 90010, U S A or by phoning them at 12331 388 6767 friends Try to find out what a Child's problem really is and without crushing their own solutions, try to help solve them Observe them - and this applies even to babies Lis ten to what children tell you about their lives Let THEM help — if you don't, they become overwhelmed with a sense of obligation which they then must repress. "It will help the child enormously if you obtain understanding of and agreement to this way to happiness and get him or her to follow it. It could have an enormous effect on the child’s survival and yours. A child factually does not do • . N jib I xcludKN • Fv j Gabor • Horn Free • Rene ol Pan* • (,'airlrec • Zui\ .mJ iiintc • \iu lie Dniigl.i • « 1106N.E. Broadway «m u bom Uoyd Center I Tel. 282 1664 Store Hours 10 00 a m til 6 00 p m Monday thru Saturday • • i ■ SAFEWAY HAPPY Hidden Job M arket Quest Of PCC Class NEW YEAR "Job Finding Tchmques: The Hidden Job Market", a Portland Community College winter term of fering, is designed to help partici pants learn how to make contacts in their chosen fields and take steps toward finding the jobs they want. Mary Goranson, MSW, will in­ struct the three week class that starts Monday, January 5. It will meet from 6:30 to 9:30 p m. in Por table Building 10 on the PCC Cas Cade Campus, 705 N Killingsworth St. Cost is $8 50 Further information and registra tion are available from Cascade Community Services, 240 5303 Fryer H indquarters From S a few a y ! We’re O pen New Year’s D ay Plump and tender fryer hindquarters Perfect tor oven roasting, broiling or to barbecue Sold in approx. 4 Pound Tray. (Smaller Packages, 49‘ Lb , R egular H ours • ♦ *• - .•* ?’ Lb. • • * - * 4 « S a v e Up To 5 0 Lb., No Limit! AUDITIONS FOR LIPSINGING M otow n Review to be held » • Thursday, Jan 8, 1987 6 00 8 00 p m. at •/ V X •>. ROYAL ESQUIRE CLUB 1708 N E Alberta St Age Limit: 16 yrs. b older If you like to lipsing, be there •» . «• ' For More Inform ation, Call 288 0378 6:00 8:00 p m. • • 1 • FIRST PRIZE Limousine b Dinner Frozen Orange J u ice r j This Coupon i Good For i i 79 Citrus Hill Select Orange Juice, 12-Ounce Frozen Concentrate* Just add water & enjoy S ave Up To 6 0 ', N o L im it! 00 i$1 Ea. 1-Lb. Folders C offee B n ck s T otino’s Party Pizza Choose from the many delicious varieties. Frozen, qulck-fo-flu, 9 to 11.4-Ounces 88 Ea. S ave Up To S I ' , N o L im it! Regular Auto Drip or Electric Perk Grinds 3 ?6 « • • Save Up To $ 7 .5 9 Ï " N o L im it! off ON ALBUM OR CASSETTE OVER $5.00 • ao a ’ ia n o » Fancy R ipe B an an as B e S u -e 1 ° L ° < * B In V o u r 32nd t> B U RNSIDE 231 8943 NW W jX Tt ANO NW 21»! t> JO H N S O N 248 0183 & Plump, golden ripe beauties A perfect hand snack fruit for lunch boxes or to top cereal or ice cream! lor your ^ a¿®7de tor ShopP' i ! i e V»sl ot 3 CS s on sale tW * M U 5 IC M IL L E N N IU M . n • 48 REGULAR PRICED I I I I I I I I I 4 «eeK a* H f •. Afw « • • • • < - 'i .*.i n t • Prices effective 7-full days from 7 A M. Dec. 31 Thru Jan. 6, 1987 at Safeway Stores in the immediate area of originating publication. Sales limited to retail quantities No sales to dealers* •EXCLUDES RED TAG MERCHANDISE LIMIT 1 COUPON PER PURCHASE I • « r • 7 ïr I I f • r . * z • » 4 99* S a v e Up To 9 7 ' i ib i .No L im it!