NOTICE APPLICATION FOR LOW RENT PUBLIC HOUSING Beginning January 5, 1987, and continuing through January 16, 1987, applications for Low Rent Public Housing will be accepted by the Housing Authority of Washington County for 2, 3, ft 4 bedroom units in the cities of Aloha, Beaverton, Tigard, and Sherwood. Those eligible to apply are: low income families and persons who are elderly, handicapped and/or disabled, and eligible by bedroom size. Persons who are currently recei ving housing assistance under other housing programs will in no way tie jeopardized by making application Applications will be accepted at: 660 SE Third A venue Hillsboro. Oregon from 8 30 a m to Noon ONLY (Two (21 landlord references are required at time of application) ATTORNEYS/ LEGAL SERVICES IM M IG R A TIO N /A M E N ITY . Do you qualify for permanent legal residence (green card) under the new law? Call for information. Confidential Hablamos Espanol Tamblyn b Bush, lawyers (503) 241 7800 POSITION W ANTED Reporter Recently completed a four month reporting internship at The Oregonian During college, served as a part time reporter from 1983 86 at the Oregon/ Washington Labor Press Con tact: Amy K Klare, 2167 NW Flanders, Portland, OR 97210. (503)231 4992 THE U S M ILITA RY IS THE CAUSE OF M A SS UN EM PLO YM EN T P»td lo* by H ow ard W illux 21 K N i K th THIS AO OOLS NOT REFLECT THE OPINION OF THE PORTI ANO OBSER VER MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 1986 beautiful Jet Black 16' flat bed utility trailer, tandem axle, 7000 lb cap $1395, Brand new or will custom build to suit. Other trailers up to 16,000 lbs 503 929 4286 or 745 5314 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SEWING M A C H IN E SIII TYPE WRITERS!!! New "Free arm” , all metal school models Latest stit ches, overlock, stretch, etc., $145 001 List $399 00' 20 Yr. guarantee Also NEW ROYAL electric self-correcting type writers $159 00! List $289 00' Check, credit cards, C O D or lay away FREE DELIVERY!! 1 714 548 4425 or 1 /14 645 6532 ANYTIME!! V A C A T IO N / EN TER TAINM EN T SEASIDE — 3 nights starting $43 50 total per couple including breakfast Available Sunday Thursday (no holidays) Private baths, color TV, some kitchens Brochure Riverside Inn 738 8254 POSITION W ANTED R e p o rte r/ Photographer Writer with photography skills seeks full time work as reporter or editorial assistant Freelance stories sold to The Oregonian, Oregon Magazine. Oregon Coast Colorado Springs Monthly, Grit and others BA in English, Colo rado College, 1982 Contact Alyse Lansing Gass. Z8O4 SW 45th, No 54, Portland. OR 97219, 1503)246 9852 HELP W ANTED Construction, Drivers, Meehan ics, Welders, Electricians. Machi nists. Carpenters, noeded imme diately. Also Airline jobs. Will train some positions (Up to $6 0 0 0 /month) Transcontinental Job Search, 1308) 38? 3700, fee HELP W ANTED Senior Lady Wanted. Compan ion to help mother with children, three and seven Business, cook ing, housework Healthy, loyal, references/background check Provide home kindness, future benefits Possibly in your home Write Carol. Box 208. Lakeview, OR 97630 POSITION W ANTED BUSINESS O PPO RTUNITY EXCELLENT opportunity: Com mercial Ag operation, equip ment, shop, storage. Nice 4 bedroom home 5 8 acre wood ed site, Central Willamette Val ley Complete package $230,000 No Realtors 503 864 72T1 PO SITION OPEN PHOTOGRAPHER Full time staff photographer for daily business newspaper Must be a self starter, have good work habits, be organized and capable of handling lab work Send re sume and references to: Tom Stearns. Associate Publisher, Portland Business Today, PO Box 10127, Portland OR 97210 (5031226 1311 Reporter/Editor Previous editor of the Snowmass Sun where his duties included supervision of a two man edito rial staff and all phases of repor ting, production and photogra phy Prior to his work at the Snowmass Sun, he began as a reporter with weekly chain and was later promoted to editor of the Belle Glade Herald Observer. Contact: Tom Kisken, Rt. 1, LaCrosse, Wisconsin 54601 16081 Z88 7215 BUSINESS O PPO RTUNITIES Restaurant bar club availalile for only $12,000 down to exper tenced operator Well known Northwest Portland location Attractive lease Qualified only, call 636 4117, w o rk in g hours December 31, 1986, JOBS, Page 7 .2 *