STATE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF PORTLAND IN V ITA TIO N FOR PROPOSALS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FINANCIAL CONSULTANT SERVICES The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is requesting proposals from qualified financial consul tants to assist the Department with financial matters relating to its Pollution Control Bond Fund The Department is seeking a consultant who can provide expertise in the areas of municipal bond mar ket conditions; the financial aspects of municipal bond sales; and the preparation and analysis of bond fund cash flow protections The consultant will also be required to review and provide a professional opinion on the information submitted to the Department by the cities of Portland and Gresham relating to the financial portions of the Mid Multnomah County Sewer Plan. All bids must be submitted to Lydia Taylor. Manage ment Services Division, 6th Floor, Department of Environmental Quality, 811 SW Sixth, Portland, Oregon 97204 All bids must be received by 3:00 PST January 23, 1987 PROPOSALS DUE 2 00 P M ON VARIOUS DATES Sealed Proposals will tie received at the Bureau of Purchases and Stores. Room 1313. Portland Building, 1,20 S W Fifth Ave Portland OR 97204 for the Protect detailed below until 2 00 P M on the (lutes indicated Plans and Specifications me» be obtained at the above address For additional information telephone Buyer at number listed Unless otherwise slated in the mdividuel proposal listed herein, no proposal o i bid will tie considered unless accompanied by a bid surety lot an am ount not less than ten percent 110% I of the aggie yate am ount of the proposal The City encourages bidding by MBE s and FBE s and will assist such firms to understand and participate in form al bidding procesa*« N ON D IS C R IM IN A T IO N No proposal or bid will be considered unless the bidder is certified as an EEO Affirm ative Action Employ « as prescribed by Chapter 3 100 of ih e Code of the City of Portland. BID NO DESCRIPTION OPENING DATE 81 Labor M aterial* b Equipment for Creston Pool Replacement Call Dale Baker *96 6866 Prequahfication in Special Class 35 Swim Pool Renovation Required 1 /2 7 /8 7 PBDC. a joint venture of Parsons. B rinckerhoff. Centec. Inc. and For a copy of the request for proposal, call Sherry Chew at 1503) 229 6484 For more information, call Judy Hatton at 15031 229 5389 D eLeuw C ither A C om pany, leaders m the field o f transports tion engineering, hat IM M E D IA T E opportunities for qualified individuals to join our staff of general engineering consultants to the Dallas Area Rapid Transit A u th o rity. FACILITY PLANNER TEACHING POSITION A f u ll - t u n * . te n u re Ir s r k , a * n l< ir-l*v *l p .w iu o n to begin In she r »U o t I » « 7 A ppU eanta m ust have the M S W degree and an r a m e d d n e lu ra le in sia-lal w o rk , e xten s ive e x p e n e n re In d irect •a rv lra p ra a m a and In gradu ate la» a I le a c h in g M a lo r axalgnm en u inclu de rh a in n g lha M aster o r So cial W o rk Program a n d /o r teaching in b o th lh a M aster's and D o c to ra l Program s, w ith a ild l U o nal d u ties In lh a areas or d issertatio n supervision and c u rric u ­ lum d e v e lo p m e n t A d d itio n a l!» a p p lican ts m ust ba able Io teach I courses in at least one o t lh a there sub stantiae areas. In clu d in g Aging. H e a lth M e n ta l H e a lth and F a m ilie s , C h ild re n and Y o u th I P ra te r strong p ractice e s p s rte n re as w ell as a record o t scholarly 1 p r o d u c tio n and r s p e n r n r e in e d u c a ll.m a l leadership in proles slonsl social w o rk Salary and rank neg o tiab le A p plicatio ns sho uld l>e s u b m itte d b r M arch 20. 1SS7 A p p licants should d irect In q u iries or send resumes and three le tte is o ! referen ce to Dr Beulah R C o m p to n . Ph D. C h airp e rs o n . Search C o m m itte e r /t i th e Dean a O ffic e T h e V n le e ra s tr o f A la b a m a Poet O ffic e B oa I » I S Tuscaloosa. A L 1 M « 1 - I I 1 J Phone l IO S I 1 4 S -7 O 1 7 7 ha I s n e n i n is on E q u a l O p p o r tu n ity A f fir m a tiv e A c tio n F m p lo v e r A p p lic a tio n * fro m n u n o n ry persons and u o m e n are ra p rc lo lly u e lr o m e d JOBS MAGAZINE 288-0020 or 288-0033 Page 4, JOBS, December 31, 1986 Degree in T isn tp o rts lio n Planning or related held w ith m inim um o l 3 y ea n experience. This individual will m i l l on the ana ly in and development of alternetive rail alignments and tight specific station planning. PLANNER II Bacheloi l Degree in Planning or related field with 4 yean related eapenence T h u individual will acquire end m aintain traffic data hie», as well at pioiacl and analyze vehicular trattic volume« end perk,ng demend at rail tia b o n pres bated on patronage protections. TRAFFIC ENGINEER The ideal candidate will p o tte tt a bSCE w ith a m inim um o l 8 yean ot practical experience T h it experience m u tt include 4 y eeit of traffic detign and ngnalization in addition to peitorm ing traffic studies and reviewing highway plant for traffic impact We otter a com petitive »alary and a com prehenuve benefit» pack age, including relocation assistance For prom pt consideration, forward a retume with taleiy requirement», to Peitonnel Depart ment. 601 Pacific. Suite 230, Dellas. T X 752 0 2 . E g u tl O p portun ity Em ploy t r A Joint Venture of Parson» B iin c x e rh o fl C sniac, Inc D a ta u « C tlh s r A Company JOBS TRADE MAGAZINE 288 0020 or 288 0033 /