Page 8. Portland, Observer, December 24, 1986 ■ * w-» J| 1 F j ? k A Kevin D u c k w o rth , the 7 fo o t, 286 pound center for th e Trailblazers, acquired from Sen A nton io In a trade for W alter Berry, is im pressing the fane and coaching staff. D u c k w o rth 100). w h o scored 4 points and pulled d o w n 3 rebounds In eight m inutes of play, puts a m ove on 7 fo o t M a n u te Bol in the Blazers' 128 101 victory over the W ash ­ ington Bullets Sunday at the M e m o ria l Coliseum. Photo by R ichard J. Brown Photo by Richard J Brow n Sylvester Kalsay. o w n er of Kelsey's Dry C leaners and Laudrom at Kelsey Offers Cleaning Service by Jerry Garner Kelsey's Dry Cleaners ft Laundromat, located at 1759 N E Dekum, pro vides its customers with a variety of cleaning services "We can take care of all the cleaning needs of an individual In addition, we offer our custo mers free pick up and delivery service from noon 'til 8 p m says Sylvester Kelsey, owner of Kelsey's Dry Cleaners b Laudromat ETHIOPIAN CUISINE CELEBRATE NEW YE/IRS EVE WITH Kelsey has owned the combined dry cleaners and laundromat for one year, however, he has over 30 years of experience in the cleaning business Kelsey said he started pressing clothing when he was a kid He used to operate a dry cleaning business on the corner of Union and Stanton. "I decided to get back into the business after retiring from the city of Port land.'' Kelsey worked for 15 years in the city's street maintenance depart ment. According to Kelsey, business has been up and down during the past year We have had a tew problems with some of the washing machines and our pick up and delivery service has been a little disappointing, in that the demands for the service hasn't been as brisk as I thought it would be So far, the elderly are the only ones who are taking advantage of this unique service " Despite the setbacks, Kelsey is confident that business will improve, "I am planning on waiting out the hard times.” In an effort to keep his oper ating costs down, Kelsey does much of the cleaning, spotting, and pressing himself. He urges residents in the community to give his business a try. "I can guarantee customers expert dry cleaning services at very reasonable rates. For example, we charge only $2 to clean a pair of slacks and only $5 for a suit The reason I can charge lower prices is because I do a lot of the work myself " V ID E O C H E S T AN 7536 N.E. Union b Lombard The Northeast's Newest Video Outlet AFRIGTN FEAST Open NEW YEAR'S DAY wishes you and your family Happy Holidays — FEATURING — Seafood Gum bo N EW YEA R 'S EVE and N EW YEA R 'S DAY » O l I M R I» F l» I I H I S F H I S I XII ARMED AND ÛJ. MASTERS m e to I BRUCE SMITH $4.50 *5 cover Holidays bring families together and we suggest these videos for family viewing AFRICAN REGGAE DANCE CLUB Chuck H inton's ^ R I B EX PR ESS ^ over 600 to choose from 11* SUIS* • Sandwich»« • Salad« 24t 54 SO • Dinner« Chicken • Pork Riba • Boni Riba • Calanng 3328 N.E. KILLINGSWORTH 2 8 8 -3 8 3 6 KELSEY’S Dry Cleaners & Laundromat Drapes/Blankets/Robes We Do Bedspreads/Comforters ^ . i i u Shoe Love” Mon.-Thurs. Fri. Sun. SHOES NOW FREE Pick-Up Delivery Service Irom Noon til 8 p.m. PICK-UP b DELIVERY Extra cost for pick up ft delivery KELSEY'S SHOE SHINING 1759N.E DEKUM 3-0176 FREE COFFEE Every Sat A Sun. Come and Enjoy a free cup of coffee with Kelsey's x u t rrr'TTi 11 m i f f 1 1 NEW QUICK START Vi*»! NEW LOCATION! NEW YOU! 1759 N.E. Dekum SHINE YOUR u 1 for 42 or 2 for 43 1 for 43 or 2 for 46 HOME “A F abulous F ilm O f R emarkable A chievement R esults F rom T he I mpressive C ollaboration B etween J im H enson A nd G eorge L ucas - minx Northeast Portland Cantar Tillam ook Park Bldg 2108 N E 41et Ave 7 00 p m M on Tuaa Wad Thura Fri. Tem pla Baptist Church 1319 N E 7th Fireside Room 7 00 p m 9 3 0 . m b 5 00p m 7 00 p m 9 30a m M eren ath e Church 4222 N E 12th I Enter on Skidmore) iM»vn»x *f» nxw nun Sat Tueeday 12:00 noon I Brown Bag Lunch Claes* Rlvergate C om m u nity Church 4737 N Lombard St Tuaa Thura 7 00pm 9 K a rn 9:30a.m . JOIN ANY CLASS ANYTIM E HOURS 8a m -8 p.m • 7 days a week on laundromat X Dry Cleaning 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon.-Frl. Sat 8 a m . to 3 p .m . Naw and renewing member, pierna arriva 20 mm sanier For mora information and additional claaa location» PO’ Call collect (6031297 1081 Hours: Sun 12:00 to 8:00 Mon. Sat. 11:00tol:00 286-0870 HIF? HIR HOORAY! Wtauhara I r C tri are raratorarf tr I rc IW 7 M .«4tt