THIS BOOKLET CAN CHANGE THE MAY YOU PLAN TO PAY FOR COLLEGE. THE G I BILL PLUS THE AR M Y COLLEGE FUND CAN BE WORTH UP TO $25200 TOWARD YOUR COLLEGE EDUCATION Here'» h. >w it wvL*. h im y»xi contribute to y» nit c J i k . i i » hi MOO per month tor the first (till 12 month» ot your enlistment Then the tfnetnrncnt contributes up to S'lfxV Ih a ts the ( » I Bill W ith the Arm» Cx J Fund, y»xi ta n add up to $14,400 more' (See table below I WiTV »!£•»> »IP MV A n J the rewards of being a soldier go t.u hey» >nd earning money lot college V hi II also learn self-reliance. disc iphne, team uork and pride So when you do get to college, you’ll he able to get the most (Hit ol it hot mote information about this prigtam and how you can quality tor it, see your kx al Army Ret tuner tixlay. O r call toll tree l-ROO-USA A R M Y ¥ >u'll find exit that paying lor college through the Army pay» off in more ways than one ARMY. BE ALL YOU CAN BE. J JOBS Page 2, JOBS. December 24, 1986 BIDS LEGAL NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PROPOSALS RFP's EMPLOYMENT Advertising is assured publicatx when received by 5 pm Tuesdt prior to week of publication. For Advertising Rates and othi information, call or write. JOBS Trade Magazine P .0 Box 3107 P ortland. OR 97208 (503) 288 0020 (5031288 0033