1 Volume XVII, Number 7 December 24, 1986 25$ V Ezak Associates Signed----- Marketing Agreement With Nigerian Co_____________ by Jerry Garner Ezak Associates, Ltd , a Portland based computer consulting firm and manufacturer, has signed a contract with Emerald West Africa Limited of Lagos, Nigeria, to allow them to market its Dataguard The Dataguard ensures that computer equipment, security and commu nication systems are not disabled by power outages It is designed for maintenance free application. The Dataguard works with a regular deep cycle 12 volt car battery and is designed for world wide adaptability Dr. Erasmus "C huck'' Ogbuobiri, principal consultant for Ezak and inven tor of the Dataguard. said he was pleased to sign an agreement with Emer aid West Africa Limited The Nigerian firm is involved in electronic, fire and telecommunications systems Dr Ogbuobiri, a native of Nigeria, said Emerald West Africa will market and distribute the Dataguard system in Nigeria and throughout Western Africa. "W hen I invented the Dataguard it was my intention to market it in Africa," Dr Ogbuobiri said Stephen Okongwu, a representative of Emerald West Africa was in Portland over the weekend to sign the agree ment with Ezak Associates Okongwu predicts that the Dataguard will be a success in Africa once it's marketed "The demands for power in Nigeria and many other developing countries is very high; usually there isn't enough power to meet the de mand. I believe the Dataguard can help fill the power void." Okongwu said once he returns to Nigeria, he will begin to demonstrate the Dataguard to individuals, government agencies, computer companies, and organizations "A fte r they see what the Dataguard is capable of doing, I am confident that it will sell in Africa.” Okongwu said he was satisfied with the arrangement his company has with Ezak. So far, the company has invested $25,000 in venture capital on the Dataguard. by Jerry Garner Dr O gbuobiri (L) and Stephen O k o n g w u (R) Photo by John B row n Dr Ogbuobiri said he has waited for some time to market the Dataguard. Due to thr lack of venture capital, I haven t been able to market it proper ly in Ameru a except for international computer shows By signing an agreement with Emerald West Africa, the Dataguard will be advertised in a huge market " Dr Ogbuobiri predicts that eventually his agreement with Emerald West Africa will create 40 new |obs at Ezak in manufacturing assembly line work NAACP To Become More Visible Says New President by Jerry Garner George Hendrix is the newly elected president of the Portland Branch of the NAACP Hendrix is employed in the personnel department at Bonne ville Power Administration He has a B S. degree in Public Administration from California State University at Fresno, a Masters degree in Business Administration from the University of Portland, and is a doctorate candi date in Education at Oregon State. Hendrix and his wife Odessa have three children Mr. Hendrix agreed to an interview with the Observer We discussed a wide range of issues. Here are excerts from the interview Q: Mr. Hendrix, which direction would you like to see the Portland NAACP go during your tenure as president?" A "I would like to see the NAACP once again in the forefront of issues which affect the Black community. In order for this to occur, we must be come more visible and present a forum where Blacks can constructively express what they would like to see happening in society "We as people (Blacks) don't have a great deal of input into decision making policies which affect our lives. In my opinion, the NAACP is the hub of all organizations that are concerned with issues regarding civil rights, economic development, and social reforms. Organizations such as the Urban League and the Black United Front have done a tremendous amount of good work in our community. But I feel the main thing the NAACP does is to challenge the structure of society in an effort to make it more responsible to the needs of Blacks and other minorities The NAACP tries to reshape the system by monitoring it and at the same time serving as the human conscience of the system This is the direction I would like to see the NAACP take during my presidency. In addition, the NAACP will make an attempt to network with other organizations, whether they listen to us or not, in an effort to work toward common objectives Q "There is a perception by many Blacks in Portland that the NAACP hasn't been visible in the community Is this an accurate assessment of the Portland Chapter of the NAACP?" A "Yes, I would say that is an accurate assessment A person can come to Portland and be here for years without knowing there is a chapter here Part of this is due to the membership itself The people who are paid, card carrying members must be informed as to what the organization is trying to accomplish and what has been done. The leadership of the NAACP, my self, the other officers and board members, will become visibly involved whenever there is an issue in our community.” "For example, during the tragic death of Lloyd Stevenson, I felt the NAACP missed an opportunity by not lending its auspice in trying to bring about a resolution to that situation in a contructive manner There were some things the NAACP did right during the crisis We were involved with some people who were there. Our justice committee, which is chaired by Bobbi Nunn, worked with the Stevenson family, but we were not in the forefront.” Q: "In the past, there has been a great deal of tension between the Black community and the police. Do you have any plans as president of the NAACP to reduce the tension?" A: "This is a sensitive and critical issue There will always be tension between the Black community and the police department The reason I say Poll Shows Teens Are Sexually Active More than half of all American teenagers are sexually active by their seventeenth birthday and only one third of all sexually active teens use contraceptives consistently, according to the Planned Parenthood Federa tion of America poll conducted by Louis Harris and Associates The poll, titled American Teens Speak: Sex. Myths, TV and Birth Con tro l," found that two thirds of the sexually active teens report never using contraceptives or using them only occasionally Fifty six percent of sexu­ ally active teens did not use a method of birth control at first intercourse, most citing as the reason the unexpected nature of their first sexual en counter that it "just happened ” In fact, the Harris poll revealed that teens, who have had sex, volunteer in open ended questioning that un­ expected sex with no time to prepare is the most frequent single reason so many of their peers do not use birth control. According to Joan Bmninger. Education Director for the Planned Parent hood of the Columbia/Willamette, the poll results are encouraging "A ll of our educational programs are on target in the battle against teenage preg nancy We have long been advocates for the types of programs and ser­ vices which this poll of the nation's young people show are needed Al though there is resistance to all of these critical programs, we are slowly making headway." Binninger said television and the media should become more involved in educating teens about birth control information. "Television and the media have a great influence on teenagers The ne’ works still refuse to air contra ception ads and usually censor discussions of birth control in dramatic pro grammmg.” Binninger said She hopes the survey of teen opinions will "help to move the nation and the state of Oregon along in the desperately needed effort of promoting responsible sexual behavior among adole scents." The rate of teen pregnancy in Oregon has dropped dramatically from 93 2 per 1,000 fam.lies (ages 15 19) in 1980 to 71 9 per 1,000 families leges 15 191 in 1985 The survey also revealed the following • Sexual activity begins earlier among those teenagers who have the fewest resources and who are thus the most vulnerable • Teenagers reported ttiat social pressure is the chief roason so many of their peers do not want to have sexual intercourse until they are older • Only one third (33%) of those teenagers who have had intercourse say that they use contraceptives all the time • Contraceptives are most likely to tie used by those teenagers who can see they have a lot at stake and who stand to lose a lot by being involved in an unintended pregnancy The report encourages parent child talks and sex education in the schools and organized campaigns for teenage pregnancy prevention the haves and the have nots Our community represents the have nots, the-efore, the police |ust police our community. They're there to keep the community under control. What goes on in the community is only impor tant from the police standpoint if it spreads out and affects the broader community Otherwise, prostitution, drug use and trafficking, burglary, muggings, and other types of criminal behavior, if they can be confined to our community, are tolerated by the police If the have nots want to do stroy themselves, it's not a concern of theirs Problems occur between tho two groups trecause some officers assume the entire community are law breakers This is not the case. Most Blacks in the community are law abiding citizens who deserve protection and care for themselves and their property " Until we can get the police to simply look at our community as some thing they should be protecting, instead of protecting others against us, we are going to have tension. In our society, racism is like apple pie, it's a part of American ethos You have police officers who cannot control their racist tendencies, and when they're unleashed, it's their opportunity to do what they feel free to do The NAACP has a responsibility to understand how the Portland Police Department operates I must admit that I am ignorant on how the Bureau operates." "I believe the power lies with Stan Peters right now "W e want to make the elected officials accountable for the actions of the police However, if someone in the community is engaging in criminal behavior, they should be put in jail and left there I have absolutely no excuses, empathy, or sympathy to what happens to anyone that preys on our com m unity.” Red Cross Baby Care Course Offered George Hendrls — New President of the Portland Chapter of the NAACP. Photo by Richard J. Brown this is because one must examine the role of the police. The role of the police is to protect life and limb and property. They're the bastion between The American Red Cross is offer ing a "Bring Baby Horne” class in four parts on Thursdays, January 8 thru 29, from 7 to 9 30 p m ., at Red Cross Headquarters, 3131 N Vancouver Ave This course is for expectant, new, and adopting parents and/or grand parents to prepare them to under stand and fulfill the special needs of infants through their first year of life Taught by Red Cross volunteer instructors, the sub|ects covered will include feeding, handling and bathing, characteristics of the in­ fant, family adjustments, growth and development during the first year, and safety and health care for infants. Pre registration is necessary since class size is limited A charge of $20 per couple or individual will ba made to cover costs of materials Scho larships for "B ring Baby Home" and other Red Cross courses are avail able Call Red Cross at 284 7090 to pre register