Page 8, Portland Observer, December 17, 1986 z R andy ' s CLINTON STREET^ ^ 2 3 8 - 8 8 9 9 ^ ^ ^ S Ê ééth/tíLÍ Randy's Restaurant FAMOUS ÍÑ ^ 446 N E K illingaw orth 610 Is U n d er N e w M anagem ent GUY $2.50 NEW HOURS Fri Sat S p ag h etti w /G a rlic Bread am »2 SO Ig 43 SO r«t««rt Mon. Thura. 6 a .m 8 p .m . Friday 6 a.m. midnight 8 a m midnight Saturday 9 a .m .-l p.m. Sunday e 4 r*| *••••■ » *• D e c . 17 30 f 7 00om DOW N BY LAW . »„h B re a k fa s t served all day M e n tio n the Portland Observer and get 10% o ff Randy's "B ig G uy" Vi pound burger Provisional Servie» Quality Craftmanihlp ReaionabI» Ratei — - ...... — — ■— n F ree E s tim a te s Rainy w e a th e r and flat balloons didn't dam pen the spirits at Ports m outh M id d le School Friday as they released balloons and joined hands around the building The event was to kick o ff their m ulti ethic focus, excellence in education, and peace and unity Photo by Richard J Brown D avis an d P a in tin g Sons ABOUTTOW N Com pany X83-X459 Interior Exterior , O 0 ’ $ „.«> p p iJ tS featuring the largest selection of beauty and haircare products in the northeast W e w ent curly yesterday. B R IN G IN A CAN OF FO O D AN D R E C E IV E A 10% D IS C O U N T. Help us help the needy this Christmas 5832 N.E. Union Ave. 2 8 1 -6 3 9 3 Offer Expires Jan. 1, 1987] a z s i lie 7048 N .E . U nion Ask for Stacey Christmas Special $40.00 includes hair and 5 conditioners Bee G s ......................................................... 5700 N .E. Union 281 Fri. Sat , Michael Holiday ft Co. Brasserie M o n tm a rte 626 S W Park 224 Fri. Sat . Big Bangg Band H obbit ........ S E 39th ft Holgate. 771 Fri Sat Mel Brown Quintet Key Largo . 3 1 N W 1st Ave , 223 Fri Sat , Tom Grant Band Last H urrah ............................................. 555 S W Alder 224 Sun . Cool R O Callahan a 11650 S W Canyon Rd 626 Mon . Hypertension Original Richard's 4534 S E M cLoughlin 230 Sat , LeRoy Vinnegar ft Friends Rom os 1425 N W Glisan. 221 Sun Night Jam W Ron Steen 1133 S W Jefferson, 224 River C ity Saloon Sun , Tom McFarland foot of S f M arion. 239 Salty's Thurs Sat.. Don Latarski Band 8 N W 6th 227 Starry Night Fri Sat Cool R W Dan Reed Network 309 S W 3rd 222 Third Ave Club Fri Sat , Ron Steen Quintet 1st ft B Streets (Lake O sw ego) 636 Village Jazz Fri Sat , Shirley Nanette Quintet 1176 Jet Limousine Service 5662 serving the greater Portland area with style 0742 9919 1336 2223 4845 W e offer 1150 prices s ta rt at Full Bar C o lo r TV A M /F M S te re o T e le p h o n e per hou r, firs t 2 hours Full C lim a te C o n tro l ¿O n C o m p lim e n ta ry B o ttle o f C h a m p a g n e vO U .U U Fast and C o u rte o u s S e rv ic e In c lu d in g per h ou r p roce e d in g N ails on th e Run: P ed icu res 8 M a n ic u re s by sp ecial req u est $35.00 2800 f\f\ 8900 0071 9180 Call (206) 254-3762 2024 M H C C To C lo se For H o lid a y B reak All offices at Mt Hood Commu mty College will be closed Dec 25 through Jan 1 Winter term regi stration will be interrupter! until Jan 2 when the college reopens and registration hours are from 8 a m to 4 30 p m Registration will continue Saturday. Jan 3 from 9 a m to 12 30 p m Winter term classes begin the week of Jan 5 / F a n fasyiT O . C lasses fo r C h ild re n H o m e A lo n e S c h e d u le d Red Cross is sponsoring two "When I'm In Charge" classes (or eight to 11 year olds who may be placed in charge of themselves or their younger brothers and sisters because parents are gone from the home or are at work Information on home safety, telephone use, visitors, storms, first aid, snacks and leisure time ideas will be covered The classes will be offered on Tuesday and Wednesday, Decern her 30 and 31, from 10 a m to ¡ h *'* j) ,a and up WILL EVELYN RENE CAFE 728 N.E. D e k u m 289 4322 Ï > tr«1 K B O O 's D uP ree C a s e y & K e n (D r.R o c k )C o v in g to n BUY AT W H O LE S A LE NO LIMIT! (/ e c . 3 1 ,1 9 8 6 9 / t v t "3 a m X MAS WRAP SALE Great Selection a l i a t i / : ¿T g i g g ì 3 7 ^ 9 Ï Ï /c c i Ribbon • Bows • Cards S avin g s up to 60 % o ff I 60% off! FO O DSTAM PS W ELCOM E! $1.00 OFF O N A N Y “D IN Ñ É R * ’ tn /v G . T in v ^ J y in g J December 18th through December 24th Ilrkrt, VallaMr at Ihra» location, 10% D is c o u n t on A ll Food O rd ers Through December 31, 1906 3 F a m o u s C rab G u m b o 2 'Í 2nd Avenue SHOP NOW! Beginning December 19, 1986 BRING IN THIS COUPON FOR DISCOUNT__ j Hours M o n day Through Thursday T ilo a m. to 1 0 6 p.m . Friday b S aturday 7 30 a m. to 9 00 p.m . Closed Sunday .’ .v m o v .i;*;- '■'■'y ' » .-.0 -" ' i J ( t «z ’/ "When I’m In Charge" course cost is $6 Scholarships are avail able Pre registration is required Call 284 1234. ext 176 Braiding $55 283-1292 j to rem ove w hatever is offensive to good taste or m orality 11:30 a m., at American Red Cross Headquarters. 313, N Vancouver Ave. also featuring: P Color of the W eek C innam on W ord of the W eek expurgate y 4 $ TH E BEE CO 800 N. KllllngaWorth St. ata X. Open Mon-Sat, 9:30 am . - 6 p.m. 4? ' a - >*• . H ou«e of Sound im ui iTt Portland (503) 283-3171 MM N A Mr , , „ L."* « h . Musi be over 21 No Host Bar For Information Call M * * $ 1 5 .0 0 i a • • r’ •- « t.r r - .t