December 17, 1986 Portland Observer. Paye 7 H o lid ay Season C ustom ers U rged The Holiday Season is here again It is the busiest and heaviest time of the year for the Post Office During this holiday season the Postal Service will handle more than 12 billion holiday cards, letters and packages To handle this monumental amount of mail, the Postal Service L o w -In c o m e And Hom eless Families assisted anctki ycoi rftnu’s to o rfosr. will be open outside normal post office hours and Self Service Postal Units are available to serve you 24 huui s a day Saturday Service Specified post offices stations, and branches will be open December 13 and 20 as full service and retail mailing outlets W ill Call Service All post of fices will be open for customers to pick up packages on December 13 and 20 from 8 00 AM to 5 00 PM Shop early, mail early Make sure your love arrives on time asks customers to ’ Mail Eariy" in the Season and early in the day M ail Early C ollectio n Boxes Beginning Monday. December 8th. your post office will begin special collection runs to strategically placed Mail Early" collection boxes throughout the city These Mail Eady collection boxes will be marked with a green Christmas tree decal on their side Postal C o n tra ct S tations Ft Self Service As an added conven ience, local postal contract stations This winter, Portland area youth, affected by disaster or low income situations, and local homeless fami lies are the targets of a Red Cross effort to distribute Care Kits and fam ily Comfort Bones to those in need Red Cross is seeking indivi duals, civic groups, manufacturers and companies to assist in filling these needs through: • completing one or more Care Kits and/or Family Boxes • donating necessary items in bulk • taking on a quantity of kits boxes as a group protect "The need is now as the holidays and winter months approach. As families are without heat and shel ter. As the home fire season approaches, the request for these items increases dramatically," says Ronnie Meyers. Community Ser vices Specialist, American Red Cross. To find out more about specific items needed for this project and how to get involved, contact Red Cross Youth and Community Ser vices, 284 1234. u/o fliont you ¿oí your ^inutíu'p onrf gooH uiff. and sinopAciy uislt you off Ik happiness that a pkosptoous and oupcr^fuf ^Wu Q jm i non Bling. Cox Funeral Home 2738 N E Rodney Ave 284 1519 17 18 19 SAT 20 GREAT Names, GREAT SAVINGS SAVE 23355 SAVE *6 0 0 & 0 i f 9 9 _ _ n Mi>.; .., $i $IS9 • 11 D irect drive t « HP motor Bevels miters SAVE *3 0 to *60 Craftsman® bench top p o w e r tools 4. Sola and« De« 11 SAVE *2 0 0 D r ill p re s s 399w SAVE *1 3 0 T a b le saw $599 99 199" 3 4 HP motor 17- Tn 16 speeds S o la a n d * Da< ■ 74 1 • Reg. $ 1 5 9 .9 9 I 3-HP b e lt/d is c sander. 4 x 3 6 in. belt and 6 in disc. Q uick-release belt tension • Reg $ 1 4 9 9 9 1 2-H P 8 -in . d i­ rect drive ta b le s a w Cast alu m in u m table, extensions M iter g au g e. Develops ,-H P 10 in cast iron-table iw ’ 1 16 HP motor dev 2 • HI Leg stand extensions and 10 in blade h p e w e r fo al» >a b u rra s am a 2264? 4F ( .nm t) I '. it m n 9 ■ V < -1 H l ’ * y °u re h o f ? SAVE * 6 0 C o m p re s s o r SA VE * 8 4 S h o p v ac 0 & y 0 J 9 Heij 9 $159 99 Reg $ *•« >*a l »II« » J 16 q.i 2 HP 5 accessories y ' 4 4F 3 4 HP compaci Hose SAVE $30 Scroll saw Black U nited Front A nnual D ance The Black United Front. Portland Chapter, will hold its annual Christ mas Dance, Saturday, December 20, 1986, from 9 pm until 2 30 am at the Royal Esquire Club, 1708 North east Alberta The public is invited to enjoy the live music of Portland's own Streetcorner Singers and a band to be announced Your favor ite dance tunes, old and new will be played during intermission by D.J Howard Williamson. Free food will be available Tickets are $5 00 • DECEM BER Wto ì IHUI1 »XI Y M C A O ffers N ew Year's Eve O vernight For Youth The Washington County YMCA is offering a Kid's Night Out on New Year's Eve for children in grades 1 through 6 The overnight slumber party will be held at the YMCA Metro Community Center on 3030 SW Second Ave in Portland. Parents may drop their children off at Fir Grove Elementary School on Wilson Ave in Beaverton at 7:00 p.m. on December 31st and the YMCA will provide transportation to the program. The children will be brought back to Fir Grove by 9:00 a m., Thursday, January 1st, 1987 Participants will have their own New Year's Eve Celebration and also go swimming and bowling An even ing snack and continental breakfast will be provided. Fees for Kid's Night Out are $12 00 for YMCA Members and $17.00 for Non mem bers Financial assistance is avail able through YMCA office. The program is limited to 60 children and pre registration and payment is required by December 26th. Con­ tact the Washington County YMCA at 294 3345 for further information or registration forms *» SAVE * 1 5 0 C o m p re s s o r SAVE *4 0 W o rk b e n ch W 0 4F 0 0 J 9 Hi-ij 9 5 99 7 H fi) $13'1 4F X 20 gal 2-HP Craftsman 5 drawer with door 8054 3 W a lk The Square With more than 700 members registered, "W alk the Square" is a popular walking exercise program offered by Meridian Park Hospital in cooperation with Washington Square Shopping Center New members are always wel come, and a onetime membership fee of $10 includes a "W alk the Square" T shirt and identification pin, fitness and exercise consulta tion, a record book to chart personal progress, frequent conditioning classes, monthly blood pressure screenings, a yearly health screen ing, and seminars on health related topics. Members can "walk the mall" from 8 30 10 a m daily, Monday through Friday, in a safe, climate controlled environment along with friends old and new For more information on "W alk the Square", or to find out how to register (either by mail or at the mall) call the community education department. 692 2656, at the Tuala tin hospital • • f »M“ ' ’ " •*/ ' 19829 Cordless Light R eady to use a n y tim e C h a rg e r S to ra g e b a se mounts Io wall or worktable surface Lasts up Io I'i-h o u rs per charge SAVE *3 o n h a n d y to o ls • $12 9 9 M iterb o x w ith carbon steel s aw . • S 1 5 9 9 16 - o i steel h am m er Curved c la w head • S 14 9 9 C r a f t s m a n ta p e 1 - i n . x 2 0 ft Pow er return • S14 9 9 9 -in level w ith m ag netic edge SAVE *1 0 P o w e r e le c t r ic to o ls • $ 2 9 9 9 G lu e gun Int w ith trig g er action • S 34 9 9 Stapler n ailer D ual p o w er setting • $ 3 4 9 9 C ra fts m a n ro tary tool S ing le speed 3 0 .0 0 0 rpm $25,000 Christm as P la y RUB OFF AND WIN INSTANTLY! S h opp in g Spree See Local Store For Details Clackamas Sefufecf »on gusrenfeed Of yO«r money Dec » See/« 9oeô«Æ» end Ce 11800 S E 82nd Ave 652-2280 ’ M« a .* c - »• Vancouver Mall 4911 N E Thurston Way 256 8333 r Washington Square 9800 SW Washington Blvd 620-1510 • » . ■/ • ■ ■ Z