Page 6, Portland Observer, December 17, 1986 THE ENTERTAINMENT SEEN Let's Exercise Get Fresh Stay Fresh "Exorcise Proscriptions" is the topic to be discussed Monday, Jan uary 5 at 12 40 p rn., at the Tuala tin Durham Senior Center The program will he presented by physician R Morton Schloss. M O , a family practice physician on staff at Meridian Park Hospital The community education pro­ gram is part of Meridian Park's on going "Healthwise for Seniors" series coordinated by E Ricky Applernan, R N , program develop merit and consulting services do partment Applernan also coordi nates Meridian Park s efforts to pro vide ongoing health screenings at Washington County senior centers in Sherwood. Tigard. Durham Tua latin. For additional information on the program or health screenings, con tact the senior centers or the com munity education department at the Tualatin hospital at . 2nd Avenue _____ LP b NoMr frill MX) Club N o v m u Ready 1