. -v* . December 17, 1906, Portland Observer, Page 3 Come Celebrate With Us The Chancel Choir of Mt Olivet Baptist Church presents Celebrate the King” , Sunday. December 21. 1986 at 5:oo p.m at Mt Olivet Baptist Church, 116N E. Schuyler Street. Portland. The choir will be accompanied by a brass ensemble during this Christmas musical by John W. Peterson with arrangements by Bob Krogstad Come and celebrate with us. HAIR r 4 MORE i • • 7 Presented At THE R O Y A L ESQUIRE CLUB Given By B R O A D W A Y H A IR W EEVERS Dt$>GM«S *»t Flenard Grisby, Hattie Porter and M ary Campbell .CISt AibStS Lonnie Jenkins and Joyce M itchell SUNDAY. DECEMBER 28, 1986 ’ 00 P M TO I : 00 MlQN , m T THE ROYAL ESQUIRE CLUB I ’ O IN I A l lt » ! A S T»ll t M U S IC : D IS C O i H iram 's Shrim p Shop opened this w e e k e n d in Union Square The shop offers a m enu of assorted seafood in a very pleasant ato m o s phere (L R) M ich ael S m ith . Shirley M u h a m m e d . Elijah Hasan. Gary Holiday Fun Day C am p. Dec 22 24. 9 AM noon. Overlook House Community Center, 3839 N Melrose Ages 3 9 Activities are centered around the upcoming holiday Included are crafts, cooking, games, songs and even a visit from Santa himself Fee is $12. Hey Good Lookin — W hatcha' Got Cookin? e M ORI s i / 'J « V A b O N C O h 'il t Broadway H air W eavers & Designers H a ia n , H am ida Allen. Tahrim Hasan, and Kevin Allen Photo by Richard J B row n Unify O f Love Beauty Salon io «ui M o m 's Shopping Special. Dei 23, 9 30 AM 1 PM Peninsula Park Community Center. 6400 N Albina Ages 2 6 Take the hassle out of last minute holiday shopping send the children to the park Activities, crafts, games, cooking Class size is limited Fee is $6.50 D O N A T IO N EN TER TA IN M EN T Dare to be More. Now that I have your attention, it's time to roll up your sleeves and haul out your cooking utensils be cause OMSI is giving you the chance to get cooking with the ex perts. Chemists from OM SI and chefs from the Western Culinary Institute will be cooking up some tantalizing demonstrations on week ends from January 24th through February 15th. Ever wonder why your souffle crashed or your bread dough expan ded into the next county? Well, we ll have the answers for youl The chefs will whip up some amazing demonstrations: everything from poaching fish, braising meat, to put­ ting a bit of Holland into hollandaise right here in the museum! Then OMSI explainers will get busy ex plaining the science behind the art of food preparation, while visitors sample the results. Demonstrations will begin at 1:30 and 2 30 p m. both Saturday and Sunday For more information call OM SI at (503) 222 2828 • 4 •' 4* DAVE'S SHOP buying everything of value "W e Pay Cash” Open 10 30 5:30 Mon. Sat. 5600 N.E. Union f We w ill be open Christmas Eve 'til 9:00 pm Christmas Day til 3:00 pm W e have you r ho lid ay needs ai reasonable prices •v like Hem s. Turkeys. Ducks. 8 Baking Hens and Greens Specials This Week H o g M a w s - 59C/lb. Pork C hitterlings 10 lb pail —$7 59 Fresh Ju m b o Yam« — 4 lbs for $1 00 2 I w W e at Brandel's wish you and yours H appy Holiday« 1? mg " w “. 1.3 mg. noun« n pei ogerette by FTC method r «" | M ■ L . • SURGEON G EN E R A L'S W ARNING -. S m o k in g By P re g n a n t W o m e n M ay R e s u lt in F e ta l Iniury, Prem ature B irth , And Low B irth W eig ht. X If . • A » b