MULTNOMAH COUNTY ENGINEERING TEC H N IC IA N 3 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST $1850 $2283 m o. vides and tech nical reports; groups and Req and or exp tion Multnomah County Courthouse Room 134 1021 SW Fourth Avenue Portland. OR 97204 d yn am ic, g ro w th c o m m u n ity ; salary range D irects the w o rk of the Engineering Division, coor Planning Econom ics C o m m is D e v e lo p m e n t and Public W o rk s Division. fo rm s varied a d m in istrative P.E. Per professional and activities Civil required For a m in im u m of 90 cred it hours in three years a basic litreral arts curricu lum of a c o m p le te in fo rm atio n c o n tact: Public Works Director P O Box 1066 Camas. WA 98607 Phone (2061834 3451 fo rm s req . resum es NOT E O E FOREST PLANNING ANALYST An E O E f Research A ssistant, Forest M an " EHVIRcJMMLNTAL SPECIAL 1ST A 7 large structured p ro g ram s in For in designing, w iltin g , d eb ug gin g The OREGON DEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORT A TION IS ACCEPT INC APPtICAIIOMS I OR BS in con struction o f tim ber h arvest sche d uling m odels, experie n c e w ith RESEARCH. AMAIYSIS AMD PREPARATION m ic ro c o m p u te rs Fixed term po Of WRITTEN REPOHIS AMD FINDING'. OM sition for six m o n th s b eginning LAND USE IMPACTS. PIAM CONIORMANCI February 1. 1987 AMD CUE IURAI resum e, transcripts RESOURCE IMPACTS Of YOU MUSI USE PLANNING. CUl TURAL RESOURCES. To apply, send three letters of re feren ce by J a n u a ry 15. 1987 to: Norman Johnson Department of Forest Management Oregon State University Corvallis. OR 97331 PHYSICAL SCIENCE OR OTHER CLOSELY RELATED FIELD 0« THREE MORI YEARS Of RESPONSIBLE PERTINENT EXPERIENCE. CEMENTS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE PERSONNEL CENTER AT 775 COURT STREE1 Abil to w o rk at heights, in c o n fin e d spaces, valid 3 Lie C o n ta ct: OSU is an A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n / Equal O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer and com plies w ith S e c tio n 504 of the R ehab ilitation A ct o f 1973 level m ech anical insp; cons exp at journey level E.O.E. expen en i e THE POSITIOM IS RESPOMSIBll 10« 1HE WORK IN ENVIRONMNTAl SCIENCE. LAND as " A " City of Salem PERS Dept Rm 225 666 Liberty St SE Salem. OR 97X1 tran. D esirable q u alificatio n s in forestry, THE ABOVE POSITIOM LOCATED IN SALEM. APPLICATIONS ANO RECRUITING ANNOUN 1 2 87 Re B S degree $1885 - $2412 MONTHLY form in g on site m ech anical insp Closing d ate quired q ualificatio ns in c o m p u ter science, experien ce IENCE IN ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL ON W o rk per Class a g e m e n t D e p a rtm e n t, O S U (IAMD USE I CULTURAL RESOURCE SPEC1AI 1ST) for c o n fo rm a n c e or be d ate S a le m . O R 9 7 X 1 Washington County Personnel 150 N. First Ave., Room B 2 Hillsboro. OR 97124 HAVE EQUIVAlENI TO TWO YEARS EXPER­ MECHANICAL INSPECTOR C h au ff A p ply A p p ly by D e c e m b e r BACHELOR'S DEGREE WITH MAJOR COURSE- OR 1 16 87 Closing City o f S a le m Personnel Dept Rm 225 555 Liborty St SE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS AND A Cert c iti/e n C o u n ty applica TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS. E.O.E. $11 163 $13 644 hr US. 26. 1986 to ENGINEER ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER d m ates w ith u ate . have o b ta in e d a G E D and tw o supervising or trainin g tech a c c ep ted A n Equal O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer $32K $ 3 9 K /y r . and in civil or traffic or nical personnel WHERETO APPLY W A, e n g ineerin g exp in civil or tra ffic engineering, 26, 1986 sion, traffic engineering; experience; apply by D ecem b er C am as, M u s t be 21 by 3 9 87, be a high school grad an A ssociate deg ree in civil years o f exp g o v e rn m e n ta l agencies; requires tw o years o f City o f plus fully paid design plan m aps, prepares con pro assistance $1661 $2120 m o b en efit p ac k a g e 3 tract d ata for assigned projects acts as liaison b e tw e e n c o m m u nity D rafts road, storm d rainag e and traffic signal $ 1 1 .4 0 per hour; prepares C D B G app lication s POLICE OFFICER HE. SALEM. AT ANY LOCAL Of F ICE Of THE EWLOYMENT DIVISION OR 0001 PERSONNEL. 419 TRANS PORI AT ION BLDG. SALEM. 0« 97310. APPLICATIONS $60 00 PER HUNDRED PAID For rem ailing letters fro m h om e! MILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL 5 :0 0 P.M. Sen d DECEMBER envelo pe The O 24. tto h o/ 19H6. Dep^rfmenf T. self addressed, for stam ped in fo rm atio n appli cation Associates Box 95 B Roselle. NJ 07203 December 17, 1986, JOBS, Page 5