SALES CUSTODIAN NURSE M ED IC A L REVIEW CO O RDINATO R Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon, a major health insurance company, has as opening for a professional to conduct medical claim audits in order to determine validity of charges, medical neces sity and appropriateness of ser vice. Individual will also assist in esta blishing and modifying medical review guidelines and in the train ing of personnel to insure appro priate and consistent claims re view; will also assist in the design and implementation of special projects. Position requires direct commu nication with providers Successful candidate must be an RN, currently licensed in the State of Oregon, and have 3 5 years recent hospital experience Administrative experience ex tremely helpful. Good communication skills and a comprehensive understanding of medical terminology, coding and surgical pricing is desirable Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex time work hours, and cornpeti tive salary Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept 5th Floor 100 S W Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer HELP W ANTED Senior Lady Wanted Compan ion to help mother with children, three and seven Business, cook ing, housework Healthy, loyal, references/background check Provide home kindness, future benefits Possibly in your home Write Carol, Box 208, Lakeview, OR 97630 H M O M ARKETING REPRESENTATIVE PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS ASST SUPERVISOR HOUSEKEEPING A newly developed federally qua lified HMO, which will be a sub sidiary of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon, is currently accepting applications and resumes for a Marketing Representative In cumbent will report directly to the HMO Director of Marketing and will negotiate the sale of new business and the retention of exi sting business within an assigned sales - service territory to assure prompt and accurate flow of re quested information, both inter nal and external, related to job responsibility; will establish on going business relationships with brokers to promote the salo of new business and retention of existing business, will contribute to public acceptance and under standing of HMO through effec tive presentations and timely communication Responsibility for supervising all activities of custodians in a num ber of bldgs in specific section of district, resulting in improved em ployee productivity housekeep ing services in individual schools Primary shift 2 pm to 10 30 pm daily May be called for duties/ emergency outside established hours Min 5 yrs custodian/ maintenance exp, especially in schools public bldgs At least 4 yrs of education or training be yond high school Salary based on exp/preparation. $23,884 $31,029 Full job description avail complete Portland Public School application submit cur rent resume, 3 letters of refer ence regarding qualifications for position Applications accepted through Dec 23 Apply: Portland Public Schools 501 N Dixon Portland. OR Qualified candidates should have a college degree in a relevant field, or equivalent marketing ex jjerience; must be well organized and able to handle administrative detail; must possess effective public speaking and written com mumcation skills, be a self starter and be able to work without close supervision Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer SKILL DEVELOPER OTR to teach basic living skills to CMI administer skill assess ment tools and skill training as specified in service plan. OTR certification important Salary $18,356, BA/OTR Send re sumes and application to: The HMO offers an excellent employee benefits package and competitive salary The qualified applicants may apply in person or send resume to: N /N E CMHC 310 NE Oregon 239 8871 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept 5th Floor 100 S W Market Portland, OR 97201 A ttn M a ry Jo Thom as Closing date December 24, 1986 E.E O A A Employer POSITION OPEN Equal Opportunity Employer Sports Editor Lincoln City News Guard, a 6,271 circulation weekly newspaper on beautiful Oregon coast, seeks sports editor. Sports and out door coverage Photography and pasteup ability required Con tact: Jim Moore, editor, at (503) 994 2178 Guitar Player W anted for Portland's fastest growing rapp group Requires serious attitude and rehearsal 2 to 3 x per week Must be able to travel weekends Call Larry 282 8247 December 17, 1986, JOBS, Page 3 * • ' • . •*" I*** ’ '