Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 10, 1986, Page 7, Image 7

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    December 10, 1986, Portland Observer, Page 7
Reed College Christmas Jazz Concert
Jeannie H offm an. Jazz pianist, and David Friesen, bassist, w ill present
their annual concert of classical |azz and Christmas jazz on Sunday, Decern
ber 14 at 3 P M in the Reed College Commons. The concert, w hich is
sponsored by the Reed College Music Associates, is fo u rth in a special
eight concert series o f Music Matinees to celebrate Reed College s 75th
Anniversary Year. The concert is free and open to the public.
A ffordable J. J. Lock & Key
4724 N.E. K illin g s w o rth
PH 284 9582
Heavy D uty S ingle C ylinder D eadbolt
The Christian W omen Against Crime (C W A C I and the Black United
Front (BUF), tw o non p ro fit com m unity organizations w hich serve Port
land's Black population, were interviewer! by researchers from the National
Participation Development Project
"The purpose of the project is to find out how citizen participation efforts
are able to have a lasting impact on the well being of the entire com m unity
M a rik o Y a b u k i and th e Y a b u k i Bear pass o u t g ifts a t th e W o o d la w n
C e n te r o f th e A M A Head S ta rt P ro g ra m
P h o to by R ic h a rd J B ro w n
Yabuki, Inc.
Donates Toys For
Children of Head
Start Program
Yabuki, Inc., a Portland based toy com pany, donated Christmas gifts
to benefit over 200 children, according to Ron Herndon, director of the
Albina Ministerial Alliance Head Start Program. The event took olace Wed
nesday, Dec. 3, at the W oodlawn Center (1425 N.E Dekum l, one o f ten
Head Start C om m unity Centers, from 10:00 am throughout the day Chil
dren at each center had a special visit by the Yabuki Bear, a giant Panda
(H erndon), w ho passed out toys and g ifts donated by Mariko Yabuki, vice
president o f Yabuki, Inc.
“ I believe in investing in our future and the exception <1 work Ron Hern
don has done for the Head S tart Program for the children in our comm u
n ity ," stated Mariko Yabuki. "W e need more organizations devoted to the
g ro w th and developm ent of our children since they can make a positive
chanue in our future. I'm glad that Yabuki, Inc , can be a part of that
future " Yabuki also donated educational puppets to ea :h of the ten Head
Start Centers, w hich have also been used in the Portland Public School
Since 1977, the Albina Minstenal Alliance Head Start Program has been
involved in com m unity service and education for children and families
th roughout the Portland m etro area
Yabuki Inc . established in 1979,
is a manufacturer of plush and educational toys
$39 95 Insta lle d
by Jerry Garner
u I
LOST KEYS (we make keys
w ith o u t keys — HOUSE.
by working w ithin the policy making process," said Dr Kent E Portney
Dr Portney is Survey Director of the Participation Development Protect
The project is being conducted by the Lincoln Filene Center, Tufts
University Medford, Maine
The protect was made possible by a grant
from the Ford Foundation
The project attem pts to examine how constructive participation can help
inciease policy balance and responsiveness, build citizen capacity, and
increase citizen confidence to enable effective, purposeful action by
governm ent agencies
The research project will attem pt to identify the
impai t of governm ental programs on the entire com m unity, not just upon
the agencies and participants w ho are actively involved
Portney said Portland was one o f the six cities chosen for the project
because o, com m unity involvem ent in the policy making process
The citizen Participation Development Project's prim ary project com po
nents include
• A national survey to identify the full range of citizen participation pro
grams currently in ojieration and provide inform ation about the charac
tenstK s of participation programs w hich lead to the greatest achieve
ment o, participation objectives
• Establishment of small research and working groups o f scholars and
practitioners to assist in research site' selection and developm ent of
res arch design and criteria for participation success
• Regional conferences of ma|or citizen group leaders, governm ent
officials and researchers in the field to provide an interchange of
inform ation atxiut successful participation models
Mention ad for discount
on deadbolt
Candlelight Holiday Concert
Sharon Seventh Day
Adventist Church
Friday, D ecem ber 19, 1986, 7:30 p.m .
Sharon Church Choir
Guest Musicians
Come and Receive
Holiday Blessings
5209 N.E. 22nd
RAMD/' s
• Development of a series o f articles for the Citizon Participation News
mag izine to increase awareness of tho goals and progress of the pro
iect among as broad an audience as possible
• Production and distribution of a i asework of effective models, re
sean h results and current literature and resources for citizen groups
anil governm ent o ff« tals seeking to strengthen their participation
Portney said individual citizens and citizen groups should lobby and pres
sure governm ent,il agencies to adopt their (imposais or meet their demands
on issues vital to com m unities He said this can tie done through public,
hearings and legal notn es in local newspapers anil electorial com petition
of individual candidates vyin g for p u b lic Support
445 N E Killlngsworth
Is Under New
M anagem ent
Thurs 6 a m 8 p.m .
6 a .m . m idnight
8 a m. m idnight
9 a m. 1 p m.
M on
B re a kfa st served all day
mention the Portland Observer and get 10% o ff
Randy's "B ig Guy” '/> pgrjnd burger
Red Cross Babysitting
Course Scheduled
Does your 11 year old or older
child need som ething w orthw hile to
do over the Christmas New Year
Holiday > Red Cross offers boys
and girls 1 i years and older many
opportunities to develop then know
ledge and chances for babysitting
|obs through many Reif Cross Baby
sitting courses scheduled m Decern
Meridian Park Hospital.
SW 65th, Tualatin Munday Tues
day. Dec 29 h 30. 8 30 a m to
12 30 p m . 692 2184 to pre register
Garden Home Recreation Center,
7475 S W O leson Road P ortland
Monday Tuesday, Dec 29 b 30
8 30 a m to 12 30 p m . 284 7090
to pre register
Hillsboro Library, 775 SE 10th,
Hillsboro, Monday Tuesday, Dec
29 b 30. 8 30 a m to 12 30 p m
68, 6115 to pre register
American Red Cross Headquar
ters, 3131 N Vancouver Ave , Port
land. M onday/Tuesday, Dec 29 b
30, 8 30 a m to 12 30 p m . 284
7090 to pre register
These classes are presented as a
com m unity service by Red Cross
volunteer babysitting instructors
They w ill explain the responsibilities
of w atching small children, elemen
tary first aid, how to deal w ith
emergencies, how to interview for
a job, what to expect of parents
w ho hire you and what parents ex
pec, from the sitter
Class size is limited The charge
is $15 per student
are available
Please call to pre
V e r . 3 J, 4 9 8 6
if f t ft I "3 a m
3 7 t h T f'/co i
tâ a n A
V /o to e t
Wo l77a n <t,
Ik k rtx Available al thrw lorationx
2n d
$ 4 5 . CO
e/.4t n e in w * u . h u h
SM 2r«d
H o u tv o f S o u n d
*• * ■*-»
Jeannette J. Plummer
Thanks To
Com m unity
We, the family of the late
Herman C. Plummer, wish to
express our thanks to all our
friends for their expressions of
sympathy, kindness and sup
port during his illness and
s i l I
fir n la s /r m
* «
Muni be over 21
No Host Bar
For Information Call