Paye b, Portland Ot December 10, 1986 THE ENTERTAINMENT SEEN G uitar Playar W anted Interstudy Homestay Program wishes to provide an Oregon sum­ mer (four weeks) experience for foreign students from the island of Martinique (West Indies) Oppor tunities for reward are many. Contact Lucinda Tate. 667 7085 for further information Portland's fastest growing rapp group. Requires serious attitude and rehearsal 2 to 3 x per week Must be able to travel weekends Call Larry 282 8247 Ethnic Holiday Celebration On Sunday, Dec. 14, 1906, at 5 00 P M , the Interracial Family Network will host an Ethnic Holiday Celebration at Mallory Ave Church, 126 N I Alberta Ave Share your family's traditions, hear about "Kwanza", break a treat filled Piñata, and enjoy a talent show with family and friends Bake Goods, Ethnic finger foods, and a benefit Bazaar will help create a festived mood. Come Celebrate our Differences! $ -|0 0 off REGULAR PRICED ON A L B U M OR CASSETTE OVER $5.00 ♦ LAST POSTIANO I I I I RECORD SHOP 32nd 6 BURNSIDE 231 B!M3 •OVPO»Tl*ND NW 2t»l ft JOHNSON 248 0183 « I I I I I M U S IC I M IL L E N N IU M IF WE DO N’T HAVE IT. WE WILL ORDER IT! I I tn io i / » (U tu GAMESt (M 3) 2M-S123 I I I Good For ONE STOP S2fl N Killlngsworth I This Coupon DAVE'S I I I I I I I SHOP buying everything of value "W e Pay Cash" Open 10 30 5:30 Mon. Sat. ABOUT TOWN o in B G e e 's ................................................................... 5700 N.E U nion. 281 117« Fri.-Sun . Michael Holiday b Co. Brasserie M o n t m a r t e .......................................... 626 S.W . Park. 224 5662 Fri. Sat , Big Bangg Band Cisco b P a n c h o s ................................................ 611 N W Couch. 223 5048 Fri.-Sat., Norman Sylvester Band D J .a Village J a z z .................1st b B Streets (Lake O sw ego) 636 2024 Fri. Sat., LeRoy Vinnegar b Friends H o b b it...............................................................8 .E 39th b H olgate. 771-0742 Fri. Sat., Mel Brown Quintet Key Largo...............................................................31 N W . 1st A ve . 223 8919 Fri.-Sat , Crazy 8's Last H u rra h ............................................................. 566 S W A lder. 224 1336 Fri.-Sat., Cool 'R O 'Callahan ...................................................... 11660 S .W . Canyon. 626 2223 Mon , Cool 'R Original Richard's . 4634 S E M cLoughlin. 230 4846 Fri Sat., LeRoy Vinnegar b Friends; Wed . Nancy King W / Eddie Wied b LeRoy Vinnegar R e m o 's ................................................................. 1426 N W Glisan. 221 1150 Sun Night, Jam W / Ron Steen River City S a lo o n ......................... 1133 S W Jefferso n. 224 2800 Sun.. Tom McFarland S alty’s .............................................................. fo o t of S.E M a rio n . 239 8900 Thurs. Sat.. Phill Baker Band Starry Night .................................................. 8 N W 6th. 227 0071 Sat., Richard Burdell Benefit W / Nancy King, Tom Grant, Cool 'R and more Third Ave. C l u b .......................................................... 309 S W 3rd, 222 9180 Fri.-Sat , Ron Steen Quartet New Year’s Eve? Nothing In Mind, Well... come w ith me where the music is b id ard the food is free Rock In 8 7 With Me, At The Chumaree. MO MOST M" T« AMO AFAMO**»«»« ATI«« M«Ous««0 FOOO AM© «AÄTV FAVO«» «LU060 «• «•<« O» AOMtUOM LMBVSO MUMM« O« UCMlt AWAM t« « MO TK««'* A T TM| OOOM D4A(X*W| »OM FUIKMM OF ftCSlft MC IMM » »• UN fICMI «6MC« MM t ISS« Op- a* «4» MAC« tot « e . i » m i t 'l I ....... • »7704 iWii >)• ’•*-> •EXCLUDES RED TAG MERCHANDISE LIMIT 1 COUPON PER PURCHASE Get Fresh Stay Fresh 2nd A v enue _______________ LPs Club N o v m u Heady For the W orld Man t root« < W» «MS I»»» <<*« Unir * a * Snr ne .Z PUT W- th A w Y »• nW. .« < « ,) 12 Inches SOS Band Vnb IWr usb«. f V » w « t DEN NIS ASSOCIATES 284 7930 PROFESSIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS 283 1404 RIGHT IN RIGHT OUT BEAUTY S H O P -2 8 2 6340 Offer Expires Jan. 1, 1987 U ISI II I] 7048 N.E. Union Christmas Special $40.00 Includes Haircut and 4 Conditioners also featuring: Ice T __ Sun day 1 2 noon to 6 p TOP HUAI nuses THE BEE CO 800 N. Killlngsworth St. Portland (503) 283-3171 Open Mon-Sat. 9:30 a m. - 6 p m . NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT o* 418 SW 2nd W«" "Evan a stopped clock is right tw tca a day After soma years, it can boast of a long sarias ot successes " Ebnar Eschanbach Portland v>\c*v HAIR ,1 „eert” O * OA** Í fe a tu rin g th e la rg e s t s e le c tio n o f b e a u ty a n d h a irc a re p ro d u c ts in th e n o rth e a s t DAN REED NETWORK COOL’R MORE H e lp u s h e lp th e n e e d y th is C h ris tm a s 5832 N.E. Union Ave. 281-6393 Given By BROADWAY HAIR WEEVERS Jet Limousine Service DtSiGMSS * » t serving the greater Portland area with style Flenard Grisby, Hattie Porter and Mary Campbell .LlS’ *«• st$ Lonnie Jenkins and Joyce Mitchell SUNDAY. DECEMBER 28, 1986 I 00 t M t o I J 00 MlDNlGMt We offer THE ROYAL ESQUIRE CLUB •— prices start at Full Bar Color TV A M /F M Stereo Telephone I»' hour first 2 hours Full Clim ate Control Com plim entary Bottle of Champagne Fast and Courteous Service Including per hour proceeding Nails on the Run: Pedicures ft Manicures by special request I ’ 01 h t A ilttT A STSftt FRI-SAT DEC. 19-20 Broadway Hair W eeverj & Designers ?»l ?I1«121 SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE • A ' ‘e < •* * à » 'i «««4 Unify O f Love Beauty Salon JEAN MACHINE f $35.00 A O/Y An vJU.OO MUSIC: DISCO t o * MOSt IhtO SM AtlON C O N’ ACT TICKETS: Gl JOE S. GALLERIA 1 W e w e n t e ttr fy y e s te rd a y . BRING IN A CAN OF FOOD AND RECEIVE A 10% DISCOUNT. Presented A t THE ROYAL ESQUIRE CLUB • c® fO< W ord of the W eek perennial — persistant, enduring Color of the W eek: M au ve m MJ STARRY NIGHT and up 283-1292 FO O DSTAM PSiW ELCO M E! all at rock bottom prices L i A rg CT -Wit Braiding $55 y * M o n d a y S a tu r d a y 1 0 a m to 7 p m * '• - f; 286 6125 COfltdCt S BROOKS b Joetki Love CALL FOR TICKITS: 224-4001 -ra O «a «AMOV «k VO 60% off! Club Novaau M aotrooti Thursday, Friday, Saturday at S:00 pai No-re mb sr IS - January 4 O* ” Ml VMS A CUkV«« «VAIA STAN —286 4 797 X M A S W RAP SALE Great Selection Ribbon • Bows • Cards Savings up to 60% o ff I Edition MA RAINEY'S BIACK BOTTOM 31 NW FIRST , ** (XU4MA6I ss« I ) s 4 BUY AT W H O LESA LE NO LIMIT! at S to re fro n t T h e a tre K e y ( ( - (¿«¿MO wni The Aquatic Center at Mt Hood Community College will be closed from Dec 15 through Jan 4, 1987 Swimming lessons and community open recreation sessions will not be held during this period. The center will reopen Jan 5 For more infor­ mation call the MHCC Aquatic Cen ter at 667 7243 l | ( IlO .f .'A f l presenh the Northwest Premiere of Kkk Jimn ■qtO! Aquatic Center Closes For Holidays 'A d v ic e Is seldom w elcom e snd those w ho w e n t it most slweys like it least ' Esrl of Chesterfield 5600 N E. Union STAN'S PARTY Act One Host Families Needed for . * 4, • • • *■ Ï a • • • » $ 4 * Call (206) 254-3762 ENTERTAINMENT D O NATIO N ff I *• » s‘ » M * * ¿1 M I Ml Hl1 WLMfci JB S* > * -T~K * • i- 'v ■ t, .♦* • ’ •. ■ •» **1« r ',>.<•