December 10, 1986, Portland Observer, Page 3 Helping Hand Child Developm ent Center WILL EVELYN RENE CAFE Announcing opening in NE area 3535 N.E. M a llo ry (near Em anuel H o sp ita l) Call 1503) 281 1511 or 284 1471 We take children 2 ’/ i -6 years old Open Monday thru Friday, 6:30 a m to 6:00 728 N.E. Dekum Inquire about evenings, drop ins ere w e lc o m e 289 4322 P r o fm io n a l Servie» B reakfast Served All Day • Dinner Begins At 11 00 a m Deli S andw iches A vailable B reakfast B Dinner Specials A lw ays Q u ality C raftm anih lp R easonable Rates Mt^rr 1 CALL TO MAKE RESERVATIONS IN OUR BANQUET ROOM W HICH WILL SEAT UP TO 20 PEOPLE »WW '» « ■ ■ •r W»> lairs' Free Estim ates Eld b S it W E R ic h a rd to n . P ro p rie to rs B e » —*- Hours M o n day Through Thursday 7 30 a m to 6 00 p m Friday b Saturday 7 30 a m. to 9 00 p.m Closed Sunday Davis and Sons Com pany 1 W a ln u t P a rk L o c k & K e y 533 N E Killingsworth 503-288-6338 Painting X83-1459 Interior Exterior 24 hr Em ergency Service C hinara Phillips. 6 years old, gets to visit C h o c o la te Santa during one of his visits to P ortland Santa appeared at the First Annual C hocolate and Southern S w eets Fair Cakes, pies, cookies, arts and crafts w ere am ong the gifts and goodies that could be pur chased The event w as coordinated by Bobbye B ro w n , m anager of the Royal Esquire Club Photo by Richard J Brown o a a te v o u r^ ^ A EDWARD E WARD, DMD GENERAL DENTISTRY DENTAL CARE FOR THE WHOLE F AMILY" - - - - - r S H lS T IO *. U R IIV T ID I R I D I M I R R O ID M O SXI STAfl ISSI RANCI C L A M I A t t i m i ) SIDATION 11« U S S IT I)» PATII S D f i l i IXSI.I SU D PRIOR TU TRI ATMl NT «ISA MASTIRtARD S IW PATII N D » m u s i l i A ll R I S I I V I ) - VA IID A TID P ARRISI, - o m ti - - % hoirs mondai s a t ir d a i i am jpm D I N D I » ) A* A ll ARI l ADA M IM RIR 5 0 3 -2 2 8 -3 0 0 9 Dr. Edward C Ward 610 SW Alder, suite 1008 paVrn enL pian 4 C orner o f 8th and S k id m o re I Sunday School 9 15 a m Sunday Wor*h»p 11 00 i m C h n ititn Youth Fellowship 6 0 0 p m A Gospel Musical (second end fourth Sundays I P h illip s N elso n (P a sto r) THE MOUNT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH N E First b S ch u yler • 284 1964 John H Jackson Minister M Ed M D 9 30 A M Church School 11 00 A M Congregational Worship 5 00 P M Vesper Service 10 00 A M Baptism Fourth Sunday 11 00 Communion Each First Sunday The American Baptist Convention. American Baptist Churches of Oregon Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention National. Oregon, Portland Ecumenical Ministries American Bible Society. M B M Board COMMUNITY CHURCH of GOD 202 N.E. Skidmore 2B1 56/8 2B* 5663 9 45am ., Sunday School 11:00 a.m., Morning Worship 7:00 p m., Evening Worship 7 00 p m Wednesday, Prayer Meeting Victor R Brown, B Theology. Pastor Dr Ha/el L Brown Sr , 0 D . Assistant Pastor SMILE - GOD LOVES YOU YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N E Killingsworth • 281 0499 A warm spirit of fellowship always" irch o f God in Christ C hurch RxWoeUYMw«- 00 AARi" Ar tk c BiWe ¿ a y t - T uetday B.bM Band 7 Op m Thursday Choi» Rehearsal I 'O p m Sunday | Sunday School 9 IS • m 1 Mormnq 11 IS • m WfWAhtp I V P W W 6 O p m I FvenyehVK. H (O p <* : Worship I "Tuesday FnrJay Noon Day Prayer I Friday A Gospel Musical will be spon sored by the "Brides of Christ Fellowship” featuring Bro Felix Williams of Seattle. Washington playing the saxaphone and singing Also featured are House of Prayer Choir B Speech Choir; Prayer Tern pie. Full Gospel Pent Choir, Sis Sabrina Anderson; Sis Virginia Shepherd; and others For more information, call (2061 695 7034 Y M C A Plans H o liday V a ca tio n Day Trips Parents wondering what to do with their school age children dur mg the holiday break may wish to take advantage of Washinton Coun ty YMCA's Vacation Day Trips The trip schedule will be: Monday, De cember 22nd innertubing at Snow Bunny on Mt Hood, Tuesday, De cember 23rd "Songs of the South" movie and iceskating; Mon day, December 29th Miniature Golf and Hart’s Reptile World; Tuesday, December 30th OMSI and roller skating; and Friday, Jan uary 2nd innertubing at Snow Bunny on Mt Hood. All trips begin at Fir Grove Ele mentary School on Wilson Ave in Beaverton at 9:00 a m. and end at 5:00 p.m. Extended care is avail able starting at 7:00 a.m and until 6:00 p.m. Program fee is $13.00 a day for YMCA Members and $18 00 a day for Non-members and includes transportation, supervision and all admission fees Financial assistance is available through YMCA office Pre registration and payment Is required. Contact the YM CA at 294 3345 for further In fo rm a tio r^ ^ e g is tra tio M o rm ^ _ _ _ 30 p m oil met) ( r holiness without ivbicb OofC^e,.^ 900>m man shall set the Corù «H» WB» M ■ AAM '««AM ( j m V’V The Association of Oregon Black Lawyers IA .O B L I invites you to attend the fifth annual Ebony B Ivory Scholarship Dance to be held Friday, December 12. 1986 9 00 P M to 1 00 A M at the Red Lion Portland Cen ter. 310 S W Lincoln. Portland, Oregon (You may make a reservation to stay overnight at the Red Lion for just $35 00) The dance is semi formal, ebony and ivory attire suggested, but not re quired There will be a live band, hors d’oeuves, and a no host bar Last year the A O B I awarded grants totaling $2,000 00 to three black law school students and to the Oregon State Bar s Minority Scholarship Fund This year's award amount will depend on your support. Tickets are $15 00 to admit one person or $26 00 to admit two people You can purchase your tickets from an A O B L. member or call Kim at 284 0151 or 282 5902 If you cannot attend, we would appreciate your tax deductible contn bution. We. the family of the late Herman C Plummer, wish to express our thanks to all our friends for their expressions of sympathy, kindness and support during his illness and passing Jeanette J . Plummer ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH topi Scholarship Dance Thanks To Com m unity Ava»'Aab'* PORTLAND CLEANING W ORKS Dfy Cleaning Has been serving the North and Northeast Com munity for 20 years. Dry cleaning; laundered shirts; alterations; fast service. You have trie d the rest N o w try the Best. Hours: Mon. through Fri. 8 AM 6:30 PM Sat., 9 AM to 1 PM 3954 N. Williams Ave. 282-8361 u n i * novi« RENAULT 0 □ (© saan T e rra ri OYOTA Check Our Low Prices Oil Filters — Air Filters $2.98 — $3.95 Most Fan Belts — $3.95 Brake Shoes & Pads — $9.54 Exchange V a lv e Cover Gaskets © — $3.95 If your import is over 4 years old... RADIATOR HOSES . . it's time to change the belts With today's belts you can't tell when they are about to break So. if your import car is four years old, save yourself some big trouble Replace the belts now, at "»,7 D M Auto Parts, Inc. Complete Automotive Supplies Adult raccoon* can detect approach Ing cold fronts up to 4 * hour* in ad vance and at 24 degree« F . or below, they go into «emihibernation Á 710 N.E. Killingsworth 288-5533