MANAGER In te rn a tio n a l M a rk e tin g P la n n in g and D e v e lo p m e n t PHYSICAL THERAPIST LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Are you looking for a Physical Therapist position that offers you a com petitive salary based on your education, w ith excellent fringe benefits and paid leave, flexible w ork hours w ith a shor ter work year, diversified case load, team support, accessibility to specialized therapy equip merit, tuition reimbursement, and your ow n office space w ith phone? D ire c to r Retired Senior Volunteer Program D e p a rtm e n t S e c re ta ry Electronics A d m in is tra tiv e A s s is ta n t Oregon Small Business Development Center Network T r a in e r/ln s tr u c tio n a l A id e W ork A ctivity Center The Port of Portland has an im mediate opening for an Interna tu ” i il Marketing Manager to de velop. implement and coordinate an international marketing pro gram The focus of the program w ill lie to expand relationships w ith existing custom ers in Japan Korea and Taiwan and to deve lop iew custom ers in these Pie i fit Rim countries This position offers the opportunity for exten sive travel, w ith a m inim um of 12 weeks overseas each year in Ja pan Korea and Taiwan Empha sis will be on marketing the Port's specialized transportation facili ties and real estate assets to im p orters m anufacturers and other investors This is a key position in the Port's strategy to increase im ports and generate land sales leases in their prim e industrial parks. If so, we have the job for you. To request additional inform ation and employer's application form, call A pplication Deadline December 29, 1986 F in a n cia l A id In fo rm a tio n C o o rd in a to r M u ltn o m a h E d u c a tio n S e rvice D is tric t P e rso n n e l O ffic e 256 1841 e xt 207 S e c re ta ry I T e m p o ra ry Health Et PE A p p lic a tio n d e a d lin e D e c e m b e r 30. 1986 or w rite Personnel including name of position w hich are are interested: Call 1 726 2211 or w rite Lane C o m m u n ity C o lle g e P e rso n n e l S e rvice s 4000 E 30rh A ve E ugene. OR 97406 220 S E 102nd P o rtla n d . OR 97216 Position open until filled For application and job descnp tion. LCC application must be received no later than 5:00 p.m . on deadline date An A ffirm ative Action Equal O pportunity Institution POSITION WANTED EDITOR Currently the senior account ex ecutive at Turtledove Clemen's Public Relations division. As the head o f the PR division of TCI, one of Portland's leading marke ting com m unications firms, he is active in the developm ent and execution of P R 'm arketing plans Prior to his w ork at TCI he was the news director at KGON EM RADIO IN Portland where he was responsible for gathering, w ritin g and producing local nowcasts His new»pape- experience includes a general as signm ent reporting position at The Charlottesville Observer. VA Contact Dave Kanner, 3611 SE W ashington, Portland OR 97214 ibOJi 2 3 6 3381 Equal O pportunity Employer ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ F IS C A L M A N A G I R C 1 (Assistant C on troller) $2,646 - $3381 Monthly The Oregon Departernt of transporta­ tion is accepting applications for the above position located In Sale«. This position is responsible for the ■anagenrnt and supervision of the External Audit and Contract Account­ ing units of the Departaent and assisting the c o n tro lle r in the o verall «anagesrnt of the Account ing section. Applications and re c ru it­ ing announceaents o utlining g u a lif i- cations for this position «ay be ob­ tained fro« the Personnel Center at 775 Court St. RE. or any local o f f ­ ice of the f«ploy«ent Division or the OfXJT Personnel section, 419 Transportation B ldg., Sale«, OR 9/310 (503) 373-7663. Applications w ill be accepted u n til 5:00 p .« . Dei ember 23. 1986. 7?» Oregon Department oZ r, .xnp