Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 10, 1986, Page 14, Image 14

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This project consists o f the cm .truction of approxi
mately 35 000 cubic yards ot excavation and em
bankment; 15 000 linear feet of sanitary sewer, 50
sanitary structures, 6,100 squau yards of 4 inch thick
asphalt concrete pavement. 4 MU0 square yards of
2 meh thick asphalt concreu pavement; sundry
utility adjustments and othei related miscellaneous
items W inter construction will be allowed on a sub
tantial (rortion of this project Waiter construction
will h e lim ited to unimproved areas only No work
will tie allowed in paved roads until Spring of 1987
unless authorized by the Engitmei
The City Clerk will receive sealed bids until 9 30 a m ,
Dei ember 18, 1986 for the above project located in
Spokane, W ashington, in accordance w ith contract
documents on file in the offu e of the Public W orks
Dire, tor. Skywalk Level, M unicipal Building. West
808 Spokane Falls Boulevard Spokane, W A 99201
3343, telephone 15091 456 4300
The bids w ill be
publicly opened and read immediately follow ing in
the City Council Chambers
Copies of plans and
contract provision*, are availablt at the Public W orks
Department upon payment ot sixty dollars ($60 001
The City of Spokane ensures that in any contract
entered into pursuant to this advertisement, m inority
business enterprises w ill be afforded full opportunity
to submit bids in response to this invitation and will
not be discrim inated against on the grounds o f race,
color, sex or national origin hi consideration for an
award M inority hirings are provided for in contract
Bids for this project are invited from m inority group
contractors who have been prequalified, however,
all prequalified firm s may compete
Bids shall be subm itted on unit price basis on the
form s provided in accordance w ith the provisions of
the specifications, no bids containing unrealistic bid
prices w ill be accepted
Bids are to be filed in
at i ordance w ith the charter and ordinances o f the
City of Spokane, and shall be addressed to the City
A i ortified check or surety bond in the sum of 5% of
the Total Project Bid must accompany the copy of
the bid filed w ith the City Clerk
No bidder may w ithdraw his bid after the time set for
the opening thereof, unless the award o f contract is
delayed for a period exceeding sixty (60) days How
ever, the City Council reserves the right to reject
any and all bids subm itted
Successful bidder shall execute the contract w ithin
ten 110) days after the date o f award
Page 6, JOBS, December 10, 1986
The Portland Development Commission (PDC) is
soliciting proposals from a qualified consultant to
provide civil engineering and surveying services re
lated to the developm ent of Parcels 2 8 3 in the
South W aterfront District in d o w n to w n Portland
The project requires the expertise of a civil engineer,
w ith specific experience in roadway layout for parcel
developm ent and evaluation and upgrading concept
road designs The consultant team must also include
a licensed land surveyor and a photogram m etric
engineer experienced in preparing aerial topographic
studiesand familiar w ith National Map Standards. The
w ork w ill include, but not be lim ited to: topographic
and u tility location surveys; upgrade and evaluation of
existing roadway preliminary engineering; and road
way and utility location preliminary engineering This
work w ill be the first phase of the developm ent pro
cess for Parcels 2 8 3. but w ill not include final de
sign The consultant may however, at the option of
the Commission, be asked to prepare final engineer
mg plans and specifications, design and construction
surveys for the construction of roadway and utilities
Copies of the proposal package and submission re
quirements are available at
PDC O ffic e s
A tte n tio n K a th le e n C o rriv e a u
1120 S W F ifth A v e n u e
S u ite 1102
P o rtla n d O re g o n 97204 1968
(503) 796 5323
Proposals are due at the PDC offices no later than
3 00 p m ., Wednesday, December 31 1986