SECOND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Tri County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri Met) at the Portland Building, 1120S W 5th Avenue, Second Floor Meeting Room "C ", Portland, Oregon, at 3:30 p m. on Wednes day, December 17, 1986. for the purpose of consider mg protects for which federal assistance under Sec tion 9 of the Urban Mass Transportation Assistance Act (UM T Act) of 1964, as amended is being sought. The first notice included 23 standard buses, lift equipped, $3,519,000 The grant application has been revised to include 13 standard buses, lift equipped ($2,019,000) and 15 small buses (20 25 ft), lift equipped ($1,500,000) Following is the proposed revised Partial Program of Projects: REVISED PARTIAL PROGRAM Project Description OF Total Amount PROJECTS Project Type Bus and Bus Related Capital Projects 1. Standard buses (13). lift equipped, spare parts 8 Special Needs Transportation Minibuses (20) $ 800,000 C Accessible stops $ 125,000 C Subtotal Federal Share C - Capital $5,339,000 4,271,200 9 No persons, families or businesses will be displaced by these protects These protects are in conformance with comprehen sive land use and transportation planning in the area and will be programmed in the Transportation Im provement Program. A statement of Tri Met's charter bus services is avail able for inspection at Tri M et’s Administrative of fices Tri Met will not be engaging in school bus operations. Private transportation enterprise will not be directly affected by the projects $2,019,000 C 15 Small buses (20 2 5 ft »lift equipped Two of the projects especially address the needs of the elderly and handicapped the twenty Special Needs Transportation Minibuses and the accessible stops. $1,500 000 c The projects are currently under review by the state and district clearinghouses 3. Shop equipment (cyclone blowers) $ 225.000 c 4 Passenger waiting area amenities $ 250.000 c 5. Emergency gener ator (Powell) $ 85.000 c 5 Wash racks $ 255,000 c 2 7. Maintenance vehicles At the hearing. Tri Met will afford an opportunity for interested persons or agencies to be heard with re spect to the social, economic, and environmental aspects of the projects A copy of the grant application for the proposed projects and a transit development plan for the area are currently available for public inspection at Tri Met, Public Services Division, 4012 SE 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97202 John R Post Assistant General M an ag er $ 80.000 JOBS Page 4, JOBS, December 10, 1986 ____ c • BIDS • LEGAL NOTICES • PUBLIC NOTICES • PROPOSALS • RFP's • EMPLOYMENT Advertising is assured publication when received by 5 pm Tuesday prior to week of publication. For Advertising Rates and other information, call or write JOBS Trade M ag azin e P.O. Box 3107 Portland. OR 97208 (503) 288 0020 (503)288 0033