PHYSICIAN Licensed Pbvsician w ith tw o years recent clinical experience and good w riting skills needed to evaluate medical evidence lo t social security disability claims 40 hours per week No direct patient contact Full insurance coverage Salary range $39,720 $50 544 and a wide range of state em ploym ent benefits Di rect applications or inquires to P e rso n n e l S e rvice s DHR V o c a tio n a l R e h a b ilita tio n D iv is io n 2045 S ilv e rto n Rd NE S a le m , OR 97310 (503) 378 3860 The State of Oregon is an Equal O pportunity Employer M inon ties, Handicapped and Females are encouraged to apply ENVIRO NM ENTAL ANALYST If»« Oieg. lep arteen t of Transpor­ ta tio n Is aC ieptlnq app I Ica t icr.s to r the alx ive pus i t ion located in Salem. You most have equivalent to three years experience in the design of illu m in a tio n and other e l e c t r i c a ll y re la te d p r o je t ts ; and a B achelor's degree in E le c tric a l oi A rc h ite c tu ra l Engineering w ith major coursework in liq h tin g desiqn ( i 11tmiinat io n ). Contact DOOT Pers­ o n n el, 419 tra n s p o rtâ t ion B ld g ., Salem, OR 9 /3 1 0 , (5 0 3 ) 3/3-7663 fo r employment a p p lic a tio n and re ­ c r u itin g announiemerit. Apply soon, since th is re cru itm rn t may close at any time w ithout n o tic e . The CVvyue Oepoz IirwvM o l Tiantpoi lotion r G u ita r P layer W a n te d fu r $1701 $2370 m o n th ly This position is w ith U tO in Bend, Ore This position con ducts com pliance assurance work in hazardous waste, solid waste, air and water programs at assigned sources in all region counties, im plem ents the on site sewage disposal program in Lake Co., and assists in other counties as needed, and response to emergency oil and chemical spills To qualify, you must have 1 yr of exper in an environm ental protection or control program, and a BS degree in a Natural Science or 3 more yrs of related experience In addition: This position requires applicant to qualify for registration as a Sam tarian w ith the State of OR C a ll DEQ P e rso n n e l by Dec 12 at 229 5382 To receive an announcem ent and application This position closes Dec 19, 1986 Equal O pportunity Employer M U LTN O M A H COUNTY ( I I I t * i nation Engineer) l ? W 3 -Î2 9 2 8 Monthly Portland's fastest grow ing rapp group Requires serious attitude and retir ai sal 2 to 3 x per week M ust be able to travel weekends Call Larry 282 8247 POSITION W ANTED A d v e rtis in g Rep Ove hve years experience in newspaper rdvertisrng and sales Has direct work experience m such key areas as co op adver Using, layout and com puter assr sted design billing, filing and re cord keep g APARTM ENT FOR RENT SEC TIO N 8 SENIO RS 162 b o ve r) H A N D IC A P P E D (any age) N o w a< i.epting applications To apply, send name, address b phone number to IK U I So T errace c, o G u a rd ia n M a n a g e m e n t C orp. P O Box 06058 P o rtla n d O re g o n 97206 Equal Housing O pportunity C lin ic a l H e a lth S ervices T e c h n ic ia n $b 9 / huuily. perform s parapro fessional health rssistanci work in a clinic setting, require-« u e year o l training or experience ill com m unity health or social set vices apply by December 19. 1986 C o m m u n ity H e a lth N urse $10 76 $13 99 hourly: works as a member o l a health team io the areas o l communicable disease control, child health, m aternity, family planning and adult healtti requires BSN, current Oregon license and driver's license, apply by Decem ber 12, 1986 Case M a n a g e r I A g in g S e rvice s $8 02 hourly provides case management services lor elderly and nr physically disabled clients, requires social services or social science degree or equi valent experience; apply by De cember 19, 1986 O pera tio n a l« P e rfo rm a n c e A u d ito r $24,377 $34.881 an nu ally, per forms operation and performance audits to evaluate the efficiency and performance o f County de partm ents and functions; re quires a degree and tw o years of internal audit experience «n governm ent or business, apply by January 16. 1987 W HERE TO APPLY M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty C o u rth o u s e R o o m 134 1021 S W E outh A v e n u e P o rtla n d . OR 97204 An Equal O pportunity Employer $60 00 PER HUNDRED PAID For remailing letters from hom e' Send self addressed, stamped envelope for inform ation appli cation A s s o c ia te s Box 95 B R oselle. N J 07203 December 10, 1986, JOBS, Page 3 - ' ‘.j