December 3, 1986, Portland Observer, Page 9 CL A S S IF!E D A D VER TIS I N G M iscellaneous For Sale $60 0 0 PER H U N D R E D P A ID Free ANSCO Camera1 Kodak film 15C per roll’ Send name / address for full information to Kurt Persey. 2065 NW Flan ders, Dept 106. Port land. OR 97209 For remaihng letters from home* Send self addressed, stamped en velope for information application M iscellaneous For Sale Half Pricel Flashing arrow signs $329' Ligh ted. non arrow $3191 Unlighted. $249' Free lettersl Fully guaran teed factory warranty Limited quantity See locally. Call todayl 1 800 423 0163. anytime Associates Box 95 B Roselle NJ 07203 _______________________ I B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT IE S Personals TRAVEL AGENCY Own UNIGLOBE TRAVEL, the growing franchisor of travel ca No travel industry Investment required Call 4602 your own Contact largest and fastest M iscellaneous agencies in N Ameri For Sale experience required 1000 Sunbeds Sunal Tamara at (503 ) 282 | W olff Systems Buy the best Direct from manufacturer Save thousands While they B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT IE S last Commercial h OPEN YOUR OWN ONE PRICE ($9 991 DIS residential Sunquest COUNT SHOE STORE All first quality merchan lamps b Trevor Island dise. $13.900 to $16.900 includes beginning in Lotions 1 800 228 ventory, fixtures, supplies, training and air fare 6292 Call Ed Brandt, The Source, (405) 238 9358 Infertile couple seeks surrogate mother with red hair Contact Sur rogate Foundation, P 0 B om 06545. Port land, OR 07296, or call I5O3I 777 2612 Used Cars For Sale Can YOU buy Jeeps. Cars, 4x4's seized in drug raids for under $100.00? Call for facts todayl Fee 1615) 269 6701 Ext 625 Personals Private Adoption. Pro fessional and loving couple wishes to adopt infant or child four years or younger All related attorney fees paid In Portland, call 246 2574 Outside call 1503) 362 9560 V A C A T IO N RENTALS OCEANSIDE, OR 2 nights price 1 Spectacular view, quiet seclution. beach 1 block Studio. $37 50. 2 bedroom unit $47 50 1503) 842 4413, El Rancho Motel R ecreational Vehicle 1986 Komfort 26' travel trailer. $14.800 1986 22' Komfort 5th wheel, $11,300 Oceanway RV, Hwy 18 99W, Day ton Junction (Lincoln City cut off), McMinn ville, Oregon Call (5031434 6505 R E C R E A TIO N A L V EH IC LES 1986 KOMFORT 26 travel trailer, $14 800 1986 22' Komfort 5th wheel, $11.300 Oceanway RV, Hwy 18 99W. Dayton Junction (Lincoln City cut off). McMinnville. Oregon Call (503) 434 6505 HELP W A N T E D LOOKING FOR WORK? We need you Earn up to $10 $15 per hour commission , Fuller Brush Call collect, 1 (503) 761 1060 Pickups/Canopies 500 Canopies Cheap Old units for less. To tern and Brahma, many colors. Free price list Phone free, 1 800 452 9113, 9 5, 7 days. To tern Mfg.. 99E N Sa lem. S C H O O L S /IN S T R U C T IO N ENJOY CHILDREN? Study at nationally recog nized training school Free nationwide placement incredible demand Contact NNI. 2100 NE Broad way. Suite 3F. Portland, OR 97232 Tel (503) 284 1240 Call collect VA B u ild irq M aterials Pole Bu ding Com plete packages Large sliding door, four colo red walls 6x6 poles, 24x24x10 $1326 24x48 x,2 $231« 30x60x12 $3214 Other sizes La bor and financing avail able Call (503) 293 0613 1 800 872 0070 or 293 0613 (Local Pt Id No I MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE HALF PRICEI Flashing arrow signs $3391 Lighted, non arrow $329' Unlighted. $259' Free lettersl Fully guaranteed factory warranty Limited quantity See locally. Call todayl 1 (800) 423 0163 anytime R E C R E A TIO N A L VEH IC LES P IC K U P S /C A N O P IE S 450 CANOPIES CHEAP You buy factory direct Aluminum, plastic, new used Free price list Phone free. 1 800 452 9113, 9 5. 7 days Totem Mfg . 99E N Salem PER SO NA LS LOS I TRACK OF SOMEONE SPECIAL? We find friends, relatives, or anyone for any reason. As low as $50 Let us reunite you for the holidays Call Friend Finders International, 1 800 FINDERS PORTLAND 461 SE Gilham 1004/ SW 25th Ave 4024 N Gantenbetn 2530 NE Saratoga ,017 N Badata St 7430 NE Rodney 6440 SW Oteeon 1815 NE Portland Blvd C A SH PRICE 75 4 Bd, 1 6 Ba 3 Bd 2 Ba 3 Bd, , Ba 3B d , Ba 2 Bd , Ba 3 Bd. , Ba 3B d 2 Ba 3 Bd, 1 Ba 000 66 000 Î4 PUO 34,000 27 500 4 Bd. 2 5 Ba 2 Bd , Ba 3 Bd , Ba 3 Bd 2 Ba 61 32 26 4« 67,500 >.r 35.000 « i (XX) 36 000 31 500 20214, 000 000 000 000 54 28 22 43 213330 216328 203739 2127,7 900 800 500 200 24,0 NE 151« A v e 7506 Indiana St 23,2 E 26»h St 70B W 38th St 3 Bd. 2 Ba 4 Bd 2 Ba 4 Bd, 2 5 Ba 3 Bd. 2 Ba 3 Bd 1 5 Ba 3B d 2 Ba 3 Bd , 5 Ba 3 Bd 2 Ba 3 Bd 1.5 Ba 3 Bd. , Ba 3 Bd 2 Ba 3 Bd 1 5 Ba , Bd. , Ba 2 Bd , 5 Ba 50 UDO 69 000 86 000 76 000 4 /0 0 0 57 500 49 500 58 500 53 (XX) 35 000 52 500 63 500 25 000 45 000 4b 000 62 100 76 500 6 7 500 4? 300 51 750 45 560 52 650 4 7 700 3 , 500 47 260 57 ,50 22 500 4<) 500 Im p o r t a n t In f o r m a t io n . • ,»t ’.I ” f W * ' J ’ ' ' ' t.v f t -<-.t csl tie ije n t ' , ■ ’ • to • - f • or my of the properties i sled Only bids presented by licensed agents win be .«< « epted • t . t informality or -r requ'.m ty any bids • A r » »-•. . i t . NO WARRANTY • . • l • .ty ' * I t»‘ • t’ • i f . , . 4 Bd. 2 Ba 36.000 31.600 8 R<1 T H IS P R O P IR T Y HAS o if ic ie n c iis 4M W 7?th lu g a n a OR T H IS P R O P IR T Y H A S no 1164 NE Lincoln Hillsboro 740, SE 67th Ave Portland 1052 SE ,15 lh Aye Portland 7145 47 SE 145,h Portland 111 N 4th S, Ridge,laid 6201 NE 6th St. Vancouver ,1 1 0 , NE 10,h C ircle Vancouver 504 W l i s t St Vancouver 6805 NE 65,h Ave Vancouver 7025 NE 90th Ave Vancouver 6505 NE ,22nd Ava Vancouver 6 2 ,0 NE 118,h CL Vancouver 1407 P St Vancouver 41,1 NE W ildrota Dr Vancouver 577 K St Washougal 7609« 201777 207098 208730 212345 210499 2,1064 2,1663 2,1856 76,42 72,91 2,5994 ,334 2,1928 D IF IC H N C H S NO I » ) Sq f» WA T H IS P R O P IR T Y H A S O I N C I I N C I I S •46 OOO •24 950 •14 950 •42 500 •19 500 •1, 500 •48 700 •17 750 •57 000 •59 500 •44,500 •48 500 •24 000 •55 250 •79,750 e TOP VALUE e » • • • TOP TOP TOP TOP VALUE VAL Uf VAL Uf VAI U, • * • • • TOP VALUE • V 43, V41, V43, V43, , 9W V 569 V 569 V 569 V 569 V 569 V569 V 569 V 569 V ‘>69 V 569 ,65 255 ,55740 ,5 ,2 2 1 ,6 5 3 ,0 270 203 203 203 Q, 1S10 270 016956 0 ,2 4 ,7 0 ,7 ,0 6 0 ,4 ,0 1 0 ,3 8 6 6 0 ,2 7 6 4 0 ,5 0 6 , 015297 0 ,4 2 6 0 01345? 203 270 203 270 203 270 203 203 503 270 EXTENDED LISTINGS-OFFERS OPENED DAILY EFFECTIVE DEC. 8, 1986, OFFERS ON EXTENDED LISTINGS WILL BE OPENED AT 2:30 PM DAILY 6815 SE 101b S, M ilw aukie II 6920 SE 83rd Ave Portland 6334 SE 99th Ava. Portland 10004 SE Harold SI Portland 6418 SE Lam bart Portland 9222 N Leonard SI Portland < H 6814 N M ississippi Portland 9941 45 SE Woodstock C, Portland 2203 SE Yam hill Portland 2213 SE Yam hill Portland 2405 E Mill Plain Blvd Vancouver 4 979 •S lllll JS (WO 00 6 7 NX) 00 ¿10BB4 JOJSqFf 5ft (XX) OD 49 ft(M) 00 74BB4 «7 (MX) 00 16 « X ) 00 ZOB’ftB 47 (MX) 00 3ft (MM) (X) 3ft (J00 00 42 ÍIftOB» 1 Ba 728 Sq Ft (4 494 Sq F, F m Hsmt, 3 Bd 1 Ha ,05? Sq Fl 3 Bd 2 Ba ,050 Sq FI ? Hd t Ba 5 ,2 Sq Ft 2 Hd I Ba 728 Sq F I , Ba 91? Sq Fl (O v e rtire d Obi G arage) 7 Bd I Ba ?. > ‘ «i H 6 Bd 3 Ha 2340 Sq FI |T n P ie . I 3 Bd 1 ' , Ha ,553 Sq Ft 3 Bd 2 Ha , ,5? Sq F, I I , Ba 1241 Sq F, 14-3,2 Sq Fl F,n Bxmt •30 •35 •49 •18 •30 •30 •20 •66 •38 •32 •30 300 500 500 950 950 500 000 000 450 900 100 • TOP VALUE a • TOP VAL UE » • TOP VALUE » V 4 11 ’ 55456 ,’ Z0 V 4 31 ,56543-235 V I I , ,4 6 3 5 / 270 V 4 I , ,65 320 203 V 43, ,6 3 /5 0 203 V 43,-980019 966 V 4 3 , ,652,7 203 V 431 ,55 466 203 V 4 I , ,5 8 /1 6 203 V 4 3 , ,58720 203 V 569 0 ,0 5 4 6 203 Homes listed above as F .tended listings were not sold as a i m i i 'I n, the m p e lliv e ,nd upei mg MUD W ill CONSIDER ANY RF ASONAHl E OF IL R These properties w i ll remain available lor s a 'f unt,. such brim .is ,'my are rensled under diNeren, le>ms I a< h working d a / al 3 30 pm olters received lor these homes during the da* * tie ev.i ,ated In (he even, that circumstances prevent MUO from opening otteis on a given day the properties will remain available to the point ot a< tual ar r eptanr e by MUO o, the best net oiler Otters submitted under this procedure shall be submitted ' ipti'optiate.y marked sea mi, enve'. pes ( onlaming MUD 9548 with adden dum W A R R A N T IIS 4B<) 2 Ba ZUOS'iH N O W A R R A N T IIS 4M<1 2 B . IB B O S q ft 3 Bri 1 B a 1020 Sq *f 1 Bri 1 5 B a 1 344 Sq F 1021 C a ro lin a Rd um at«a OR N t JO»Th S t R .dgefietd 2 Bd ? Ba ,0 , 4 Sq F, 2 Bd , Ba 720 Sq F t t Bd 1 Ba 621 Sq Fl 5 Bd 4 B a ?008 Sq Ft (D uple«i 3 Bd , * . Ba ,56 5 Sq F, ? Bd 1 Ba 864 Sq F, 3 Bd ? Ba 133? Sq F, 3 Bd , Ba ,56 0 Sq Fl 3 Bd 2 Ba 1406 Sq F, 4 Bd ? Ba ,6 ,7 Sq Fl 3 Bd 2 Ba ,05 0 Sq Fl 3 Bd , Ba ,000 Sq Fl 2 Bd 1 Ba 696 Sq Fl 3 Bd 2 Ba 1354 Sq Fl ? Bd , Ha 8 ,4 Sq F, w a r r a n t iis SRrl 3 Ba 401 C la v a r A u m iv tH a OR T H IS P R O P IR T Y H A S O f F I C l I N C t l S 21H1 N I U t h A v a P o rtla n d OR M A Y N O T B I OPE R A B IE 4 5 B« The rtr-yv »«»>() WS40 Standard Pel A S a Contrac I is .iv ft'ia b le ,n ou) of* > •• BIDS ACCEPTED UNTIL 11:00 AM, DEC. 8 ,1 9 8 6 SPECIAL LISTINGS VA will consider o f f e r s b e lo w th e L is t P r ic e o n th e s e p r o p e r t • “ TOP VALUE" properties listed below have been Fixed Up. Cleaned Up. and Certified No major work Io do. MOVE RIGHT IN. PREVIOUS WEEK’S LISTING • BID OPENING MON., DEC. 8 ,1 9 8 6 AT 1:00 PM W e also have homes lor sale in other areas — C ontad any Real Estate Broker tor information K S W 04 OS (JR S I A n i t a Dr M riw aufeie OR trust account) is required with each offer to purchase 'H o m e s e lig ib le for FHA M o rtg a g e In surance w ith low dow n paym ent WHITE CITY IHHH Avenue G 15% discount to Senior Citizens Now’s your chance to take advantage of excellent real estate values offered by HUD. VANCOUVER 3406 NE ,48th Ave ,512 SE 14,s, Ave ,/OOSE 1,9th Ave 2025 SE Blairmont Dr 12700 NE 8 , a, S, 42,4 NE I5 ls , Ave 68,1 N f 60,h S, 309 NW ,03rd S, 6,0 6 NE 56,h Crr 16,7NE8Bih S, PHONE: 289-5411 288 0020 o r 288 0033 SALEM 1277 32nd Court, NE 2260 Ellis Ave NE 4125 Gfanwood Dr . SE 2456 Wilark Or NW CALL TODAY JOBS TRADE MAGAZINE NUMBER 24.750 31 500 54 000 30 « M ) « >.< LICENSED, BONDED 10 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AFFORDABLE REMODELINGIIHII B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT IE S PM 2,3369 4*0*3459 2O9B5O 213338 214737 216126 206164 FREE ESTIMATES DISTRIBUTORSHIP AVAILABLE Own your own business with extremely high income poten tial Manufacturer specialty chemicals for com mercial use (non toxic) Fast growing industry Full training and support. (503) 286 1302 (Invest merit required) • TE R M PRICE PAINTING-INTERIOR b EXTERIOR W ALL b FLOOR COVERING OF ALL PHASES HAULING b MOVING M ASO NARY WORK R E C R E A TIO N A L VEH IC LES Prices Recently Reduced. D E SC R IP TIO N DBA: NFW ALJO A lY 16 foot Trailer 2200 dry weight Fully sell contained Side dinette, Front gaucho $5.500 Terms Woodburn Dealer 1503)982 3210 10'« Interest or 9.5% Interest with 5% down or 9.5% Interest with no down payment to Veterans Intending to occupy home. A D D R ES S Dewey Taylor II b James Cunningham SA VE'll Factory Direct. 86 closeouts, compact, lightweight, super insulated travel trailers, 5th wheals, and mini motoi'homes Call SCAMP toll free 1 800 346 4962 for free brochure FOR SALE A ll D.J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR INC. 31X) OO J1 NX) 00 J , ftOO 00 Z1467B 202470 ONE STEP PROCESS Prey - W IL L b S IP T IC S Y S T E M T h e n e w M U D 9 M 8 d a t e d 11 8*» ( S t a n d a r d R e ’ a '» a le s C e n t» *« • 'o'rrs (HUD 955* and attachment» o»d m u d 954ft and attachment») are obsolete and , • 1 Ae ♦<>» < s* f r o m th e M U O o ft , «• be used N O W A R R A N T IE S W e ara also offerin g a 1500 00 com m ission bonus to tha sa lat b ro k ar’ ffff Why rent? We sell to Veterans and non Vatarana/hom aownara Er investors Contact any Real Estate Broker RECYCLE \ lit l> IM »Ml Any broker wishing to have a VA representative attend a sales meeting or ,o |us, slop by their office to discuss the VA sales program should contact either Phytn Somers or Richard Lewis to make arrangements R 6C *C lE a mud MOMf • a program o fff e U S Oepadmenr o* ¿ rv i ()»h an Development 221-2484 HUD DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ANO URBAN DEVELOPMENT VW TT Port .»"d Property R,»po».ft«>n O** , • A J 4 « <