Page 8, Portland Observer, December 3, 1986 C o m m u n ity A u c tio n On Sunday. December 14, 1986. the Jewish Community Education Cen­ ter (formerly Hillei Academy) holds its annual community auction a t 920 NW 25th and Lovetoy. Five dollars per person offers an all you can eat kosher spaghetti dipner 3 6 pm, entrance to the country store bargains and beginning at 6 prh an opportunity to bid on fabulous items. The auction is known for a wide array of offerings, this year including; computers, disc players. TV's, VCR's, tewelry, vacations, hot tubs, adver tising time, furniture, tools, toys and much more You can do all your holiday shopping, enjoy a delicious dinner and con­ tribute to the JCEC scholarship fund For tickets or information, call 223 0156 C ra ft Classes Put Fram e of M in d Kids In H oliday Craft classes help get children in the holiday spirit. Peninsula Park Community Center. 6400 N Albina, offers some one day classes especially for children ages 6 through 12. Bahl Bah! Sheep and M o re C hristm as C rafts. Tuesday. December 2. 4 5 p m Make holiday crafts and ornaments to save or give as gifts The fee is $4 Holiday Oipped Candles. Tuesday. December 11, 4 5:30 p m Dip your own candles to use at Christmas or anytime of year The fee is $4 ^ K j^ H T rp ie c e i^ irK ^ e a ijty ^ S u p p J ie ^ Sale & Restyling A stronaut Ronald E M c N a ir Space Research Building Named A fter M cNair The Massachusetts Institute of Technology will name the building housing the MIT Center for Space Research for Dr Ronald E. McNair, the MIT alumnus who was killed when the space shuttle Challenger crashed Naik Eyelashes last January Dedication ceremonies are Dec 5. The 20 year old building, shown here is an architect's rendering, will be named the Ronald E McNair Building Dr McNair was an MIT alumnus He received the Ph D in phy sics in 1976 * * '•* ('-'hör • Horn In c • Rene >>t Pans . ( arefree • Airv and more • Andre Dougla 1 1106N.E. Broadway lacreas from Salt-way ixiyd Canteri Tel. 282-1664 ■ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ° u ^ » ^ T O H ) 0 ^ m i^ i^ ^ ^ ^ ^ n ^ M o n d la ^ h r L H ia t u r d a ^ KELSEY’S Dry Cleaners & Laundromat Drapes/ Blankets/ Robes We Do Bedspreads/Comforters 1759 N.E. Dekum Petteb von Shoe tovets' S H IN E YO U R SHO ES N O W A FREE Pick-Up Delivery Service from Noon til 8 p m PICK UP b DELIVERY Extra cost for pick up b delivery KELSEY'S SHOE SHINING On One, Say Cheese 1759N E DEKUM A very enjoyable evening was had by all at the Fifth A nnual W ine and Cheese Benefit for the Black Educational School The affair w as co hosted by C om m issioner and M rs Dick Bogle. M rs. Lillian Crum ble and M rs M argie Keller The Black Educational Center School is a tuition supported school that orients the curriculum to include the contributions of Black people to the w o rld IL Rl M rs b C om m Dick Bogle. M rs Lillian C rum ble. M rs M argie Keller and Joyce Harris. D irector of the Black Educational Center. Photo by Richard J Brown 283-0176 FREE COFFEE Every Sat & Sun. Come and Enjoy a free cup of coffee with Kelsey's HOURS : 8 a m -8 p m »7 days a week on laundromat Dry Cleaning 9 a m to 6 p m Mon.-Fri. Sat 8a.m. to 3 p .m M ahogany formerly referred to 67 different kinds of w ood that shared similar characteristics and so could be sold in the (J S under the name m ahogany ¿ACEON EARTH HALU 1st A t t u i m i ( hocolatc (fó S outhern Sw ccts FAIR s«»Milu rn llon u niudc Swcclt»: I t .1« i i k * •» • \ I I i lis 1« • .» II l ’ k •» • < <■ " I t u * < * *k » » • S u i * I IS » t i l i t » m l ’ u S « t< * i s i l i u t « n tr n x » l l u r ‘» u i x , g r u í» « I i i x •• I» * r » m m k ’ u • < lif is < til | rv c • \ i ifcjs I T u , • í In a n lu lt S u u tu • < » Ift* n ix l ( r u íl» \ll Black ( lil ís im a s M u sic • kw unziut Tubit/ S a tu r d a y , I k 'c c u d ic r (i, 1 9 8 6 10 (HI a .n t. — 6 p i n Everyl m m ly Welcome Children «n<1 Purenta *'l f /t- X ><í X d iiiitla u c c : \ |» ilt - I M ut» n or G i m o fot ( h lk lr v n ut 1*2 b31(>K iJO N H vrrtfTiVH 1 BLACK UNITED FUND