Page 6, Portland Observer, December 3, 1986 Let's Go To The Library BUY AT WHOLESALE NO LIMIT! C innem on Bear Fn., Dec 19 at 10 30 a m., Albina Branch, 3605 N.E. 15th, 221 7701. Cinnemon Bear will visit pre-school storytime Everyone is invitedl Saturday Films: Sat.. Dec 20 at 2 :3 0 p.m . Albina Branch, 3605 N E 15th, 221 7701 Films ' Mowgh's Brothers ", "One Kitten for Kim” . "Strega Nonna” , "Harold's Fairy Tale". C raft and Tree T rim m in g Party Thurs., Dec. 18 at 4 p m .. North Portland Branch. 5 ,2 N Killings worth, 221 7702 Come and join the fun X M A S W R A P SALE Great Selection Ribbon • Bows • Cards Savings up to 60% off I 60% off! FO O D S TA M P S A V ^LC O M E' Free Clinics A free information clinic for wo men on preventing breast cancer will be held at Meridian Park Hos pital, Tualatin, on Tuesday. Decern ber 9. from 9 ,0 a m Recognizing that early detection and prevention can actually reduce the rate of breast cancer, the clinic is designed to provide women with the skills and confidence to perform routine breast self examination Informa Don will also be available on mam mography. a low dose x ray exami nation, as an effective means of de tecting early breast cancers. Robert L Brow ning EDWARD E W ARD, DMD GENERAL DENTISTRY DENTAL CARE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY' by Jerry Garner - ratnwioN oausnD nut noe » raouAsKisu stxee - r a i u M c l a m i AtxiPTiD - U U U IO S H * <4MUTIVI FATIENTS tils mm i sud rama to Tai o m is i VISA MASTERCARD - SUVA FATIIMTS VAIICOAIII) A lia iS H S L S V At 1IIA TI II FAaaiSM, O f I K I MM US MIISIIAT SATl ailAV I AM - U I M V . S AVAU ABU - ADA Ml M U R JFM 5O3-228-3OO9 peY*" •n ' >H!| AH[ WELCOMÍ TO WORSHIP A t B4N E K illin g s w o rth • 281 0499 A w irm spin! of fellowship always' J k e*. etv I he Ark of Safe! - I ( htirch of God in Christ , pvv.W*»'* pt»n I 7 V) p m / IJOji m Sur »day Sunday S» hool 9 15 a Morning 11 15 a Worship b 3 0p v p w w E var»■ >«B (*■ T h e P a t t a r S p ir a ls S a tu r d a y M a r rung P r« y « r 9 LM) • ” X^t l*> « tR B M bam STEVEN BAILEY. N.I). N ati ki tpatwc F àmily IA iysruan (S03) 2N9 9914 N IIN RII.IJNriSW l IRTI! IS IRTI ANO OR >»7217 As primary health care providers we otter a full range of naturopathic health care service The naturopathic physician provides preventative, wholrstic and natural family health care for a wide range of acute and chronic conditions and minor traumatic iniunes The following is a list of services available through the clinic Eeel tree to call and discuss your questions about the naturopathic approach to health and how it applies to you and your family • StANDARPLABORATORY AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTING • HAIR MINERAL ANALYSIS • PHYSIOTHERAPY MANIPULATION ANO MASSAOE • EXERCISE THERAPY • CLEANSING PROGRAMS ANO EASTING • COUNSELING • BOTANICAL MEDICINE • HOMEOPATHV • HYDROTHERAPY • COMPLETE PHYSICAL EXAMS • CONSULTATIONS EOR SPECIFIC PROBLEMS • GYNECOLOOIC EXAMS ANO WOMEN S HEALTH CARE • NUTRITIONAL ANO DIETARY ASSESSMENT • ALLERGY TESTING ANO CLINICAL ECOLOGY • GERIATRICS • CHILDREN S MEDICINE • SCHOOL ANO JOB PHYSICALS • PRENATAL AND POSTNATAL CARE 728 N.E. Dekum 289 4322 B reakfast Served All Day • D inner Begins A t 11 00 a m Deli S andw iches Available B reakfast b Dinner Specials A lw ays CALL TO MAKE RESERVATIONS IN OUR BANÛUET ROOM W HICH WILL SEAT UP TO 20 PEOPLE. Eld b Sit W E R ic h a rd s o n . P ro p rie to rs Hours M o n day Through Thursday 7:30 a m. to 6 00 p m Friday b Saturday 7 30 a m. to 9 00 p m Closed Sunday Robert I Browning, a former judit ial clerk for Multnomah County Circuit Judge Robert P Jones has opener) a private law practice in North east Portland Browning s office is located in the Lawyers Corner, 2207 Northeast Broadway He w ill pjovidejeqal services in the areas of bank ruptcies. personal injuries, family law lind criminal misdemeanor cases Browning has a Bachelor s degree in Political Science from Pacific Uni veisity, Forest Grove, and a J D degree from Northwestern School of Law. Lewis b Clark College Browning was admitted to the Oregon State Bar September, 1982 He said tieing in business tor yourself has some major advantages saying that one has a sense ol independence You don't face a lot of the pro bletns many Black people encounter regularly in a job setting And further more,” Browning said, "by being in private practice I tan control who my clients will be By this, I mean I don t have to accept a case if I don’t want Cases involving felonies and job descrirnmalion are not accepted by Browning The reason I don’t handle |ob discrimination cases is because they can get very complex and employers are quite sophisticated in their way of doing things.” Browning said as a general practitioner, he feels that he should not be involved in this type o f law because it would take too much time away from his law practice. Biowmrvg believes that his 28 month tenure as a judicial clerk for Mult nomah County Circuit Court Judge Robert P Jones will be an asset to his law practice. He said that most lawyers in private practice wish they had berm a law clerk because the courtroom is the end place where disputes are finally resolved "While working for Judge Jones, I learned the mechanics of selecting a jury, the proper way to present evidence, and procedural aspects.” Nationally, African Americans account for less than 2 percent of the nation's 600,000 lawyers Browning blames the underrepresentation of Blacks as attorneys on the lack of role models in many African American communities throughout the country He said. "Many white youngsters come from families of judges and lawyers, so becoming an attorney or a judge for them is a logical progression.” Browning said the only Black judge he heard of while growing up in Port land was Circuit Court Judge Aaron Brown Furthermore, he said other factors such as tfie cost of going to law school and the difficulties some Blacks have in passing state bar examinations may also contribute to the underrepresentation of Blacks as attorneys Browning urges young Black who are interested in becoming lawyers to visit Black attorneys and analyze them closely to see whether the legal pro fession is for them "I think the approach is helpful, because to become a lawyer, it takes years of preparation, a commitment to studying, and a lot of sacrifices In addition,” he said, an individual must be aggressive, assertive and combative.” Browning said the above traits are needed if one is to be a successful atlorney Browning derided fo become an attorney while an undergraduate stu­ dent at Pacific University "While at Pacific, the dean of admission told me that he could assist me in entering Columbia University Law School This got me interested In becoming an attorney. Unfortunately, in ,969 Presi dent Nixon stopped all law school deferments Instead of going to Colum bia Law School. I got drafted Into the Army for 2'4 years." In an effort to assist Blacks and other minority law school students, Browning said the Association of Oregon Black Lawyers gives three $500 scholarships Browning, who serves as secretary of the Association, said the funds for the scholarships come from an annual dance sponsored by the Association The dance, called the Ebony and Ivory Scholarship Dance, will be held this year on Dec 12th at the Red Lion, 3 ,0 S .W Lincoln For ticket information, call 284 0151 or 282 5902. Word of the Week: 100 specie» of insects and other in vertebrate animals, such as snails mites, spiders and earthw orm s WILL EVELYN RENE CAFE ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH protocol-ceremony end etiquette performed by diplomets end Heeds of Stete. Color of the Week: Sherkekin Grey A I C orner o f 8th a nd S k id m o re <4 Sunday School 9 15 a m S un df y Worship 11 0 0 $ m Christian Youth Fellowship 6 00 p m fsecoryd and fourth Sundays) P h illip s N elso n (P a sto r) THE M O U N T O LIVET B A P T IS T C H U R C H N E First b S c h u y le r • 284 1954 John H Jackson Minister M Ed M O 9 30 A M Church School 11 00 A M Congregational Worship 5 00 P M Ves<)er Service 10 00 A M Baptism Fourth Sunday to 1uasday HitMw Band Thursday Choir Hef R i'M i Open Mon-Sat, 9:30 a m. * 6 pm Photo by Richard J Brown Browning Opens Law Practice In Northeast ^ d a te y o u r^ THE BEE CO 800 N Killingsworth St Portland (503) 283-3171 11 00 Communion Each Fest Sunday The American Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches of Oregon Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention National, Oregon, Portland Ecumenical Ministries American Bible Society. M (lM Board PORTLAND CLEANING WORKS top * -V v V in Dry Cleaning Has been serving the North and Northeast Com- munity for 20 years. Dry cleaning; laundered shirts; alterations; fast service. You have tried the rest — N o w try the Best. Hours: Mon. through Fri. 8 A M -6:30 PM w.v> X * Sat., 9 AM to 1 PM 3954 N. Williams Ave. 282-8361 COMMUNITY CHURCH of GOD 202 N.E. Skidmore 2B1 5678 2845669 a Services: 9:45 a .m., Sunday School 11:00 a m ., Morning Worship 7.00 p m.. Evening Worship 7:00 p.m Wednesday, Prayer Meeting Victor R Brown, B Theology. Pastor Dr Hazel L Brown Sr , 0 D . Ässästäni Pastor SMILE - GOD LOVES YOU