CHIEF ENGINEERING TECHN IC IA N 52002 52553 mo. Technical work managing and supervising engi neering technicians Two yr de gree in engineering or math; coursework in program and per sonnel management or egtiiva lent combination of experience and training Knowledge of com puters and software. CAD sys terns desired Valid ODL Clo sing date: 12 12/86 Apply City of Salem PERS Dept 565 Liberty S treet SE Rm 225 Salem . OR 97301 EOE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Performs professional planning work Requires knowledge of principles, practices and trends of public planning including legal considerations and provisions of planning law and zoning and sub division regulations Degree in planning and one year experience in city or regional planning or master's degree and 6 months experience SALARY 51660 520,8 plus excellent benefits. City application form required by deadline, 5 p m ., ,2 /2 3 86 Apply to: I C ity O f M ilw a u k ie 10722 SE M ain M ilw a u k ie . OR 97222 W o rk p la ce Program C oordinator Equal Opportunity Employer Full-time position available for an individual to assist in the admim stration and coordination of pro grams related to the contracted services offered by Red Cross Duties include coordinating re quest for services, speakers and products, instruct courses as fill in instructor in First aid/CPR as necessary; assist in equipment room and with class registration and resale, familiarizes instrucĀ­ tors with current classroom procedures, maintains records and types reports Must have knowledge of modern office methods and procedures Farm liarity with PC's and office machines Ability to type simple forms and letters First aid/CPR Instructors a plus Please apply no later than December 10th, between 100 4 0 0 p m at: NO RUN PANTYHOSE New line of sheer pantyhose is 29 colors No run guarantee Com missioned distributors needed Write Pantyhose. PO Box 69245, Portland. OR 97201 1 (503) 636 8472, afternoons and evenings A m erican Red Cross 3131 N Vancouver A venue Portland. OR 97208 EEO EMPLOYER C R ED IT C A R D S Jew Credit Cardl No one refused Visa/Mastercard Call 1 819 566 1622 Ext CM260R 24 hrs I I EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES I M U LTN O M A H COUNTY I I I I I I I I I C o m m u n ity H ealth Nurse 5 ,0 76 ,3 99 hourly; works as a member of a health team in areas of communicable disease control, child health, maternity. family planning and adult health, requires BSN, current Oregon license and driver s license, apply by December 12. ,986 I Finance Technician 59 43 per hour, performs techm cal accounting work in the Assessment and Taxation D ivi sion involving tax collection ac counting, requires one year of ex penence; apply by December ,2. 1986 ASSISTA NT PLANNER HELP W ANTED POSITION OPEN N EW S EDITO R Minimum two years experience in copy editing and enough flexi bility to cover several beats for a large South coast weekly. Must be fast and thorough, and have the ability to operate a 35mm camera Weekend work is required Send resume and references to: Joe Heitz, Editor, Curry Coastal Pilot, PO Box 700 Brookings. OR 97415 (503) 469 3123. A PA R TM EN T FOR RENT S E C T IO N S SEN IO RS (62 ft over) H A N D IC A P P E D (any age, Now accepting applications To apply, send name, address ft phone number to: IK O I So. Terrace c /o G uerdian M a n a g e m e n t Corp. P O Box 06068 Portland. Oregon 97206 Equal Housing Opportunity I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Apply for the above positions by December 12, ,986 W HERE TO APPLY M u ltn o m a h County C ourthouse Room 134 1021 SW Fourth Avenue Portland. OR 97204 I An Equal Opportunity Employer PROG RAM DIRECTOR The N E Emergency Food Pro gram seeks Program Director 20 hours a week Applicant will need a B /A or B 'S , or relevant social work Send resume and three letters of recommendation to: Connie Carley H ighland C o m m u n ity Services P O Box 11531 Portland. OR 97211 by December 19, 1986 A |ob description may be obtained by calling 288 8866 Salary nego tiable $60 00 PER HUNDRED PAID For remailing letters from homel Send self addressed, stamped envelope for information appli cation Associates Box 96 B Roselle. NJ 07203 December 3, 1986, JOBS, Page 7