NURSE SENIOR M EDICA L UNDERW RITER Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon, a major health insurance company, has an opening for an RN professional The candidate selected will provide selection & elimination of risks which inclu­ des an assessment of eligibility based on medical analysis and judgement. Position requires an individual with a technical know ledge of the complexities & com plications of medical diagnosis and procedures. Functions in­ clude research and compilation of medical data from several sources. Incumbent will be in constant contact with subscri bers, brokers, physicians and at torneys. Proficiency in written and oral communications is es sential. The Senior Medical Un derwriter will be required to pro vide initiative and independent problem solving If you meet these qualifications, please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross end Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept 5th Floor 100 S .W . Market Portland. OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer ACCOUNTING ACCO UN TIN G SPECIALIST •1937 - $2355 mo Performs a variety of professional accoun ting work Requires considerable knowledge of GAAP, computeri zed accounting systems, cost and grant accounting; college level training with major course work in accounting County ap plication forms req.( resumes NOT accepted Apply by De cember 12, 1906 to: W ashington County Personnel 150 N. First A ve., Room B 2 H illsboro, OR 97214 AnE.O.E E LE C TR IC IA N I The Port of Portland has an im­ mediate vacancy for an individual with a strong electronics back­ ground to work as an Electricain I at Portland International Air port. Qualifications Preferred include • Oregon State Manufacturing Plant Card or the ability to obtain one within 30 days • Experience with pneumatic controls interfaced with elec trie and electronic controls • Coursework in Technical Elec tronics: • Solid State Training. • Oscilloscope Training Apply in person only, Personnel O ffice 700 N E M u ltn o m a h 12th Floor Portland, OR By 5:00 p.m ., Monday, Decern ber 8, 1986 EMPLOYMENT ASSISTA NT EMPLOYER SERVICES CO O RDINATO R The Portland Private Industry Council has a position opening for an Assistant Employer Ser vices Coordinator Requirements include a degree with major coursework in business, market ing, or closely related field and 2 years experience working with business in job development, per sonnel or marketing capacity Position will be responsible for generating and coordinating job openings in the private and public sector for the PPlC's Youth Pro gram Closing date December 10, 1906, 12:00 P M tions available Portland Private Industry Council 520 S .W 6th Ava. Suita 400 Portland, OR 97204 Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer SENIO R PLANNER M arin a The Port of Portland has an im­ mediate opening for a Senior Planner to prepare facility plans and manage all of the Marine Department s land and facility devopment projects The senior planner will act as the principal liaison with engineering, plan ning, and property management on all permitting and capital pro ject management issues Qualifications preferred: • Course work or experience equivalent to a degree in trans portation planning, operations analysis, engineering, or re lated field. • Demonstrated project manage ment abilities • Experience in marine facility planning or Port development • Experience in capital project management • Written and oral commumca tion skills. • Team building and leadership skills • Exposure to rail transportation very helpful • Ability to communicate post lively and persuasively through out the organization and with customers • Ability to take initiative on pro jects, use good judgement, and work with minimal super vision. Apply in person Personnel O ffice 700 N.E M u ltn o m a h 12th Floor or call (503) 213 5000. Ext 700 For application materials This position will remain open until sufficient applications are re ceived, but may close anytime after Friday, December 12, 1986 An Equal Opportunity Employer JOBS TRADE M A G A ZIN E 288 0020 or 288 0033 H acem ber 3, 1986, JOBS, Page 5