Sj.'J V S LX Mrfb MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYST Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting ap plications for immediate open ings in the Medical Claims Pro cessing Department Position re quires individuals with heavy me dical background, including strong medical terminology, co ding, and experience in doctor's office or hospital setting CRT typing a must. Previous pro cessing experience highly desir able Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex time work hours, and competi tive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept 5th Floor 100 S W Market Portland, OR 97201 DATA PROCESSING LIBRARY AUTOMATION PROGRAM SPECIALIST $2243 $2727/mo. Responsible for the development, implemen tation and maintenance of an in tegrated library automation sys tern for County libraries, acts as liaison with system vendors and participating libraries; imple ments budget and public rela tions activities Requires increa singly responsible exp. in a com munity or public library, including program and system design and management; and Master's level college training in library science County application forms req., resumes NOT accepted Apply by December 12, 1986, to: W ashington County Personnel 150 N First Ave., Room 8 2 Hillsboro. OR 97214 An E O E MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR III Equal Opportunity Employer RISK RISK MANAGER $34,356 $41,760 annually Ad ministers the risk management program to provide for protection of County assets and personnel against financial loss; develops policies designed to manage risks involved in County activities. Req increasingly responsible exp in risk management and/or insurance related fields; gradua tion from a four year college or university with major coursework in business public administration or related field County applica tion forms req., resumes NOT accepted Apply by January 2 1987, to. Washington County Parsonnal 150 N First Ave., Room B 2 Hillsboro. OR 97214 An E 0 E JOBS TRADE MAGAZINE 288 0020 or 288 0033 $2243 $2727/mo Provides psychological evaluations and counseling to clients with sigmfi cant mental health needs; per forms complete caseload mana gement; prepares reports to the courts; provides drug education to the community, provides con sultation to agencies, schools and private individuals. Must be licensed by the Oregon State Board of Psychological Exami ners as a clinical psychologist, or eligible to be licensed within one year of appointment. Requires re sponsible professional exp pro­ viding individual, group and fami ly therapy to alcohol and drug dependent individuals and or fa mily members; exp in a commu nity mental health agency desire able County application forms req., resumes NOT accepted Apply by December 12, 1986, to: Washington County Personnel 150 N First Ave., Room B 2 Hillsboro. OR 97214 An E O E MANAGER International M arketing Planning and Development The Port of Portland has an im mediate opening for an Interna tional Marketing Manager to de velop. implement and coordinate an international marketing pro gram. The focus of the program will be to expand relationships with existing customers in Japan, Korea and Taiwan and to deve lop new customers in these Paci fic Rim countries This position offers the opportunity for exten sive travel, with a minimum of ,2 weeks overseas each year in Ja pan, Korea and Taiwan Empha sis will be on marketing the Port s specialized transportation facili ties and real estate assets to im porters, manufacturers and other investors This is a key position in the Port's strategy to increase imports and generate land sales/ leases in their prime industrial parks. r X ' • r 1 i •X • 1? •• y . ; S Ci » . *’ * , Qualifications preferred include • Knowledge of foreign business practice desirable • Japanese or Korean language skills desirable • Knowledge of basic real estate finance and basic management techniques desirable • Effective verbal and written communication skills • Ability to take the initiative and be a self starter • Strong analytic and strategic planning skills • Strong interpersonal and team work skills » Work experience or course work equivalent to a degree in business, international busi ness, marketing or related fields ï; • \ » • \ • F • For application materials further information regarding this posi tion, please call (5031 231 5000, extension 700 This position will remain open until sufficient applications are received, but may close anytime after Decern ber 19, 1986 • > ' - 1 An Equal Opportunity Employer » . A* '4. December 3, 1986, JOBS, Page 3 ‘ j c V • * i'A. • • • ‘ • * **f. •a ■4* * •*