Babysitting Clinic A Red Cross babysitting dime will be offered at Meridian Park Hospital. Tualatin, in two sessions on Saturday. December 29. and Sa turday, December X), from 8 30 a m. to 12:30 p.m. in the auxiliary A frame building on the hospital grounds, and include instruction in the responsibilities of a babysitter, the management, handling and feeding of infants and children, and home safety Sponsored by the Meridian Park Hospital Auxiliary, the classes are taught by Red Cross certified volun teer teachers A registration fee of $10 covers the cost of all program materials, certification card and pin. Pre registration is required For more information, call the hospital Community Education office, 692 2656 Free Diabetes Clinic A free diabetes screening clinic is being offered at Meridian Park Hos pital. Tualatin The clinic will be open from 9 9:30 a m. on Monday, December 1. Pre registration is required For additional information, contact the community education office at th e - hospital, 692 2656 Self -Testing Workshop A small group a t fam ily and fria n d * attended the exchanging of w edding v o w * by C larine S m ith and Jim m y J a m e * M c G u ire Sunday at the hom e of the bride The couple w ill honeym oon during M ardi G ra* festivities in Rio D Janeiro. Brazil. Photo by R ichard J Brow n Photo by R ichard J Brown Fall Classic Showcases Amateur Boxers See amateur boxing at its best at the Sixth Annual Amateur Fall Classic. This stellar event, attended by representatives from boxing clubs throughout Oregon and Washington, takes place Saturday. December 6. at 8 PM at the Matt Dishman Community Center, 77 NE Knott. Admission is 92 25 for adults, $1 50 for ages 12 to 17, and 50 cents for childron under 12 Fourteen action packed bouts will showcase boxers ranging in ago from ten to their mid twenties A number of winners in previous years have gone on to become profes sionals. In addition to the matches, earlier in the day there will be a free clinic for people interested in becoming boxing referees, judges, or timers This clinic takes place at the Dish­ man Community Center from 9 AM to 4 PM A Blood Glucose Seif testing Workshop is scheduled Monday, December 1, at Meridian Park Hos pital, Tualatin. Scheduled from 9:30-11:30 a m. in the hospital’s cafeteria confer ence room, the educational work shop is provided through the hos pital's diabetic teaching program, which also includes ongoing classes for clients and their family members and ar. annual program to provide updated information on diabetes re search and treatment. This workshop is free of charge, and includes instruction in how to test blood glucose levels and cor­ rectly interpret results Factors con tributing to changes in blood glu­ cose levels will be discussed, and individual instruction and practice is included Instruction in use of Accuchek meter will also be avail able Pre registration is required. Please call the Hospital Community Education office. 692 2656 BUY AT WHOLESALE __ NO LIMIT! _ X M A S W RAP SALE Great Selection Ribbon • Bows • Cards Savings up to 60% off I 60% off! FOODSTAMPSANp LCOME! Ron H erndon w as honored by O m ega Psi Phi Fraternity. Inc., at the organization's "Founder * Day Program ", held at the Portland Air N ational Guard Air Base, a* Om ega "C itizen of the Year". A bove. Herndon receive* a plaque from Fred Jackson Photo by Richard J Brown Portland Private Industry Council Meeting THE BEE CO 800 N Killlngsworth St. Portland (503) 283-3171 Open Mon-Sat. 9:30 a.m . • 6 p.m. The Portland Private Industry Council's monthly Board of Directors meeting will be held Wednesday, December 3. 1986 at 7:30 a m at the Cascade Building, Suite 400. 520 S W Sixth, Portland, Oregon 150% MORE WINNERS Viewers of Black Community TV Ch 23 Roger's Cable TV is introducing an ex­ citing, new channel line-up January 5, 1987. g * îh - ''- A a S *' *■*, ' 1 -•.Q l The award-winning BLACK COMMUNITY TELEVISION channel will move from Ch 23 to Ch 38 Selected BCTV programming will continue to appear on KBLE 11 region-wide (TCI cable and Rogers) You wanted more from the Oregon Lottery. So here’s more. More instant cash. More chances at winning it. Here’s Holiday Cash, the new instant game with the best odds yet. Now, better than l-in-4. With odds this good, it should be easy for you to uncover one of the more than 3 million winning tickets that pay $1, $2, $5, $10, $25, $50, $500, or even $5000. What’s more, you’ll be winning cash. Cold, hard cash. Because Holiday Cash is the first game that puts all the prize money — all $6 million dollars — under the scratch spots. So more people can win. So you can win. Want to be a winner? Play Holiday Cash. Because now more than ever, you really could be the one to win. OREGON G»> Roger's Cable TV ' 4 I0TIERY * ■■■ « •