Capitol Boxing Presents Fight Night at Starry Night Wo have one of the boot fights to bo in the Northwest in some time We have Bull Chamboilain from Jamaica who has had fifteen fights sporting a record of 12 wins. 2 draws and 1 loos In his last fight he fought popular trial horse Fred Elam to draw in California So you see. the Bull will be try mg to overthrow Carter in a ten round fight to be held dt the Starry Night Club in Portland. December 11, which will start at 8 00 p m Because the Bull did most of his fighting in Jamaica and it makes his record hard to check. Thad Spencer went up to Seattle to watch the Bull spar Thad is confident in the fight He said we can let the Bull bo* with the commissioner who has been working with Carter, and then he can see that we have a perfect fight Bull and his manager both agreed to box Lee Jenkins in front of the commission and the media to prove to them that he is a young and up coming fighter, with strength and desire to become the W BA Intercom tinental Middle Weight Champion of the world Remember December 11. at The Starry Night Club in Portland. 8 N W 6th there will be five great fights the mam event with Charles Machine Gun" Carter and Bull Chamberlain Indiana Pacer M a c y gets sm othered by Blazers C ald w ell Jones and Steve Johnson during form er Blazer coach Jack Ram sey's return to P ortland The Blazers, w ith Jones' 10 rebounds, eight points and four blocked shots, all in 28 m inutes of play, beat the Pacers 108 96 in Sunday night's gam e Photo by R ichard J B row n 1106N.E. Broadway i * 'U » »rom Uoyd C ení» I Tel. 282 1664 S to r e H o u r s 10 0 0 a m . til 6 0 0 p m M o n d a y th r u S a t u r d a Toy ft Joy Accepting Requests The Portland Fire Bureau Toy fct Joymakers are now accepting requests for toys Anyone wishing to make such a request should call them before December 19th to avoid any possible confusion. Or ders placed after December 19th may not gel filled The phone no. for placing requests is 238 ,115 Y O U C A N STILLGOBBLC UP FANTASTIC SAVING S A N D VALUC D U R IN G O U R ... SAFEWAY Public M eeting The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Commis sioners of the Housing Authority of Portland will be at 6:00 p.m ., No vember 26, 1986, Hollywood East Board Room. 4400 N E Broadway, Portland. Oregon 97213 PO5T- HOLIPAY ORATION! Infant Care Class Prepare Childbirth Association is offering another in its series of pop ular infant care classes This one night seminar is designed to help parents survive the postpartum per iod. Topics to be covered include: care and behavior of the newborn, choosing a pediatrician, buying practical baby clothes, and equip ping the nursery on a budget The next infant care seminar is scheduled for Thursday evening, December 4th from 7:00 to 9:00 p m. It will be held at Emanuel Hospital. 2801 N Gantenbein in Room 1077. Glenda Peterson, PCA instructor and former public health nurse will lead this informal session. Cost is $5 00 per family and pre registration is required. Call PCA at 245 3196 by December 1st to sign up Be ready to bring your "Yuppy puppy'' home from the hospital. ^ Z /r i Sweet, Juicy Tangerines PSU "C om m unity Organizing" Courses Offered Two courses will be offered win ter term through the Division of Continuing Education at Portland State University. Community Organizing I, W S 199 Soc 199, explores organizing methods developed by neighbor hood pro|ects in the welfare rights, civil rights, peace and student, and women's movements The history, theory, and techniques of commu nity organizing will be studied, with this knowledge to be applied to the course by conducting a group project or by continuing a personal project Students have worked with a variety of organizations, including OSPIRG, the Women's Union. PSU CASA (Central America Study and Action), Northwest Pilot Project, International Students Assoc. This course is offered Tues evenings from 6 40 9 20 PM Community Organizing II. W S 199/Soc 199. reviews some of the basic concepts presented in C O I, and focuses on Community Deve lopment and Problem Solving Some of the topics to be explored include group problem solving, fundraising techniques, empower ment of individuals and groups, dealing with burnout, and specific interests of constituent groups, such as Asian Americas. Blacks. Latinos, Lesbians and Gays, W o men, and Physically Challenged In­ dividuals. Students may continue a project begun earlier, in C.O. I or as part of their own political work, or they may work on a new one This course is offered Thurs. evenings from 6:40 9 20 PM Both classes are 3 credits each and cost $133 each Students do not have to be enrolled at Portland State to take the classes For in­ formation, call the instructor, Nata sha Beck, at 229 3516 or 233-7324; to register, contact the Division of Continuing Education, 1633 SE Park Ave , 229 4803 ;• 2 *1 ? ' • • • ?,< Save Up To 20* Lb., No Limit! c Fancy Coachella Valley! Imperial 1-Lb. Margarine Save Up To 45* Ea., No Limit! Premium Golden Quarters Regular Ground Beef VIDAL Approximately 5-Pound Chub. (Smaller Pkgs., $1.09 Pound) ftSSfX* FACIAL QUALITY BATH TISSUE Save Up To 70* Ea., No Limit! Save Up To 49* Lb., No Limit! 2-Ply, Print on White! VIDAL .SASSOON, Top Sirloin Steak Safeway Quality, 1/4-ln. Super Trim Beef • • • • • I • » t2-Oz. Shampoo O.S.F. 12-Oz. Finishing Rinse O.S.F. 4-Oz Re-Moisturizing Cream O.S.F. 4-Oz. Moist-Rich Protein Replenisher 4-Oz. Full Body Protein Bodifier $939 £■ Ea. SAFEWAY 4 a .A Vidal Sassoon Hair Products Save Up To $1.40 Ea., No Limit! Prices effective 11/26 thru 12/2/86 at Safeways in Lloyd Center, St. Johns, 6400 N. Interstate or 5920 N.E. Union. Sales limited to retail quantities. No sales to dealers. Be sure to look in your THIS WEEK Magazine for Safeway's Shopping Guide for more savings and value! < / • • >’ J - - , * * * « k z Coronet, 8-Roll Bath Tissue * > : •< / % > • «